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Joseph H

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Everything posted by Joseph H

  1. I mine is different. I added domain via client side ok. But cron activation fails, also activating from admin new interface fails with error bellow.
  2. Transfer did not initiate.
  3. Blesta 5.9.0-b2 PHP 7.4 Module: ConnectReseller When a domain transfer order is placed and EPP code added from Client side, But when service activation runs, order changes from Transfer to registration and transfer code is lost.
  4. I'm using 5.9.0-b2 Module: ConnectReseller When activating from this new Domain Screen or Cron it fails and throws an error as screenshot bellow. When I click edit and use old screen, domain activation works fine.
  5. The domain list is poorly organized. Blesta 5.9.0-b1 , PHP 7.4
  6. I see you already fixed it on github. https://github.com/blesta/module-namesilo/pulls/AlexPads. I think one more addition would be awesome to make the DNS feature work better. Adding a button in DNS Section for applying default nameservers if a domain is not using default Namesilo nameservers.
  7. Same issue as https://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/18213-namesilo-dns-management/
  8. I really hope Blesta includes this fix on releases. I appreciate mate. It works for me
  9. No solution yet. I'm using official version with no modifications. I mean after upgrading Blesta after Domains manager release
  10. Hello, We are using Blesta 5.5.2 with PHP 7.4 We recently had an issue with our SMTP which caused for emails to fail, but Messenger succeeded to send and SMS. SMS sent Issue is since Blesta was trying to resend the email it was also triggering SMS to be sent to the user causing a flood of SMS. every 5 minutes. Would be good to make it only retry the failed method individually.
  11. We are running Blesta 5.5.2, from a couple of releases ago. Namesilo DNS module stopped working from the client side, only deleting works. Admin side adding values also works.
  12. Joseph H

    Blesta Issues

    Hello, we have 2 or 3 very critical issues on our install. Blesta 5.5.2, PHP 7.4, MySQL 8.0 1. System Overview, sometimes it shows users name as John Doe, but when you click the profile it opens another clients profile. 2. Messengers, 1st,2nd and 3rd notice SMS for the whole Blesta are being sent to only 1 user, so single client is being flooded with SMS from our Blesta
  13. Actually namesilo module now seems to have too many bugs. Even adding DNS records does not work currently
  14. There is no need for the IP on the package, I think you are right. The IP should be specified on the module while adding the server. We already tried doing it by selecting a server manually but it's very tiresome and has led to some servers being oversold.
  15. Hello We are using Blesta 5.5.1 with Directadmin module. Issue is; We have 5 Servers used for shared hosting. (First non full server). On packages we have setup for Blesta to create accounts from the group But as seen above, Blesta pulls IP from 1 server, but sometime blesta tries to activate accounts to other servers whose IP is not listed here. But fails with the bellow error. server12.domain.com a:3:{s:5:"error";s:1:"1";s:4:"text";s:21:"Cannot Create Account";s:7:"details";s:40:"That IP does not exist in your list<br> ";}
  16. Joseph H


    The following event's do no trigger messenger SMS. An invoice is generated by admin or payment recorded manually Service Activated Invoice delivery Paid Invoice delivery Unpaid - It only delivers an invoice when order placed from front end, But also tags for invoice number do not show actual invoice number "{\"status\":\"success\",\"message\":\"Your message was successfully delivered\",\"data\":{\"uid\":\"61fcbfc26f34e\",\"to\":\"21111111111\",\"from\":\"MYWEBSITE.COM\",\"message\":\"Hi Joseph,\\r\\nAn invoice has been created for your account.\",\"status\":\"Delivered|43077129\",\"cost\":\"1\"}}" But the invoice messenger template looks fine. Hi {contact.first_name}, An invoice has been created for your account. {% for invoice in invoices %} Invoice #: {invoice.id_code} - {invoice.total} {invoice.currency} {% endfor %} This invoice has already been paid, so no payment is necessary for this one, but your account may have other balances.
  17. We have an affiliate who has only referred one person and 1 order. But Blesta has added duplicated the order 5 times. This is the client that was referred, it's clear they have only 1 order But Blesta allowed the affiliate to request double the payout the affiliate was supposed to get. Blesta 5.2.0 PHP 7.4.
  18. It happens on a valid service.
  19. When using namesilo module, and you delete all DNS records. The page shows error "Undefined index: resource_record" Using php 7.4, Beta 1
  20. This needs to get a solution quickly, We waste so much time explaining to customers how to expand the toggle. It's a minor but very annoying thing
  21. Previously I was using a custom modified version of namesilo. But i never had this issue, the current version i'm using is official. It has happened to twice till now. Also just noticed another issue with namesilo Plugin When there is only 1 DNS records this happens. But the version we submitted on discord was working fine.
  22. Yah, the service was linked to the invoice. However we cancelled the order and blesta automatically removed the invoice as well. We are using Blesta 4.11.2 PHP 7.0 Thirdparty Plugins BlestaCMS Support PIN Client Area Popup
  23. Mate issue is the domain has a pending invoice. But it's trying to activate the domain
  24. Hi Paul, this is a new service. You can see this issue repeating.
  25. Hello, currently using Blesta 4.11.1 with PHP 7.0 I noticed an issue with directadmin module for service upgrade via admin side. When you change a client package to a different package, but leave the password field empty. Still blesta tries changing the password for the account instead of just of just doing the upgrade. server12.mydomain.com a:3:{s:5:"error";s:1:"1";s:4:"text";s:25:"Unable to change password";s:7:"details";s:42:"You must enter the password in both fields";} Also admin side has only one password field, but this seems to require two password fields.
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