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Everything posted by Nelsa

  1. Plesk API xml request package for add:webspace has two fields for IP address...one is server ip and second is hosting account IP...this is logic because you may want to have different IP for hosting accounts...doesn't have to be related to NAT...if you look other billing scripts for this niche they have separate fields for IP list and server IP/hostname used for requests and internal script usage...So Plesk API xml include ip_address and ipv4 but there is big difference how these two are build in module....while ip_address value is taken from module meta row which itself is value you put in module settings ip field.....second parameter ipv4 is simple ipv4=ip_address ....and those two are in completly different section of XML request....ip_address is part of general/gen_setup section where general information about webspace is provided like user name,phone,login ..etc...second section hosting is where specific hosting features are specified and one of fields is ipv4....So generally this ipv4 can be set also to be populated at same way like ip_address but you have to first add new field to module settings template and than set ipv4 to be taken from there....so when it comes to your question "what happens if you change order"...it will happen that your request will fail if you put private IP in ip_address since it is used as target for post request....if you set different public IP it will work if it resolve to right server...If you want to have second ip optiona than it can be implemented in module with one simple IF statemen before existing code for ipv4 and than new code put in IF and existing code leave after IF as it is...otherwise you will have to put same IP in both fields if server is not behind NAT. But again this has usecase also when server is not behind NAT but you have more IPs... Anyway this was my adhoc implementation which doesn't require big changes to module...and it worked for us few years...I did say I will publish this plugin but since changes are so small I didn't see.any logic to publish this as new plugin...or even as hack.
  2. As I see you already saw old threads ...there was few reasons this happened to me...and you can use Mozila or Chrome developer tools ...in mozila go to inspector than switch to network tab and find POST request for module/service/options(or something like that...will se it broken..completed request will be green)and check response...on servers I had this issue...in most case it was error "oh no mysql has gone...." And this was resolved with increased mysql_wait_timeout and/or mysql_allowed_package
  3. Hello, sorry for the late response....I did make some changes to blesta original module but after migrating to new dedicated servers I start to use an original module since there is no NAT any more....this customized module had different fields for server IP address and hosting account IP since Plesk API package has IP in Hosting section and in gen_setup section and those two are completely different parameters......can be the same but in most cases will not be. If you look in tools->logs->plesk (input for webspace:add) after you add plesk hosting in blesta ....you will see the content of Plesk API XML package and you will see "IP_ADDRESS" and "IPv4" with the same value..... but these values can be obtained from different fields in settings.
  4. Nelsa

