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Joseph H

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Everything posted by Joseph H

  1. +1
  2. Great news .. I really exited for the OVH module and Affiliate system.
  3. Any plans of Adding DNS Management to It?
  4. I think It would be nice if we could enable/disable the Hover Effect to display the subnav, I prefer just a single click to get to my item of choice. However for those who use mobile devices a lot to access the Dashboard would prefer otherwise.
  5. Welcome back, I totally agree with @Paul . My only Advice for @ModulesGarden is to create modules/plugins which are currently needed mostly by the Blesta community.
  6. This option is already available mate. In the client's profile, Next to "Auto Suspension" Click on the calendar icon.
  7. Very useful plugin mate. Helps reduce a lot of manual work. Thanks A lot
  8. Scary stuff, As soon as I saw this I had to go change all my important passwords. And migrated to Dashlane password manager
  9. Awesome design . I really like how you added domain recommendations after domain search.
  10. I do, I have disabled it a few minutes ago, restarted the web server. Tried another payment. Still no logs are recorded.
  11. Uninstalled and Installed again. I did the setup again, as before funds are received but no logs are recorded in blesta.
  12. @Tyson & @Licensecart I have checked paypal and the IPN enabled, the url is ok. I have tried accessing it on the browser and it loads a page with the words "Thank you" (redirected to http://mydomain.com/billing/client/pay/received/).But when I go back to the logs > Gateway . There is not a single entry. k YoT
  13. Hi Guys, I have been trying to setup paypal with my site but I can't get the paid services to be recorded back to blesta. On the Logs > gateway > There are not logs showing. But the payments do get delivered to my paypal account. and "http://mydomain.com/billing/callback/gw/paypal_payments_standard/" seems to work ok Is there something I'm missing?
  14. Welcome aboard mate... you really took your time massive preparation. Congrats
  15. Thanks for sharing Cyndark, I have tried a few from the listed and I really like the HostBill order form. Just one issue I noticed, If you Have 2 groups in 1 order form it does not show Group selection as other blesta forms. It shows Wizard list order form and then after selecting a product it shows the Hostbill Order form with the same items again.
  16. I completely Agree with you @Naja7host , some of us create modules but never wan't to share worrying of a competitor getting an advantage. We do need more premium modules/plugins for Blesta, Sometimes developing modules is too expensive if you need a lof of modules like i do, but having a place to buy modules will be cheaper for me as the client and will be much profitable for the developer I believe. and will surely remove this
  17. I will be glad to be one...
  18. I've worked with him fixing a module. He is good, I personally trust his abilities.
  19. Now that's bad news... I hope we hear from Blesta regarding this.
  20. That Goes for me as well, currently I have to send every user who needs DNS access logins to Logicboxes. I'm about to hire a Developer (From this forum as well) ; we are still discussing on the module currently. I don't think Blesta will be doing cPanel DNS only module any time soon. May be we can make one our selves
  21. As for whether to use delete or close. I would suggest to go with both, but closed Quotes can be later reopened, but We should also be able to completely delete Quotes. Would be nice If a Client had the ability to share Quote via Email to non registered Member who can then view it via a unique link and comment as well. Thanks @Naja
  22. On the menu Click > My Info > Notices
  23. It's true that the domain management side is still far behind, but one thing we are all hoping Is When it comes out It will be superb. I believe Blesta knows how Important such features are to any hosting Business.
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