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Everything posted by kikloo

  1. The changes listed look more bug fixes etc. I barely see any improvement in the accessibility. As said packages still don't show according to the package groups, they just drop in a big list which is not friendly at all. I have 3 package groups: domains, hosting, addons and when I view packages, I should see the package group then its packages, so it should be like: Domain x x x Hosting z z z Addons y y y But its coming like: z x y z x y z y x So things like these needs improvements. Thanks.
  2. Hi, I want to change the domain registrar module from logicboxes to internetbs, how do I do that ?? So existing domains that are registered via logicboxes keep on renewing via logicboxes and new domain regs. etc should be done via internetbs. How do I achieve this ?? Thanks.
  3. Hi, What really has changed in v4, I just upgraded and I don't see any change at all except the flat theme. Even the package list is not shown according to package category, so what has changed ?? Order system is same, client account looks same, just steps have increased to access something. Earlier upon clicking the billing link in admin, it used to show summary, now you first click billing then summary then it shows the same (An extra click) why ? Same goes for the dashboard. I kept on asking that in Services, username / password of the service either should be shown in the Information tab (when clicking Manage) or there should be another way. Every client calls me and asks me where is the username and password. I have to tell them all that they have to single left click on the service in order to reveal the username / password. This has not changed. Why ?? I just see a very sad update after a very very long time. You could have done better!!!! Just css changes ? Why should i care if you chose minphp or cake or something ?? Whats the benefit in that for me ?? Really disappointed.
  4. 2 Questions: 1. Invoice will generate for renewal ? 2. If renewed then it will not cancel ? Thanks.
  5. Hi, What does Cancel at end of term in packages mean ?? Thanks.
  6. Hi, Yes its enabled. Thanks.
  7. HI, Yes I had updated. That command was not working, so I did the following one and its working but html is coming in 1 line with tags! Command: --- GET http://www.avissoft.com/billing/cron/?cron_key=somekey --- And output is coming like this: --- Attempting to run all tasks for Avis Software.<br />Attempting to apply credits to open invoices.<br />There are no invoices to which credits may be applied.<br />The apply credits task has completed.<br />Attempting to deliver invoices scheduled for delivery.<br />No invoices are scheduled to be delivered.<br />The deliver invoices task has completed.<br />Attempting to provision paid pending services.<br />The paid pending services task has completed.<br />Attempting to unsuspend paid suspended services.<br />The unsuspend services task has completed.<br />Attempting to process service changes.<br />The process service changes task has completed.<br />Attempting to process renewing services.<br />The process renewing services task has completed.<br />Attempting plugin cron for order accept_paid_orders.<br />Finished plugin cron for order accept_paid_orders.<br />All tasks have been completed.<br />Attempting to run all system tasks.<br />All system tasks have been completed.<br /> --- Tags are not coming as html. They are coming as text!
  8. Hi, I was using earlier /usr/bin thing but I found out that host has disabled argv thing. So I then changed to cli and now its working. But the email I get from cron does'nt supports HTML tags and all the cron output comes in a single line.
  9. Sorry I don't understand what you mean, please clarify!
  10. Hi, I just now moved blesta to another server, i changed the db config and re-issued licesne etc and got into admin fine. But after setting up the cron I am getting cron email which says: --- On noes! Undefined variable: argv on line <strong>24</strong> in <strong>/home/avissplc/public_html/billing/index.php --- How to fix ?? Thanks.
  11. Hi, Does this plugin also needs PECL extension to fetch mail from mailbox ??? Thanks.
  12. kikloo

    Blesta Log Issue

    Hi, Weird blesta updated the next due date of the service but did'nt renew. I believe it was due blesta not able to connect to the service provider. But blesta did'nt raise any errors about it either. In the end I had to renew manually. Thanks.
  13. Hi, I am referring to cpanel module only. Thanks.
  14. kikloo

    What Is Blesta ?

