That place is one of the worst on the net when it comes to their warning sistem(well it is better call it punishment sistem),I got 2 infraction without even be aware it is because I mention Client exec and Blesta, and it wasn't in any marketing/promotion maner,we talk about billling sistems and users just talk which billing sistem best suite their needs,which one use...etc.Since I migrate both service from WHMCS on Blesta and Client exec I just share my experience and I explain my reasons for migration without talking anything againest other billing softwares,these two softwares just came to me without aditional cost as addons and since they suite my needs offcourse I migrate ,why woud I pay 30$ for two licences when I have CE and Blesta licence gratis as addon.
When I got first warning I just leave it as it is and to be honest I didn't even think about this,I tought my signature is reason,but after second I contact them(few other admins at PP also and ask to look) and offcourse I got both infraction from "WHMCS boy" and after that I didn't have any warnings any more,it was two-three months ago.