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Everything posted by Nelsa
Well this woud be huge + for Blesta ,I'm stick with gogetssl.com and another one provider which I handle through Universal plugin(read manual accounting with auto invoicing )Any way +1
Yes,I said alredy it is Mysql issue not blesta, and I tryed everything they advice it didn't work.I won't go deep in to because I was planed to migrate to Cloud linux even before this issue so I will leave it and see will it work after OS reinstallation and migration.
Hey,my problem is related only with one server where Blesta is installed and on every other server(including here on Blesta Demo) I tryed, everything work fine with all 3 Plesk nodes,on this server where Blesta is installed problem is with Mysql server,no metter how much I incrase connection max time out and max alowed packets I got every time error "SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 2006 MySQL server has gone away on line 124 in /public_html/blesta/lib/model.php" . So in short Blesta can't establish connection with Plesk at all,I can get even server listed. This error is mostly resolved with simple incresing max alowed packet size and max connection time out but here it didn't work,I looked Mysql documentation related with this error and tryed all solutions they recomanded but without success. So on this server Blesta can't establish connection at all,it simple time out every time,and I will repeat this issue is related only on one server,I tryed few others and everything worked without problem,now funny thing is I replicate Mysql setting from working server on this one and it simple won't work on this server . I also try to incrase limits in PHP also(sometimes Mysql error is issued because low limits in Php.ini) but it didn't work also,now since I will migrate from this server(I planed it even before this issue) I leave it as it is because as I said it is related only with this node. As for plesk versions ,2 Plesk servers are 12.018 and one is 11.xxx . Here is response
I explore this panel when you first time ment it as project,now I look it again and I must say,look very nice but unfortuanlely I can't say much about simple because I sow only end user interface.Can you tell little more about or provide some full futured demo with Admin/Reseller interface or at least some screen shoots. From tittle I can see goal is to be SolusVM alterative so I supose it is multi user and multi server panel. I'm testing some alternatives for SolusVM and till now I find it only Open Nebula and few more to be good for production. I install Open Nebula on one server with KVM ,it woud be great if more alternatives came out.
IPB 3.4.x is my favor forum with very good and simple administration while in same time it is extremly future rich. It takes few seconds to move threads from forum to forum,you don't need to do even from ACP,just need to be loged in as admin,and when you broswe perticular forum you can check all thread or how many you need and from drop menu chose move...and that is it,you can optionaly leave thread link or remove it.
I think that Digital Ocean plugin woud be something to consider,I'm sure a not only lot of existing customers will start using it but also it woud probably attract many competeition customers to migrate to Blesta.When it comes Blesta I often speak with many people about it and one thing I noticed is that there is huge number of potential customers who are still in I woud say "Cloud" and they think about Blesta as their favor future billing/accounting software but they still stand distanced and look what will happen next. Many of them are waiting some futures to be implemented,some of them are alrady in testing proces but many of them need just little to be pushed .Today more and more users go and resell third party service rather than provide self menaged service. I personaly always go for my-menaged service and I always build my infrastucture my self but I know for sure that most people prefer withite labeled menaged service like vps.net.....and other. Digital Ocean is every day more and more popular thanks to very good service at afordable prices,their cloud infrstucture is builded on KVM hypervisor and now they are one of the most prefered service for resell,but as they don't provide clasic resellers plan like in SolusVM, making one plugin which will allow users to resell Digital Ocean service at very afordable price can be right decision. When it comes Digital Ocean ,they are very popular,reilable and in same time one of cheapest provider on the market and they are much better option than for example vps.net( in my opinion offcourse). If I don't have already resolved the situation when it comes to VPS service I woud code one small custome plugin for my self with basic control panel funcions and I woud reseller their service completly white labeled. i think there is already DO plugin for WHMCS ,may be even for some other software and i look DO API documentation(to be honest only few pages) and seems they provide decent documentation for devlopers.