    Hi, Great. This give me some great ideas. I just hope that I can find some time to play with it. Thanks.
  15. Hi, What is blesta if I remove all modules, plugins etc ? What it is ?? Can I use the core to create anytype of system I like by creating own modules / plugins ??? Thanks.
  16. Hi, Am I correct that in blesta I cannot use 1 package for mutiple servers I have created. I mean if i have 1 GB package for clients to purchase and have 3 servers, then blesta will create hosting account on server which is selected in the package in blesta. It will not auto create on 1st then on 2nd then on 3rd. Correct ?! Thanks.
  17. kikloo

    How To Redirect ?

    Hi, yes I have disabled it, but if I uninstall it then instead of taking it to login how to take to order page ?? Thanks.
  18. Yes, I did that but and it sort of works but layout is all screwed up. Both are not coming properly, i.e mine or blesta. Both are conflicting.
  19. kikloo

    How To Redirect ?

    Hi, My blesta is installed in /billing folder. I don't want to use Portal plugin, when I goto /billing it redirects me to: /billing/404 What do I do so it redirects to : /billing/order/ ??? Thanks.
  20. Hi, I tried this guide and its not working with my template. How do I create my own theme ?? Thanks.
  21. kikloo

    Blesta Log Issue

    I don't think its happening then coz I have recieved cron email 2-3 times already and its does'nt seems to be happening. Thats why i asked. How long should i wait before doing it manually ?
  22. kikloo

    Blesta Log Issue

    Hi, I went into the database directly and seems to me that they were trying to add a bogus entry for privacy protection which blesta was trying to execute but was not able to. I cancelled the entry directly from the database. Now it seems fine. Once ques: A client paid for a domain renewal. But somehow blesta (due to my mistake) was not able to connect to registrar. Will blesta keep on trying or i have to renew manually ??? Thanks.
  23. Cron email after every 5 mins. is gonna make you sick for sure! Blesta should prepare a summary instead and send it to admin once a day or something like that.
  24. kikloo

