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Joseph H

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Everything posted by Joseph H

  1. I read that, It's true the sandbox should be removed from the module as a different method is required. Hope they remove It
  2. The domain was Indeed registered found It in newly added domains. Luckily I canceled It and got a refund immediately, I will create a ticket with my Provider and see
  3. I hope this Is what you are asking for https://test.httpapi.com/api/domains/register.json {"actiontypedesc":"Registration of mamanafsdfsd.com for 1 year","actionstatus":"Success","entityid":"56849232","status":"Success","eaqid":"265915849","actiontype":"AddNewDomain","description":"mamanafsdfsd.com","actionstatusdesc":"Domain registration completed Successfully"}
  4. Hi, I have encountered this on two different installations. I tick on use sandbox but on trial It works and registers domains. Both run on 3.3 PHP 5 Logicboxes version 2.1.2
  5. "Blesta could also be smart and eliminate irrelevant options by adding a "personal / business" account checkbox" Now that's more like It .. Would be nice to have that feature...
  6. I think It would be an awesome feature... But somehow I feel like If my invoice is not gonna get paid I will have a hard time finding the right person to sue
  7. Naja7host has a slotuion for you. No more template editing http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3437-plugin-css-javascript-toolbox-magic-box/ Hide TAX ID field in client edit page : Add Custom css advanced Controllers : client_main_edit Markup to set in : head tag CSS To Add : #tax_id {display:none} [for="tax_id"] { display: none;} Save .
  8. Now I get you. Let me try setting up another server and see what I get.
  9. Its version ver 2.2.0. Tried even on my fresh install but don't see that option
  10. Mmh.... never seen that In any of my installations.
  11. Absolutely .... But just try to check If there were any failed attempts from the logs.
  12. It has been that way for about 3 months now If my memory is good...
  13. I had that Issue once, but for me It was caused by backup attempts that always kept on failing. I believe it's not the cron It'self that's causing the High Memory usage rather that the tasks that failed long running tasks. You can try to check If your back ups are running or set to run, disable them and observe You can change php version back and forth just to refresh the Memory usage: (Just a trick i learned during the hard times )
  14. I use html with a little php for my front end template. Whatever you use you will easily be able to integrate it with Blesta.
  15. I did sign up.... I may buy a premium for 1 month as well just to see If my trust would grow.
  16. I tried It It looks good and cheap by the way, 1$/month. But like PauloV, I really don't feel safe with a plugin saving all my passwords. I will stick to my old fashioned way saving in notepad on my Laptop.
  17. Awesome Plugin @Naja ... too bad I can't enjoy It with My custom Template. Can you please Enlighten me on the places where the tags are added In the template so I can modify a little.
  18. Manually linking? But first make sure you have setup your Module well, thus you can successfully create accounts to the servers, Then, just go to client profile > add service > Remove the tick from "Provision using the cPanel module" . And fill in the domain name and username same as from the server. Thats It's. Blesta will automatically check for an existing account in the server with the same information. Hope that helps, By the way I think the post is in the wrong category. Should be in support
  19. It's an old topic but I think I found the reason and the solution to the OP problems with the "dowload tickets" In cron. Probably He has not allowed "imap extension" in his php settings. That solved for me, no need to go to database, just tick the imap and you are all good
  20. I tried It, but I the problem Is the cron key is no working and I can't update It. blesta/install/path/index.php/cron/?cron_key=CRONKEY Edit: Managed to get It working, I had do uninstall vqmod, after finding out the .htaccess Is defined in vqmod define("HTACCESS", true);
  21. Just found out that the cron is not running since update. Tried changing cron key but ended up with 403 page. Any possible solution or ideas? I guess It's something with the .htaccess but can figure out what yet
  22. I agree that It's annoying; and even If you leave the package and delete the term which Is In use It doesn't accept. It would be nice If we would have an option to assign a new package or term on deleting a package/term which is in use. But As for your second point do you have canceled services which once used that package?
  23. Joseph H

    Release 3.3.0

    Lol... he never hesitates.. Updating as well
  24. That's clever was thinking of the same... lol .... By the way thanks for Informing us
  25. Can you please explain you situation well....
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