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Everything posted by astroroxy

  1. I would really like to delete some clients. These are bogus accounts that have names like adkufhaiduh and ffffffsdofiheoif. These are fake accounts, and I would like to be able to delete them. It drives me mad when I am going through my clients and there are these clients, it really bugs my OCD. I know we should not delete clients with invoices paid, etc, but I think that is up to us. So make it some way that is is kinda hidden in the clients page, but still an option. I really want to do some spring cleaning.
  2. So how is every thing so far?
  3. http://shellshockvuln.com from my colo provider.
  4. Is it safe to delete a client via the database if you delete their invoices and service? My situation is that I have an offline payment option and I do not always authorize people from using it. I want to delete clients that have ordered the service but I did not authorize it.
  5. astroroxy

    Release 3.3.0

    Just playing with you. I always forget you are from the UK.
  6. astroroxy

    Release 3.3.0

    Now if mike would just update his site =P
  7. Did you get the new info and try it?
  8. Ok, so I deleted and recreated your account and recreated your order. It seems to be all fixed. Check your email. Let me know if it is all fixed, please check your email.
  9. Huh, weird. Did you make 2 accounts? There seems to be a duplication. Sorry for the wait/issue. I am looking into it right now. You should have received an email.
  10. Hmm ok, that makes sense now. I think that option should be renamed to "Send package welcome email" or similar. It makes it seem like they will get an email saying "Your order has been recieved, blablablabla, will be activated when payment is recieved, blablabla."
  11. Then I guess my improvement would be, send module email when service is manually created.
  12. But what if it never sends it in the first place?
  13. There seems to be no way to resend activation emails for the modules. Also when you create a service it does not send the activation email either.
  14. Now its activated. Login to get your info.
  15. +1 for stripe
  16. Perfect, I went to go change the license for solusvm to get more vms per server and their site is down . As soon as I can do that I can activate it. Sorry about the wait, crazy week, moving to a new datacenter.
  17. Still busy, will get to it soon
  18. Will get to it shortly. Sorry about the wait, super busy lately.
  19. I have to disagree on some of your points on OpenVZ. Also sharing the kernel is the main issue. No windows, etc. I do feel that KVM/Xen provides better performance/security/reliability for the Client.
  20. I agree, its closer to Multi-User then Virtualization.
  21. What do you guys think is best OpenVZ or KVM
  22. Hmm interesting. I do the opposite . I run almost everything on Virtual Private Servers. It offers things like snapshots, easy backups, share one powerful host, etc. I would agree though that most VPS hosting company really give you shitty performance(cough ovh cough), and because of that most people think that VPS systems are bad.
  23. I agree, it pisses me off when a company says includes one core. I am like wtf does that mean? Take dreamhost for example http://www.dreamhost.com/hosting/vps/ I can't even tell how many cores I get, let alone what speed.
  24. I agree, now these days 1GB is a minimum. 10GB might be fine for a minimal linux install. I personally would prefer at least 50GB. Hmm that brings up a good point. What do you think about HDD vs SDD?
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