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Everything posted by Nelsa

  1. You are right it will improve existing and add some new funcionality,when it comes to alternatives here is some info about Virtualizor module and panel itself,maybe someone find it useful. Well I tryed today Virtualizor and it work great with blesta.Virtualizor(for people who don-t know)nice very future rich panel with ability that end user install some of popular panels with one click.(cPanel ,Interwox,......) .It work great with blesta module,module it self has basic option start,stop.....but we shoudn-t forget blesta is billing software not server menagment panel. I didn-t use Virtualizor for longer time,once before I had it for few months and now I-m testing it along with Open nebula and few more. Here is few screen s. I made,may I say that official/third party modules are important for blesta and one more server menagment panel can be only + Suporrt OVZ ,KVM ,XEN (XEN ,XEN -HVM ,XCP , XCP-HVM) Admin/root interface End user interface-pop up window with web hosting panel auto instaler ,it install one of the poplar panels on end user VPS. End user interface Template browser
  2. Today I tested virtualizor module and Blesta also give sql syntax error when add/update package but only if set wrong/unknown value for required parameters,I supose you have similar situation.
  3. Thank. I intend to do some significant customization but since it will be overwriten by Blesta and just backup/restore isn-t option I woud rader wait 3.3 than work hard just for few months.
  4. Is there any ETA about 3.3 b2 or final.Thanks
  5. I just install Virtualizor on test node ,here is screenshot ,now I will download and install that plugin to see what can do.Is any one try this till now?
  6. I will try today this module on my test node,will post more info after testing.
  7. Well yes, OVZ don't have any limits when it comes overselling as long as resources are not 100% utitlized you can ad new VM. Well if you look closer you will see it is pointed(if we look only perfomance shared kernel is +) that I talk about perfomance and shared kernel IS main adventage and reason why any other virtualization can't came even close to OVZ when it cames to perfomance,it is well known.Runing only one kernel insted on every VM give adventage in begining. Also you will see that as disadventage it is pointed that only distros compatibile with node kernel can be installed.(since node only can be linux..) Well try use same node and test, install same number of VMs every time than test node and every VM ,it is simple,OVZ is not full virtualization and not run full OS ,while others run Os at same way as dedicated server and as result you need less resources for OVZ and you can run more VPS,but that also has price.....not only you cant run windows also you can't make changes related to kernel without afecting other VMs,....etc Now other story is fact that most OVZ nodes are hevy loaded and clients can't feel that perfomance.Paul pointed already ,providers love it because there is no limit for overselling,but I'm talking abut using it as it shoud where you are boss who will not overload own server. For comparation OVZ can be installed on top of the XEN to virtualize VPS ,no one including Me will tell that less is better than more but for some tasks you will find OVZ more sutiable solutions,like if you want to virtualize own dedicated server for your needs where only your VMs will be created.
  8. No OS virtualization(KVM/XEN) can beat OVZ when it comes to perfomance and if you find honest provider you will get better server perfomance than on OS level virtualization. Second I can oversell xen/kvm also without any problem in 5 minutes only at different way, and funny thing is it will have worst impact than overselling on OVZ because all VMs will try to use whole alocated resources(which don't exist) , and OVZ overselling is not even problem as long as you folow some basic rules and calculate properly,expecually on big nodes ,but if you find honest provider you will get dedicated resources. If you sell OVZ as lets say Xen/KVM users will have much better perfomance and VPSs than on OS level simple because 1.in OVZ you need less ram/cpu for same in KVM/XEN and 2.You have alocated +burst ram thus you can utitly more CPU than in OS level Now offcourse OS level has own adventage which OVZ can't provide because of shared kernel, any kernel tweaking impact all users and because of shared kernel it can run only distros compatibile with kernel. I'm server administrator for years,and I will tell you it is myth that OVZ is shared VPS and OS level are not(if consider perfomance and resources),why you think almost every provider go for KVM insted Xen,mostly because KVM is better for oversell(you can oversell more) and provide CPU cores as vCPU and threads as vCores.First you use cores as vCPU than that cores(orginaly threads) you share among users as vCore ,you can RAM just overcommit or baloon or both If we look only perfomance isolated kernel can be considered only as - not + ,shared kernel is main reason for OVZ significantly better perfomance. You can oversell RAM,HDD, CPU on all virtualization, when it comes CPU it is used almost at same way in every virtualization(only alocation is different) and OS level will not protect you from overselling or overloading,and also it will not provide you true dedicated resources if provider is overselling because same subscription will be provided to more VM.So basicly you get same,it depend from provider. I'm working with OVZ,KVM and XEN and to be honest not favor any solution because both have adventage and disadventage and there is no definition which is better ,it depend of needs and situation.When ever I need to virtualize my own server for my own needs i'm using OVZ simple because it give me much better perfomance.
  9. Nelsa


