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  1. Mike

    Webserver Setup

    I'm going to setup a server which I'm using Webuzo to manage (amazing control panel!), and was wondering what you guys would suggest doing for the web server side of things. Currently I have Apache, PHP 5.4, Percona. I'm thinking whether I should proxy Nginx in the mix or add any specific caching modules like APC, MemCached, Varnish etc. What do you use or what would you recommend? Thanks in advance!
  2. Mike


    I'm actually getting custom pricing setup from what I got at GoGetSSL, since their Platinum Pricing is considerably higher than GoGetSSL. The only reason I'm moving to TheSSLStore is because they provide marketing assistance and 24/7 true support whereas GGSSL don't provide any of that and support is slow. Over at GGSSL I was a Platinum Partner. If I added all of the domain extensions as products, what would happen when this is changed in 3.3.x?
  3. Mike


    No no, I remember. As I mentioned, it's insecure and you'd think partnering with cPanel it would have improved dramatically but didn't. What I'm getting at is if WHMCS was as secure as Blesta, WHMCS would win hands down without a doubt. Right now WHMCS wins on features but Blesta wins on Security.
  4. Mike


    Blesta and WHMCS are equally good systems, of course corners can be cut, hence why WHMCS is buggy and insecure at times, however, WHMCS could be much better if it followed proper security policies which they don't, however, it's very rare you hear of an exploit in WHMCS with all of it's insecurities.
  5. Mike


    The configuration options had the correct term ranges if I remember correctly. The current SSL order form seems to be for generating a CSR, which isn't needed. It would also be very trouble for customers ordering, having to enter that information twice, once for SSL and second for their account. When is 3.3.x likely to be released? Do you know when TheSSLStore is likely to be updated? (moved to them over GGSSL as TheSSLStore provides a lot more assistance with marketing etc than that of GGSSL, the support is also a lot quicker. The main reason why I'm bouncing between WHMCS and Blesta is mainly because if something I need is missing in Blesta, I don't have any development skills past basic HTML/CSS so it would cost me a fortune to improve Blesta as needed. It has all the basic needs but other bits that differ between the two platforms is sometimes too much and would require development, although some features are in the pipeline to be released, sometimes a few months is too far away when the easier option is to switch over to a system that has the functionality already.
  6. Mike


    It's not so much because it's not the same, that is to be expected. I love Blesta's flexibility and security but I tried to add a configurable option for SSL's the other day, I assigned it all correctly as it should be but when I go to the product, the option wasn't shown. I tried doing it with a lot of different products (SSL wise) and it just wouldn't work. This was with GoGetSSL, which I've now decided to change over to TheSSLStore, which I see was built by a 3rd party or sponsored by them but now their site is down and I have a feeling the plugin could be outdated with no sight with it improving, the order form looks exactly the same from GGSSL to TheSSLStore. Another thing that is quite annoying is that there are NO email templates provided for anything except system calls, I get that Blesta is a billing/support system but this is one major time-saver with WHMCS that email templates are provided from the get go without having to manually write them all for each product, i.e. a lot of copy/pasting required. It's just strange lol, please don't take offense. If you are going to release a feature, make sure the docs are complete for it before releasing it. You wouldn't see Apple or Microsoft release a new version of their OS without documentation to back it up, is all.
  7. Mike


    Can you explain some of those new features? At the moment I'm bouncing back and forth between WHMCS and Blesta, reasoning for that is WHMCS is so much easier to use than Blesta but that may be due to experience. The ordering system with Blesta is also quite strange but I guess it's just down to experience than anything else.
  8. Mike


    That isn't all it should be though. People shouldn't have to revert to a community or support every time they are stuck with something, that is what documentation is for.
  9. Mike


    Can't use a system without documentation.
  10. Mike


    When is the documentation for Blesta going to be finished or improved? The documentation right now seems to be missing a lot of info and generally isn't that helpful. For instance the "Selling Domains" page is half done.
  11. Mike

    Phone Number Issue

    This is in your billing area, sorry should have been more specific.
  12. Mike

    Phone Number Issue

    Hey, I found this on your own install of Blesta. I've added my home and mobile but when I hit save, their are 2 "Home" numbers set and 1 mobile. When I edit to remove one and hit save, it's still there. I tried removing it multiple times but it didn't remove. I'm using Windows 8.1 64bit with Firefox beta 31. Not sure if this has been brought to your attention yet or not. Thanks, Mike
  13. Hey all, I'm not sure if this is the correct forum to ask in and if not, feel free to move it. I'm looking for someone that could revert the "Standard" order form into being responsive. I know there are already 2 responsive themes but they aren't to my liking. I can pay towards this being done but budget is tight. Thanks in advance!
  14. Mike

    Secure Backup Question

  15. This would be a beneficial feature for those of us who lock SSH to key-based authentication only.
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