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Joseph H

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Everything posted by Joseph H

  1. Hello All, We recently created a Blesta Mastercard Mechant Gateway for Mastercard. Well, here is the funny part. We created it as a Non Mearchant Gateway even though it's Merchant, So you upload it in non Mechant. https://github.com/yatosha/Mastercard Client Side Mastercard page
  2. Thanks got it working... Just a suggestion. Please add change log in your website. We see updates but no idea what changed, also some tutorials would be very helpful. cheers
  3. Thanks for the awesome work. I have tried telegram but for some reason it's not working. Created the bot ok, Added the API Token, and bot name. But no notification are sent to telegram.
  4. The number of invoices is correct. But the date field was filled ok. We have created another recurring invoice and all seems to work ok so far
  5. The recurring invoice was created the same day. The upgrade was done a while ago. There was an existing recurring invoice but that worked ok. The issue was we needed to create a new recurring invoice.
  6. Screenshot of recurring invoice
  7. Non of the above, Just noticed the invoices have been generated from (Feb 08, 1970 - Mar 08, 1970) to date
  8. Hello guys, I just noticed a client with a recurring invoice set for 1 month has hundreds of invoices generated all at once. Is this a bug or just an issolated issue? installed version 4.3.2
  9. Looks very good . But is the footer fixed?
  10. Looks nice, so far mate.
  11. Yes, I'm using the default language, I have checked and all services are not showing the it only shows "Domain - domain.com", no dates are shown. Domains as well as hosting packages.
  12. Hi guys, I have upgraded to 4.3.0. But just noticed that service duration date is not showing on invoices I have checked the date format and it's all setup ok in settings.
  13. Can you check the database version. Table "Settings" find "database_version" Mine reads 4.3.0-b1 instead of 4.3.0
  14. I managed to sort my support manager case by adding the "date_updated" in the tables.
  15. Have you tried accessing the upgrade url again? Does it still show you an upgrade option?
  16. Had the same issue on dev install. In my case I could not change ticket's status even in admin side. Thought the changes seemed to be already in made in the database they are not appering on the interface.
  17. KMV console resolves directly to vultr. Would be great If an IP would be used instead of using their domain. Or have an option to hide the console
  18. I would suggest checking this out https://github.com/NETLINK/Blesta-UniversalDomains It uses whoisxmlapi.com , so It can check for domain availability, sends you emails when a client changes nameservers.
  19. No Yes
  20. Go to My Info > Notices > You can receive service suspended emails but not unspespend
  21. You void the invoice the service will get unsuspended. Has always been like that
  22. Found an Issue mate, when a domain is renewed before Blesta has generated an invoice, Blesta will still generate another renewal invoice for the service.
  23. It works perfectly .... Only DNS Management Is missing, any plans of adding this any time soon mate
  24. I found the issue, I vultr was blocking my IPV6 Whitelisted that and It worked again.
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