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Everything posted by Nelsa

  1. I don't understand how cPanel and Plesk shared hosting module doesn't support automation??From ordering to account creation there is no need for manual handling,...client order package and after client pay invoice..account is auto-provisioned, activation email is sent and that is it....there is no need for any manual handling ...
  2. I had also issues with upgrades few times on php 7, then I started to follow one simple procedure ... 1.overwrite files with new one 2. switch back to php5.6 3. start upgrade process CLI or WEB(doesn't matter) 4. apply hotfix php7 and switch to php7 . With this approach, I never had problems(today upgraded from 4.1.0 to 4.2 ) while uploading hotfix php 7 after overwriting and then starting upgrade throw up an error (...files encoded with 5.6...etc).Now I didn't go deeper into this issue since this approach works fine for me.
  3. Well, I will try to give you shortest possible answers while still informative. We are using Blesta from April 2014, and all backend tasks are handled by me and one more developer.Now you have to understand that everyone has different priorities and different needs ...so how it will suit your needs really depend on many factors.For example when we are decided to move to blesta domain management was not our first priority and I thought till we reach to that level where domain management will be the highest priority Blesta will growth also and there will be a different situation.But now we are in a position that most of our time is spent on domain management simple because we have now 5x more domains under management than we have predicted it will be in 4 years and for now this is our major problem.Other things work without problems for us and we are more than happy with Blesta.Now I would try to respond to your questions Blesta is stable, when it comes to this you will be more than happy. if I have to compare to WHMCS,I would first say that in that time when we have decided to use Blesta WHMCS had some very big issues with stability and even security(now I don't know how new versions are doing) thus WHMCS is not open like blesta and that was main reason why we chose blesta.Now WHMCS has also some advantages compared to blesta and it would be from our perspective support for our local language(this is one of the main reasons why many local providers use WHMCS),also WHMCS was for long-time industry leader in this field and as result, there is some module/plugin/gateway almost for everything.That is why I said it depend mostly on your needs and capacity.Blesta is developer friendly and have open code so this is big advantage and at some point can compensate less modules/plugins/gateways How quickly are issues addressed? Well, when it comes to security or bugs, these things are resolved very fast and WHMCS was very bad when it comes to this in past(again I can only speak for a time when I was around whmcs, now it may or may not change I wouldn't know).And when it comes to new features requests than it will mostly depend on how many users ask for it...but as I know there is an option for sponsoring development.One thing I can tell you is that Blesta development now is much faster than before so... How is the support? I never asked for support officially, like open ticket or something but I have never seen complaints about support and also there is always someone around here at community Are upgrades tested before release and are there any issues while upgrading? I never had issues with this even few times I have upgraded with beta releases Do people really feel that Blesta has really progressed fast enough to address the requirements of the clients? Well, in past there were some complaints about slow development but as I see they have improved and sped up development and also I noticed new staff/devs so it seems to me they are listening what people say Where do you see Blesta in a few years time - does anyone see it competing with OR even overtaking other similar softwares? It has huge potential and I hope it will became industry leader but there are many things to do before it happen What industry is it targeted for OR who is it beneficial for - eg. shared hosting, dedicated providers? Shared hosting and VPS server provisioning(i mean automated provisioning ) is supported completely without needs for any paid extensions or custom development, when it comes to dedicated servers there is still no official module for cloud or dedicated server provisioning without third-party module or custom development.Domain management supports all popular providers and also it can be provisioned without using registrar module but we are expecting new domain management soon.Now I didn't visit forum for almost 2 months so some things may have changed..i.e new modules or something..I'm still on blesta 4.1.0..if I have missed something someone will probably correct me Developers only - how good do you think the code framework is? How easy is it to create modules/plugins compared to coding the same in say WHMCS? Framework is really good and they have implemented all best industry standards ,I didn't have any problems when it comes to understanding code, I sow on few places some users asked for more documentation...but for me, personally documentation is well written ..everything other can be easily compensated with standard MVC documentation. Code is opened almost completely except license related files so you can easily understand.
  4. Yes We have windows plesk servers,there is no diference when it comes to provisioning
  5. Yes but it is not sent anywhere so no one can get it,only danger here is if someone hack user email and find that link...there is no way you can gues that link....now it can be done with automation script but it would triger security defence but it would be good option to disable "Copy Contact Information From" on these unique generated links and it would resolve this issue...or to ask users to log in first....what ever is easier for them...
  6. I provided instruction how to change that in first thread
  7. Yes,but that email is send to customer email...I understand now your point and what you want,check email template "send unpaid invoice" and delete pay now anchor and replace to something clic khere to pay with link to log in page or just replace Pay now link from http://{invoice.payment_url} to log in page
  8. You can't get to checkout page without been log in even if you copy that link....payments are not allowed without been loged in or fill registration form(which mean you are loged in)anyway...
  9. I don't see how that expose anything...option "Copy Contact Information From" and checkout page is shown only to loged in users...you can't get to checkout page without log in or register....you can't pay for service without first to fill log in or registration form..so I don't understand
  10. Nelsa

