I am leaving blesta as I feel that development is very slow and going in some other direction.
There are no modules coming which is the essence of a billing system. Instead of going for minphp and other stuff, please concentrate on creating modules.
I use CCavenue and that is not working any more in blesta due to some mcrypt thing, tried getting help to fix that but to no avail.
Then there's no official module for internetbs, whmcs, clientexec both have and just works out of the box but blesta is just not doing that.
Just concentrate on creating modules, the more the better for bletsa not me.
Everyone has different needs and they need modules for that to fulfil, in that blesta simply falls short.
The configuration process is very tedious, the front-end is not ready to use, several things have to be done in order to just get the bare minimum things running.
It seems blesta has become jackass of all and master of none.