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Joseph H

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Everything posted by Joseph H

  1. We have some agents whom we would only want to have access to only specific group of Clients and be able to manage their Invoices, Upgrades and Downgrades. Unlike the way it is now that each staff can have access to every client account.
  2. Go to settings > System > Basic setup > Here make sure you have specified the correct path to your blesta installation.
  3. Just an Addition, I think It would be a nice addition If It was possible to choose whether to include or exclude Inactivated client accounts in search results.
  4. That is set to 7 days after due while the invoice is set to be created 10 days before renewal date. Sadly I we can't introduce prorate for this brand, people have already gotten used to the usual billing circle. Thanks for the info, hoping this will be solved soon.
  5. Hi, the service was automatically created after payment recording, No modifications were made to the invoice nor the service renewal date. As for the cron we never had it disabled. I have noticed 2 services which had the same issue (suspended before renewal date) and on checking all the invoices due date was same as the invoice creation date.
  6. Hi... I just noticed that services gets suspended 5 days before their actual renewal date. After checking the invoices I did notice that the date of invoice creation was the same as the due date instead of the due date being the date of service creation. Is anyone experiencing this issue? or any ideas? This Is the same service bellow Thanks
  7. I could refer you to a Good dev who has done some modules for us. If you are interested I could forward you his email.
  8. Joseph H

    Backup Questions

    From what I know the restore process has to be manual, you will have to go download and import the database of the date you need directly via phpMyadmin, and so far there no way to limit the number of backup copies (none I'm aware of).
  9. I just found out I'm not alone.... . Using a separate app for emailing clients just doesn't feel right for me. LOL.... ..... Hope that wont be very long
  10. Welcome to the family mate
  11. Him I did notice that the logicboxes module does not suspend domains at logicboxes account, Also I noticed that the phone number entered In the billing system is fetched and recorded as +255.1111111 for all clients in logicboxes. Is this a bug or there is something wrong on my End? Thanks
  12. 1+ keeping spam tickets is just unnecessary resource consuming.
  13. I think that works with the email delivery email template, removing the tick would result in email being sent without any invoice attached. But http://dev.blesta.com/browse/CORE-1274 talks about tickets, any attachment provided via support ticket will be attached in the email related to that ticket.
  14. Joseph H

    Release 3.4.2

    Thanks..... backing up.... Upgrading... @Licensecart I have a feeling you didn't back up before... lol
  15. It's the first time I heard of It, looks nice and simple.
  16. On the same boat mate.... But I do believe It won't be long as it seems they are already working on it.
  17. Ooh, no problem... I already did modify the line. It was just for pointing out the typo..
  18. I'm using en_us, bellow is the line of code from the language file $lang['PaypalPaymentsUniversal.!error.default_currency.changed'] = "Your Selected Currency [%1\$s] is not Accepted in this gateway , So we wll procced the payment with this currency [%2\$s] .";
  19. Hi Naja, Nice feature... ... I have tried this component and tried sending invoices to clients, I noticed that the html format of the invoice is sent as an attachment. Is there a way to set so the hml invoice is only viewed in the client area and the pdf format is sent via email as an attachment? Cheers..
  20. Thanks for the awesome feature.... ... I just noticed a few minor typos in the notification text. You can look at the attachment for the point outs. And the image buttons arrangement gets broken when the text is displayed.
  21. Looks Nice, I just noticed a little issue on the Order form. I switched to USD and all It didn't give out the conversion.
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