    Restore a Domain

    As I see these 6(or more..don't see whole page) orders are already canceled (see canceled tab is black ..it means he is on canceled page)...5 active orders are probably other active orders...as I understand he wants to remove these orders from canceled ....
  11. Nelsa

    PayPal Subscriptions

    Subscriptions are not designed to handle multiple unpaid invoices ,I gave him few ideas how He could resolve this particular situation not for general usage,I agree billing agreements would be great to have as option and it would solve many problems.
  12. Yes this is unfortunately one of few weak points of blesta,it is not translated on many languages,we need also Bosnia or Croatian or Serbian language,these 3 languages are same(till 1990 it was one language while we was in same country) and translating only to one of these will cover almost all ex-Yugoslavia...well to be clear 3 bigest republics(of 6 ex-Yugoslavia republics).good thing is blesta provide simple way for users to translate by themself and there is also online translator but this is not solution since 99.99% people will select competition rather than translate by themself...resons why WHMCS is always popular despite the fact that it had and still have many flaws thus price is also much higher is because WHMCS is translated to many languages,the reson why we chose it for our local website in 2010 is because it was only at that time that had Croatian language(we are registered in Bosnia but like I say any of 3 language will work for all countries) I visit often translate.blesta.com but problem is time,like many other I don't have time even for myself but I hope more user will came from those countries and we will finaly have at least one of those 3 languages translated.
  13. Nelsa

    PayPal Subscriptions

    This is paypal restriction I think...in fact every subscription work like that....subscriptions is creted at rate of first payment,if He has 2 unpaid invoice than he can pay first invoice by checkout and than for second create subscription OR he can subscribe to 9.90 and than in paypal edit subscription or delete it and create new one at 4.45(it is one minute of work)
  14. What version of blesta you try to migrate...that is importer from 2.5 ....from 3+ to 4+ you don't need importer...or I'm missing something
  15. That is screen shot of 2 checkout gateway with inline payment implemented,as you see in left corner there is checkout button and when you click on it credit card form will pop up(shown on 1st and 2nd image),and when it comes to square..yes I figure out that payment button is missing if something is not configured as it shoud be...in my case country is not supported...and it is kind their fault why user have to spent hours to find reason...I signed up and I verify my account..they even show my local currency,and also put my local currency on invoice and auto currency converter....accepted bank account...account status is ready...and than I find out country is not supported...for god sake why not than put account status as non supported..or something..or put any kind of flag...why allow user to sign up ,set country and configure account..and they even auto-apply currency when you sign up....than I visited documentation page and look in to list of supported countries...bang.After that I set test API and it worked...:)
  16. Well yes...in first case you authorize only zoho.com to send emails but you sent all your mails from localhost using PHP ,generaly in spf record you should include A records,IPv4 (address of your hosting account),mx record and + any remote smart host or smtp server you want relay in. For example this will authorize one IP xx.xx..xx.xx + all your A records in hosting account like mail.yourdomain.com and yourdomain.com + mx records + zoho and mailjet v=spf1 ip4:xx.xx.xx.xx +a +mx +include:spf.mailjet.com +include:zoho.com ~all
  17. You can send mail by php function or SMTP ,if you select PHP as method for sending emails ofcourse it doesn't use zoho mail server..infact it doesn't use any mail server...it is sent using php mail function.If you want to send emails with mail server you have to select SMTP and configure mail parameters properly ....username,password,hostname and port.I'm using office365 and didn't use zoho for quite long but as I remember you have to whitelist IP address in zoho control panel. mail class is in blesta/components/email/email.php but you can't just set dkim signature and expect just to work...you have to add key to your MTA ..it is easier for you to set SMTP ....and may I ask why you can't send emails from your hosting account in first place... Here is instructions from their site...as you see sending mail must match authentication email,so if you want to send emails from noreply@yourdomain.com and you are authenticate with admin@yourdomain.com or any similar usecase than you have to add sending mail as alias..also make sure to whitelist main server IP and hosting account IP (if are not same) SMTP Configuration settings for Zoho Mail - SSL Outgoing Server Name: smtp.zoho.eu Port: 465 Security Type: SSL Require Authentication: Yes. The email address should match the email address/ aliases of the account, for which the authentication details are provided. SMTP Configuration settings for Zoho Mail - TLS Outgoing Server Name: smtp.zoho.eu Port: 587 Security Type: TLS Require Authentication: Yes. The email address should match the email address/ aliases of the account, for which the authentication details are provided
  18. All Blesta merchant gateways require PCI DSS ,non merchant gateways don't....it is very simple but stripe and also many other gateways offer tokenized method and hosted inline method where clients still input CC data without redirects but in same time CC are not stored on your server in any form at any time.....,when one of these two methods are implemented than you don't need PCI DSS...Now Blesta implement Stripe as Merchant Gateway and you can't compare it with non merchant gateways like paypal I don't see why you would need Stripe subscriptions for gateway that can store CC and you can handle subscriptions by yourself in blesta(that is probably how they tought when desing gateways)...Well it has usecase...for example if you don't want to store CC and deal with PCI DSS.....:) I use use custom payment gateway from my local bank(Unicredit), my bank provide credit card processing(virtual gateway+API and also physical POS terminals) for every company that has business/merchant account with them...,but I'm familiar with most payment processors.
  19. If you didn't select proper currency in stripe module it will not show up...also for every order form you have to select gateways you want to use with that order form,so foe example if invoice is in EUR and EUR is not enabled in stripe module than it will not show up for any invoice in EUR....
  20. Nelsa