    Universal Domain Module

    You have to add TLDs by yourself..if I remeber correctly there are only 3 tlds by default ..there is file universal_domains.php in components/modules/universal_domains/config/ and there you can add TLDs you want to sell in array and than it will be visible on order form.
  5. This syntax has to.be set; |/usr/local/bin/php -q /home/USERNAME/domains/SOMEDOMAIN.COM/public_html....... So for blesta it would be something like "|/usr/local/bin/php -q /home/USERNAME/domains/SOMEDOMAIN.COM/public_html/blesta_directory/plugins/support_manager/pipe.php".
  6. Give me few minutes ,I have direct admin demo somewhere...I will check and give you instructions...
  7. Thing is,email address has to be hosted.on same server ...and it has to be authorative for MX record...so if your domain is not hosted on same server or it is but you use external mail server than it will not work... Procedure is: First create email address you want to pipe....than you can make forwarders
  8. You can set pipe from domain also, create e-mail first than set forwarder
  9. That is used when custom theme is set to load correct css...it is link generated by PHP, .when you use default theme then theme.css or theme.css?dir= will not cause any difference but if you switch to the custom theme than without dir= it will load default theme ... You can find it in structure.pdt // Theme CSS if (isset($theme_css)) { ?> <link href="<?php $this->Html->_($theme_css);?>" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" />
  10. You should have three directories to upload languages, components, and plugins...upload all 3 to blesta root directory..than go to settings__>internationalization and you'll see additional language and will be INSTALL...click to install and than if you want to use that language as default go to settings-->localization and change default language...your clients will have the option to select language by themselves even if you leave English as default
  11. It was free before they changed the business model..some plugins made by najhost/blesta addons were free when released and after the business model was changed some end up in paid subscription...that is why you will find that line of text in first post...
  12. You don't have to upgrade your OS or kernel for this(even it is suggested) except if you are using centos 5.x.x and even if you upgrade OS if it isn't enabled it will still be non supported ...,you need to enable tls 1.2 and you can still support 1.1 and older ...in worst case you will have to upgrade Open SSl even you probably have one that support tls 1.2 just isn't enabled When it comes to hardcoding which version to use you don't do that on your server..even you can set support for only one..it is better to set widely support backward than client when connecting can hardcore which tls to use if they want..You are in the situation that many clients are connecting and some of them may use older TLS...and chippers and you don't want to reject connection..also this will not only impact payment gateways ...instead it will impact all traffic and many browsers still use older TLS For upgrade on centos SSH as root or SUDO yum update openssl libcurl Enable TLS 1, 1.1 ,and 1.2 SSLProtocol -all +TLSv1 +TLSv1.1 +TLSv1.2 Want remove some...just delete from command which you want You can test your SSL connection and SSL and TLS versions supported at https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/index.html
  13. There are lot of payment processors that don't support hosting,seo, domains,SSL and similar services....it is unbealivable..even we have better records than most business in other niche....for example we had 3 Paypal open cases from 2014 and 2 chargebacks from users paid by credit cards many of them simple tag these categories as risky @Paul, I suggest check this before start working on gateway...I mean why would you or any company waste your resources for a payment processor that doesn't support niche where 99% of your customers are working in
  14. Did you change php version?Check version,maybe host owner is changed php version(if you don't own server)
  15. Hello,this domain manager is not finished yet...as for domains...I could look latter when came to office,I'm on phone now...but I will be in office in less than 3 hours and than I can look ...
  16. He migrated from WHMCS to blest and now asking why domains are not imported..that is how I understand him reading another topic he opened
  17. You can use blesta universal module for this,add two fields for username and password + set it as required and users will have to set username and password on order form.These two fields will not be related to sign up form...user will still sign up for blesta account first but they will have to set username and password in service/package order form.At this way your users will have blesta account username/password different from service username/password..I mean you should have blesta user registration data to be separeted from service/package data..
  18. You said you have centos panel..if you look in admin interface..under security--->mod security you will find options to enable/disable mod security..and also there will be conf files locations...if nothing is changed it should be .... Main Configuration --> /usr/local/apache/conf.d/mod_security.conf Rules Configuration --> /usr/local/apache/modsecurity-cwaf/cwaf.conf Disabled Rules --> /usr/local/apache/modsecurity-cwaf/custom_user.conf To edit file use command vi /usr/local/apache/modsecurity-cwaf/custom_user.conf (to edit other file just change file location after vi) ,after that ...when file is opened click on i (short for insert) and than you can edit content,when you are done first click on ESC ..than press left shift + q ....than enter wq and hit enter .If you are not good with ssh just install WINSCP and than you can download file..edit it and upload again in one minute using GUI
  19. Enable portal and than just set httacess redirect from /blesta/ to /blesta/order/main/packages/ajaxSlider/?group_id=1 ,at this way portal will be redirected to your order form without touching blesta routes and all other pages will work...but enable portal first because you don't want to redirect your log in page
  20. If you are using that cPanel server to provide hosting to your clients than you will have to install mailparse for php 5 also since many clients will ask for it, for php 5 you need older version mailparse-2.1.6
  21. If mail parse is installed than you will have to go to php settings and activate it,if it is not installed than you will have to install mailparse WHM-->software-->module installers-->PECL and click show avaiilable modules or just search for mail parse in search field. You can of course install it through SSH also if you preffer.
  22. if remember correctly it require phpize and it won't work without php7.0-dev,I have some plesk servers and I remember I had to install phpx.x-dev for every version i wanted install mailparse...I had to built it from source but it is same thing in this case script is doing same thing for you apt-get install php7.0-dev (for plesk it is apt-get install plesk-php7.0-dev)
  23. Change path to ini file in your command from /etc/php/7.0/cli/php.ini to /etc/php/7.1/cli/php.ini if you have installed mailparse for php 7.1 , the same thing should be done when you install mailparse for php 7.1 and any other php...liike 5.0 ,5.5 ,5.6 etc with difference that lower PHP version will require lower mailparse version due min. requirements every mailparse version require
  24. To be completely clear,if you have two zip files after download than lufti-blesta.zip contains blesta template and it should be uploaded to blesta templates directory..if I remember correctly it is app/view/client ,than go to settings and activate this template and you will have it on your blesta installation..including portal. Second zip file lufti-html.zip is simple html website , it should serve as front-end and it is not required...it is optional if you want to have website same as your blesta installation,and you handle these files as you would any html website..I don't know what is included in this lufti-html.zip but I suppose there is few html.files few directories with images,CSS,js etc..
  25. I don't recommend you to swap index.html by simple inserting code in portal box...if you have blesta in domain root directory than just disable portal and upload html files to root directory and in same time activate this template.Reason why you have two headers are because header is already included once in template structure.pdt ,index.html and other html files are not part of blesta template at all...it is front-end html website theme included as all-in-one integration.So html files should be uploaded in your website root directory and if you have blesta in root directory than disable portal and it should work....
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