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Everything posted by Greg-Mega

  1. Version 3.2 <p> <span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:verdana,geneva,sans-serif;">Hi {contact.first_name},<br /> <br /> An invoice has been created for your account and is attached to this email in PDF format.<br /> {% for invoice in invoices %}<br /> Invoice #:<strong> {invoice.id_code}</strong></span></span><br /> <span style="font-family: verdana, geneva, sans-serif;">{% endfor %}</span></p> <p> <span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family: verdana, geneva, sans-serif;"><a href="https://{invoice.payment_url}">Pay now</a> (log in not required)</span></span></p> <p> <span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family: verdana, geneva, sans-serif;">If you have any questions about your invoice, please let us know!</span></span></p> Apologies for the horrible markup. Output is a link to "https://" and no actual URL. The invoice or invoice.payment_url isn't mentioned in the "Available Tags" section so initially i assumed it wasn't possible.
  2. I was stuck at work last Sunday restoring a server from a backup and had a couple hours to kill so I pieced this together for PIN Payments (http://pin.net.au/). For those that don't know it's almost identical to Stripe but has been available in Australia for a couple of years where Stripe hasn't been (in Beta now to a small group of users). Currently supports Charge and Refund, I will look at token based charges eventually. Supports all currencies PIN supports (AUD, USD, NZD, SGD, EUR and GBP) Supports cards PIN supports (MC and Visa, picks up on others and throws appropriate error) Not really anything to show in the way of screenshots really: A little bit more refinement around failed transactions needs to be done so the messages are more informative but it does work. Download: pin_payments V1.0.0.zip
  3. If there was one in there initially I must have removed it because I didn't have a payment gateway written at that point. Not working I'm afraid. If I add a URL and then use {invoice.payment_url} as the address, I end up with http:// in the email body and that is all. If i add {invoice.payment_url} on a new line on its own without link nothing is shown. Have looked at the HTML source to make sure it wasn't being broken up by markup but it looked OK: <p> <span style="font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px;"> {invoice.payment_url} </span> </p> Are there any other dependencies?
  4. I might be using Blesta a little differently to others but I thought it was strange the {payment_url} placeholder wasn't available as an option in the Invoice Delivery (Unpaid) template. I can understand it not being available in the Invoice Delivery (Paid) template.
  5. I haven't used the Paypal gateway and I've only just had a quick glance at the code. But you could with the help of the developer documentation do this quite easily, if you open up: /components/gateways/nonmerchant/paypal_payments_standard/paypal_payments_standard.php if ($amount < 1 && $this->currency = "AUD") || ($amount < 1.20 && $this->currency = "USD") { $this->Input->setErrors($this->getCommonError("unsupported")); } You could probably use a more descriptive error though in this case, but again it's all in the docs. Completely untested, but the above should bring an abrupt end to payments for amounts under $1.00 AUD or $1.20 USD References: http://docs.blesta.com/display/dev/Non-merchant+Gateways
  6. Which gateway are you using? It would be extremely easy to modify the gateway plugin to refuse to process payment under a certain amount. I had to write this into a merchant plugin i wrote on the weekend as that gateway had a minimum $1.00 AUD transaction total. If you let me know which one I'll have a look at it for you. I'd probably modify your invoice too so it perhaps watermarked with "payment not required at this time" or something too.
  7. Thanks Paul I've been considering the 30 day / monthly billing cycle dilemma. I have very few monthly services but I think I've decided to go to 21 days instead of 30 and it'll achieve what I'm after.
  8. Hi All, Finally upgraded to 3.2 after being stuck sort of on V2 for ages this month and liking some of its new features. I'm looking to make a few changes come the EOFY, one of which is changing my invoicing cycle so instead of invoices being sent 14 days before a service is due I'd like to change it to 30 days. Now I think with V2 from memory if you did this it wasn't smart enough to realise this had been done and would not invoice for services in the gap you create between 14 and 30 days. Does Blesta 3.2 know how to deal with this?
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