    Offcourse you can't. You must set password first time you log in and you can do that only through node VNC,in case when it is installed on VPS and automated installation is performed you must log in through node VNC first time. Second even if you already do first log in and set admin pass you will still not be able to conect by RDP client,windows 2012 has "not allow" default remote conection setings and it is with reson set as it is,note that you will conect to node VNC(it mean you will not use your VPS dedicated IP but VNC server IP) or you can just use integrated solusVM VNC. After you do that go and set remote conection "allow" .This is not bug ,at this way it is ensured that only person who install Windows has first access,than after you log in set remote conection alowed and optionaly chose user. You probably see "installation is successfull ,your root password is xxx" when finish windows installation in solus VM but you can ignore that,it is not any password related with win ,at the end we all know root is not windows user.
  10. You as provider probably are refering to VPS you will provide to your customers?If so it depend what is your target auditory and also it depend what virtualization you will offer. See 256Mb RAM in kernel level OVZ and 256mb RAM in OS level KVM/XEN is not even close when it comes customer,for example if you use two VPS both with 512mb RAM and on both install same centos 6 you will have more free ram in OVZ no metter you use same amount of RAM in every VPS and same distro . It is because OVZ share node kernel with VM while in KVM/XEN you are installing full OS.that is why start point for OVZ VPS can be lower than for KVN/XEN. Almost all providers have128MB plans (some even even lower but it is ...well low) for OVZ VPS while for KVM/XEN start is min. 256MB or mostly 512 MB. So basicly for OVZ you can make start plans from 128MB while start point for KVM/XEN is 256mb or 512MB ,now it depend from you and your target auditory what will you use as start point ,if you target midle or high end level than probably you won't need 128-256 plans but if you are new it is hard to start right now in that class where price isn't first on the list to no one. I woud go with low end and midle class and I woud start with two option OVZ(from 128Mb-2Gb plans) and KVM (from 512Mb-4Gb) ,but if you decide to go fight in high end class right now than be ready for havy advertising.When it comes to CPU it depends of CPU itself,Virtulization(again) and menagment,basicly if you intend utitly CPU as vCore=Real Core than for small VPS you can give from 0.5-1 vCore and from 1-8 vCore for larger VPS but I will say again it depend from many factors ,I don't know which CPU and how many you have on node and also it depend what % of CPU load you will set as limit.... CPU is shared no metter which virtualization you use you use so it is essential to find right solution for menagment .
  11. I supose that this is issue only because I do that my self( overlooked the system tab) first time I install it.
  12. When you go to setting you will see "company/sistem" in left corner first switch to sistem,if you don't switch you will see only automation settings for company(automation settings for invoice ...etc).When you do that you will find cron settings.
  13. Well it looks really great,I just visit order page see it live and looks very good.
  14. Nelsa

    Vendor Updates

    Well I get tons of similar e-mails mostly with links to phishing sites(like fake payoneer sites..etc) it is not unusal but this guy is genius,it doesn't send you link masked with anchor to some pay pal copyed phishing web site,no he send you .htm file which probably 90% ordinary users even doesn't know how to open or if they open it with default app(mostly editors) will see just source code, on the other hand who ever know what is .htm file and how to open it,also probably know how to recognize fakers. Here is for example e-mail I got for perfect money where you have link with perfect money url as anchor and real url http://prefectmony.com (without"e") which can be very hard to reckognize for ordinary user and considering very similar URL and web site copyed in details, I send warning to all my clients ,well they don't use https but most ordinary users don't look which protocol site use.
  15. Nelsa

    Vendor Updates

    Sorry for offtopic but I got this e-mail in same time as you mention spammers.This guy make me cry and lough in same time.Well I'm also aware that not all internet users are advanced and many people actualy be came victim, but this is really so obviously. Here is thing; Today I got e-mail from "pay-pal"(offcouse on e-mail account which is not asociated with P.P) and from this e-mail account service@peypal.com with this title "Your account has been limited Pay Pal ID case xxxxx" and in that e-mail He put attachment which is .htm file and it is exactly copy of pay pal page and all links point to real pay pal site..etc but He ask from users to open that attachment, fill this form,save it and send back in e-mail (as you see it is exactly copy of pay pal page but opened through localhost) . Here is form,see link to file on localhost. And after fill this form (where he ask pay-pal e-mail ,pass,....)he ask you to save it and send back in e-mail as attachment Here is e-mail content ,it is exactlly same like pay-pal template but I had to remove some images due to forum restrictions.
  16. Is that your site ,looks very nice .
  17. I just look Whsuite,damn it looks like blesta copy I had 3 valid licence seven months ago,first WHMCS which I used before(I have it even now and using for free hosting clients ,it is valid till end of year,after that I will move free cliets also) ,second licence was Blesta and third Client E. ,to be honest didn't look for other billing software and I got Blesta and C.exec VAR licences as addons when buy two dedicated servers,After one month testing I migrate to Blesta,and it suits all my needs.When it comes to security and reliability there is no better option,I tryed almost every billing software that is worth to look.
  18. Well content about she talk is edited in companies settings ,even if she use always show header , it will still show mydomain.com...etc because it is default content in companies settings and it is not in header but in section content,she will have to edit those sttings to get own content.
  19. Well for that you don't need adit any files just fill fields in company settings ant it will show you company name,address,contact e-mail... Go settings--->sistem---companies and click edit Here is my example ,just replace content with yours Here is result,this is different theme,but content is same.
  20. Great news ,I'm already testing Open nebula for KVM node ,will look closely and maybe try it.
  21. Here is what I have set as prices for resellers ,for regular customers it is little higher.... I have reseller Open SRS ,eNom ,Reseller Club , Internet BS and few more(instra ,register.it...etc) ,as I said I mix prices from these four registrats mostly but I will update 7-8 extension .Keep in mind those are not prices for me but prices from me for my subreseller as I mention above ,for me prices are lower offcourse.
  22. Here is what I have set as prices for resellers ,for regular customers it is little higher but not much .Those are extensions on Sale .I'm mixing prices from four registrats .I will update these prices probably tomorow and change 7-8 extensions since I got better prices for com ,co ,...and few others but non of extension will go up .
  23. I just instelled it and it is great,I will replace even widgets on my html templates i have on few sites.Thanks a lot.
  24. Screenshots As you can see ,I add 3 servers (one plesk 12) and I add servers without problem ,but when add package it won't load servers,log show service plan: get success.With C.Exec I can add package but got error with API when add service. jpg images
  25. I just tryed to add package and it won't load plesk servers at all ,I will try with test plesk 12 server ,these two have plesk 11.xx
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