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Everything posted by kikloo

  1. kikloo

    Split Invoice

    already replied to that in the feature request section. but as you know that blesta combines services in an invoice either it should not do that and generate invoice for each service or it should not generate invoice at all and move services to different section called expiring or expired and user or admin should be able to select services and generate invoice.
  2. yes another basic feature where price is negotiated with customer and then finalised. it is really helpful. this exists in whmcs but not blesta. blesta is very slow in terms of development or adding features. it needs speeding up drastically.
  3. yes it needs html. no need to view pdf etc. pdf should only for downloading or sending via email.
  4. it should be there by default like in whmcs.
  5. hi, blesta created an invoice for a client in which it had 3 services that were due for renewal. 2 of them were suspended by blesta and one that client wanted to renew was not. therefore client sent me payment and asked me t renew. I had to record the payment for a specific service in the invoice in question but I was not able to do so because other 2 services were also there. if I were able to split the invoice then I would have split it and record the payment for that particular service but now I had to delete other 2 services and then I recorded the payment for the service that needed renewing. and when I deleted the services from invoice and modified the invoice blesta unsuspended the service that was NOT to be renewed. then I manually suspended the service again. if I have to do everything manually as another user says above then I rather maintain a excel file and send personalised emails to my clients etc.
  6. The ticket templates are too basic and does'nt even includes logo. Please make them pretty by default
  7. Hi, Please quickly add Split Invoice feature to Blesta, why its combining when it cannot split, please add this feature ASAP. Thanks.
  8. kikloo

    Split Invoice

    Hi, Thats disappointing. If blesta cannot split invoices then it should not combine either. Seems Blesta is developing very slowly. Thanks for the tip though.
  9. kikloo

    Split Invoice

    hi, how to split invoice ? thanks.
  10. hi, please check the attached pics. date is fine i think. Thanks.
  11. Hi, 1. There is only 1 cron job running every 5 mins. 2. There was no other invoice open at all. Only 1 falsely generated invoice for the service that got suspended. Its weird but true. You guys must investigate this. Thanks.
  12. Hi, There is something wrong with Blesta, it is suspending services which are due next year i.e 2016 and when I check the services in question, everything in record is fine with them i.e : Date Created: Jul 24, 2014 Date Renews: Jul 24, 2016 Date Suspended: Aug 02, 2015 Why blesta is creating invoices for services that is going to renew in 2016 and why then it is suspending them ? I am already tired of voiding the invoices again and again and my clients have also started writing me frustating emails about getting invoices which I keep on cancelling and blesta keeps on re-generating them for no reason. I also checked service records in phpMyAdmin and all seems fine but due to some unknown reason blesta keeps on generating invoices and keeps on suspending services...below is the record for a service that has been suspended by blesta: status: suspended date_added: 2014-07-24 00:00:00 date_renews: 2016-07-24 00:00:00 date_last_renewed: 2015-07-24 00:00:00 date_suspended: 2015-08-02 17:00:20 date_canceled: NULL When it clearly shows that it was created on 24-07-2014 and last renewed on 24-07-15 and next renewal is on 24-07-16 then why it is generating false invoices and suspending the services ?? I really fail to understand and I don't know what to do anymore with this > Help me please to sort this out. Thanks.
  13. Hi, I sorted the order id's out manually as Blesta really didn't pick any of the ID's at all. Anyways, need some more questions answering: 1. How do I sync the expiry date with the registrar so Blesta does not send out wrong invoices ? 2. Do I need to check the box in packages which says: "Cancel at the end of term" or something like that in order to terminate / expire the domain or it means something else ? 3. I created 2 groups "Shared Hosting" and "Reseller Hosting" but only shared hosting packages are coming up in order page and not reseller packages ...why ? Thanks.
  14. Hi, I reviewed all the services that were pending reviews but I relisaed that Blesta has not imported the order-id number of the domains of most of them how to do that ? Its important because blesta has sent invoice to clients who's domains are already active and renewed and they are calling me as to why they are getting an invoice again ? How to quickly apply order-id for all the domains that don't have them ??? Thanks.
  15. Hi, Yesterday @licensecart helped me a lot in installing and configuring the blesta on my server. He went to extra mile and did all the setup and configure things quickly for me and also taught me how to review pending domains etc. I highly appreciate his help. He is an asset to blesta. Now I got it running, just need something clearning: 1. I added the cron and it automatically applied credits to invoice, I don't want that to happen. (a) how do i undo that ? ( how do i stop that from happening in future ? 2. Does cron syncs domain expiry date of the domains from the registrar like whmcs does ? 3. Why cron has to run every 5 mins ? Thanks.
  16. Guys, the importer imports -1.00 price plans out for domains WHMCS needs -1.00 to disable price tiers but Blesta imports them over and they come as a option. Need to prevent that
  17. Hi, I uploaded in ASCII mode and set config folder and files in it to 777 but to no avail. Same error coming again. I am installing TeamViewer now. Thanks.
  18. Hi, I tried that but still same error is coming. What do I do ? I am now manually uploading files via FTP in Ascii mode and then I will try again. Thanks.
  19. folder permissions also needs changing to 777???
  20. hi, 500 error has already resolved. now blest installer is not able to write to blesta configuration file. though it renames or to blesta.php but it says that its not writeable. I tried to chmod it 777 but to no avail. how to fix the blesta configuration file permission issue.? thanks.
  21. hi, I am doing it all on my live server dunno how Team viewer will help. basically I uploaded the zip file on the server and extracted the files from cpanel file manager into a folder. installation script timeout issue is resolved but only this file blesta.php is remaining. just need to sort this out and I think rest is all fine. help please. thanks.
  22. hi, I am doing it all on my live server dunno how Team viewer will help. basically I uploaded the zip file on the server and extracted the files from cpanel file manager into a folder. installation script timeout issue is resolved but only this file blesta.php is remaining. just need to sort this out and I think rest is all fine. help please. thanks.
  23. Hi, Thanks for the tips, no I am not stuck at sql level. It fails at that level. I just updated the timeout thing from 12 to 300 and i'll tried to install blesta again and didn't encounter 500 error but a new error is coming up: --- Ensure that the file (/home/avissoft/public_html/client/config/blesta-new.php) is writable. --- I changed blesta.php to blesta-new.php and changed permissions to 777 also but same error came again. How to fix ? Thanks.
  24. Hi, I checked the logs and it says: --- [Fri Jul 17 06:21:57 2015] [error] [client] Script timed out before returning headers: index.php, referer: http://avissoft.com/client/index.php/install/process/ --- What does it means ??? Thanks.
  25. Hi, Tried again today but with no luck. Same error happening. Disabled mod_security and cagefs also but to no avail. Where to check the server logs ?? As error_log file is not getting created where I am installing blesta. I upgraded to WHMCS v6 and also patched it to latest and its basic function to check domains have stopped working. I so so want to port to blesta. Help me please. Thanks.
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