    Blesta Log Issue

    Hi, I just checked my Module Log in blesta and I see that every 3-4 mins. there's something happening re LogicBoxes. There are several boxes with Input / Output and mostly on output boxes its saying "Error". This is happening every 3-4 mins. or so. How do I check as to what Blesta is trying to do and what is causing the error and how do I make blesta stop doing it any more if its not possible to achieve ?? Any help will be appreciated. Here's a entry (I have changed name etc details for security) === Input https://httpapi.com/api/customers/search.json a:5:{s:8:"username";s:24:"someuser@somemail.com";s:13:"no-of-records";i:10;s:7:"page-no";i:1;s:11:"auth-userid";s:5:"12345";s:7:"api-key";s:32:"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";} Mar 29, 2016 4:10:04 PM Success Output https://httpapi.com/api/customers/search.json Mar 29, 2016 4:10:04 PM Error Input https://httpapi.com/api/customers/signup.json a:16:{s:4:"name";s:13:"Lorem Ipsum";s:7:"company";s:14:"Not Applicable";s:5:"email";s:24:"someuser@somemail.com";s:14:"address-line-1";s:12:"Durga Colony";s:14:"address-line-2";s:11:"Rajban Road";s:4:"city";s:12:"Paonta Sahib";s:5:"state";s:3:"Him";s:7:"zipcode";s:6:"173025";s:7:"country";s:2:"IN";s:8:"phone-cc";s:2:"91";s:5:"phone";s:7:"1111111";s:8:"username";s:24:"someuser@somemail.com";s:6:"passwd";s:15:"cec54c8a87a925c";s:9:"lang-pref";s:2:"en";s:11:"auth-userid";s:5:"12345";s:7:"api-key";s:32:"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";} Mar 29, 2016 4:10:04 PM Success Output https://httpapi.com/api/customers/signup.json Mar 29, 2016 4:10:04 PM Error Input https://httpapi.com/api/contacts/add.json a:15:{s:4:"name";s:13:"Lorem Ipsum";s:7:"company";s:14:"Not Applicable";s:5:"email";s:24:"someuser@somemail.com";s:14:"address-line-1";s:12:"Durga Colony";s:14:"address-line-2";s:11:"Rajban Road";s:4:"city";s:12:"Paonta Sahib";s:5:"state";s:3:"Him";s:7:"zipcode";s:6:"173025";s:7:"country";s:2:"IN";s:8:"phone-cc";s:2:"91";s:5:"phone";s:7:"1111111";s:4:"type";s:7:"Contact";s:11:"customer-id";N;s:11:"auth-userid";s:5:"12345";s:7:"api-key";s:32:"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";} Mar 29, 2016 4:10:04 PM Success Output https://httpapi.com/api/contacts/add.json Mar 29, 2016 4:10:04 PM Error Input https://httpapi.com/api/contacts/add.json a:15:{s:4:"name";s:13:"Lorem Ipsum";s:7:"company";s:14:"Not Applicable";s:5:"email";s:24:"someuser@somemail.com";s:14:"address-line-1";s:12:"Durga Colony";s:14:"address-line-2";s:11:"Rajban Road";s:4:"city";s:12:"Paonta Sahib";s:5:"state";s:3:"Him";s:7:"zipcode";s:6:"173025";s:7:"country";s:2:"IN";s:8:"phone-cc";s:2:"91";s:5:"phone";s:7:"1111111";s:4:"type";s:7:"Contact";s:11:"customer-id";N;s:11:"auth-userid";s:5:"12345";s:7:"api-key";s:32:"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";} Mar 29, 2016 4:10:04 PM Success Output https://httpapi.com/api/contacts/add.json Mar 29, 2016 4:10:04 PM Error Input https://httpapi.com/api/contacts/add.json a:15:{s:4:"name";s:13:"Lorem Ipsum";s:7:"company";s:14:"Not Applicable";s:5:"email";s:24:"someuser@somemail.com";s:14:"address-line-1";s:12:"Durga Colony";s:14:"address-line-2";s:11:"Rajban Road";s:4:"city";s:12:"Paonta Sahib";s:5:"state";s:3:"Him";s:7:"zipcode";s:6:"173025";s:7:"country";s:2:"IN";s:8:"phone-cc";s:2:"91";s:5:"phone";s:7:"1111111";s:4:"type";s:7:"Contact";s:11:"customer-id";N;s:11:"auth-userid";s:5:"12345";s:7:"api-key";s:32:"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";} Mar 29, 2016 4:10:05 PM Success Output https://httpapi.com/api/contacts/add.json Mar 29, 2016 4:10:05 PM Error Input https://httpapi.com/api/contacts/add.json a:15:{s:4:"name";s:13:"Lorem Ipsum";s:7:"company";s:14:"Not Applicable";s:5:"email";s:24:"someuser@somemail.com";s:14:"address-line-1";s:12:"Durga Colony";s:14:"address-line-2";s:11:"Rajban Road";s:4:"city";s:12:"Paonta Sahib";s:5:"state";s:3:"Him";s:7:"zipcode";s:6:"173025";s:7:"country";s:2:"IN";s:8:"phone-cc";s:2:"91";s:5:"phone";s:7:"1111111";s:4:"type";s:7:"Contact";s:11:"customer-id";N;s:11:"auth-userid";s:5:"12345";s:7:"api-key";s:32:"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";} Mar 29, 2016 4:10:05 PM Success Output https://httpapi.com/api/contacts/add.json Mar 29, 2016 4:10:05 PM Error Input https://httpapi.com/api/domains/register.json a:12:{s:11:"domain-name";s:0:"";s:5:"years";s:1:"1";s:11:"customer-id";N;s:14:"reg-contact-id";N;s:16:"admin-contact-id";N;s:15:"tech-contact-id";N;s:18:"billing-contact-id";N;s:14:"invoice-option";s:9:"NoInvoice";s:15:"protect-privacy";s:5:"false";s:2:"ns";a:0:{}s:11:"auth-userid";s:5:"12345";s:7:"api-key";s:32:"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";} Mar 29, 2016 4:10:05 PM Success Output https://httpapi.com/api/domains/register.json Mar 29, 2016 4:10:05 PM Error === Thanks.
  25. Hi, Is this guide latest and updated ? I have a very simple template with 1 css and 4 js files. I would like to get blesta integrated with my template. Can I go with this ??? Thanks.
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