    Well WHT is dying also...slowly yes but it is not even shadow than use to be... there is also fact that forums are generaly not popular any more like before but WHT is also going down due bad behaive of their staff members and also they had few leaks....I did not even mention that when you go there it is like time traveling in to 2001 ...They don't understand that it is not in their interest to throw away users just because some stupid mistakes ....they could aford this it self 6-7 years ago but now it is different story.They have very stupid rule "once baned!.."forever baned"...they ban much more people on monthly basis than new hosting companies are opening...add to this fact that forums generaly are less popular with every day...well it is clear what will happen.Seems no one knows how to count there....I lost my account few years ago..in that time they sent too many emails per week(suppose too many people buy their subscription) and after some time I unsubscribe ...but they didn't stop sending....and I unsubscribe again...well third time I send message to them and discussion with admin(bear I think)escalate ...on email ..not in public(I would never do it in public..)and I at some point just told him to go f**k itself..I don't even rember details..but that is it....I didn't argue about since I did tell him to go f**k ,, and ofcourse it was violation of forum rules..but I did because He was rude....their mailing campaign was literary spaming..every time someone of premium users open thread and post offer..they throw mail...and unsubscribing didn't work,when I ask to remove my mail from promotional offer list He started to argue about..insted to just remove my mail..and that is it.
  21. Well this is not quite true,users can input their cc on your site while in same time CC data are not touching your server and for that you don't have to be PCI compliant because CC never touch your server....you only have to request token and sent it through https ..same is for inline hosted method.I went through trust wave PCI DSS verification process and it is not big deal to get it but it require some work .When it comes to tokinezation method ,stripe offer this approuch and also many other gateways but this method exclude storing CC...you can't charged on auto pilot since token is valid only 15-30 minutes depending on gateway.Also this method require you to follow some basic rules..you request token with simple JS snippet and than pass it to your form(this is for non hosted method) for hosted inline method you don't even do anything on your server since form is hosted on merchant gateway server.PCI compliant is required only if CC data is stored on your server in any form.Again when you implement these methods there is no way you can charge on auto pilot or store CC since it never touch your server and user has to go through checkout process evry time...Hope this help...you can conclude your self is gateway require PCI DSS by it's behaive...but I suggest going through this process anyway...you will need it at some point
  22. Well yes you can sell domains but it is really pain in the a..s...I mean I did know this from April 2014 when started with Blesta....but now is 2017(almost end of it)and I tought it will be resolved in one year max..but now 3 and half year after it is same situation.Now problem is with the number of domains under menagment ......it is incrased(for us more than 6x over these years)and now it is...well it work but since many things are handled manualy for us it is time consuming and probably for customers sometimes slow.Now I understand how Paul and rest of crew are thinking...most of the complaints about blesta was about slow developement,not releasing updates too often..etc and ofcourse the best way to speed up things is to first get on important features that doesn't cost to much time and they did speed up with 4 .For now I can stil live with this but if number of domains go up to much I will have to start working on some ad hoc solution till official domain menager is released,hope it will not take that long
  23. Here you can see how 2checkout non merchant gateway looks like with inline payment implemented...there is also one more way to do it...with payment API ,very similar just require 2co library and few lines of JS for token request....this is orginal blesta 2co gateway I had edited..have some where also one with payment API implemented..for payment API version there is more work to do since it is non 2co hosted and parameters are different but this inline method is 2co hosted and use same return processes....this real time currency converter I think can be removed and pass currency directly.Also if some param is missing or something goes wrong with inline method 2co will redirect user to old hosted checkout page,and it will happen if address,zip,city or state is missing..so these fields should be required.With payment API implemented form is not 2co hosted and it is even better since you are using your own form ...not this one 2co branded.Any way both API methods can be implemented as non merchant and form can be embeded at this same place and user must fill it every time before payment can be done,credit card is not stored anywhere and token is valid for 30 min.
  24. Well I tryed on 2 different blesta installation and payment button is missing on both installation It doesn't metter it is non merchant...both 2checkout and Square have embeded and checkout payment solution and both work as non merchant.....
  25. Is this gateway based on Square checkout or e-commerce API?
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