I have same issue now with 3.3.0 final ,but I already contact seller and they promise resolve it.Only problem was I rewrite already files before even try it ,so I had to reupload whole back up since without finished proces blesta issue error every time.
I'm not sure what do you wan't any more from billing and accounting software?To transfer all funcionality of cPanel,Plesk,SolusVM...etc in to Blesta or in to WHMCS,well why do we than need those panels in first place?I can agree that we need more modules and other addons expecually third party but I never undestand why some webmasters double or triple same funcionality through modules.It is OK for me to include some basics in module but I don't want transfer half cPanel or SolusVM futures in Blesta
Well you didn't set default order form and also you have two blesta directories,your default/portal url is http://himhost.com/blesta/blesta/ but it is better to set it http://himhost.com/blesta/ . Now you need to set that order form you already have as default one, as Licensecart pointed, and I woud also move installation directory in http://himhost.com/blesta/ . As I see you are uploaded whole content of blesta zip file insted only blesta directory and your blesta directory at http://himhost.com/blesta/ has; Parent Directory LICENSE README.md blesta-3.2.2.zip blesta/ hotfix-php5.5/ uploads/
As I find yesterday some time I force my self to debug my issue with Plesk module,and as I tought in first place it is issue with MYSQL connection,to be exact MYSQL server close conection due longer timeout than permited.Now I know I can simple incrase max timeout but it will be last option, since I know for sure I set decent max alowed packet size and max connection timeout I woud rather to see why only Plesk module has this issue and if posible try to solve this at other way than simple incresing limits...when in same time some scripts which is known to require higher connection timeout and max alowed packet size limits work without any issue.
Well I missed your post and see it now,Yes you are right it shoud show service plans but as I said it won't load servers at all,so it doesn't show service plans at all,not even Ip address... As you see in screen S of log it only has input field,which mean it load all the time without any respond.... I tryed blesta Demo to see if this issue is on my side and it is problem on my side, because here on Blesta demo it load all servers and service plans without any issue and everything work fine.I will look closely today and try to see what is wrong,to be honest I didn't even try to resolve this issue because I don't have many Plesk linux customers(and I have built in paralels billing) and also Blesta is installed on server with free BSD and without any GUI or panel so It will be pain in the ... s to debug it but I have already few ideas...
Maybe you can go Hostbill---->whmcs--->Blesta ,as for domain importer...well I woud like to see it also but if I remeber corect it is not planed in next releases...
Well great to hear final release is close,great work
Thing is I just search and randomly try 3 scaners from first page from google search results and all shows site "clean" status for blesta.com ,seems OP is look hard for site which will show hacked/infected state (only because they are not whitelisted hivelogic e-mail encrypter/decoder). And main question is why woud some one bored to scan blesta.com in first place which is handled by WP not Blesta?Just to say one thing,at any other competitors forum/blog topic(and user who post it) like this woudn't last even one minute,they delete topics/post and ban users even for postive reviews....damn this just show how profesional and open these guys are.
Well maybe it can be done with universal plugin but it woud need probably some coding on Oxwall side to accept calls.But may be I'm wrong, not very familiar with oxwall,use it only once for short time.
Exactlly ,that was also my point about blesta hostin environment, but nothing stop you or enyone else to use 5.4 or 5.5 right now ,for 5.5 just use hotfix file ,they talked about minimal php version supported by blesta.
I like how mass mailing is processed in IP board 3.4.x version(maybe in other but I'm using this) where it send mails periodically in next 24hours, and admin has option to set number of e-mails per circle,I think def value for every circle is 20 mails.If you have huge number of users this is very god option.
Well incrase(edit php.ini file) max execution time to 60 and if only that is reason it will work,for comparation cPanel default value is 90s but 60 shoud be fine . Example Xamp php.ini-production file(see line 375) located in C:\xampp\php
Yes,I undestand your point completly and i have nothing to say aganist,I just try to respond at "why woud someone support the older versions?" ,and as I pointed in my post I think blesta in 95% cases is installed on isolated servers and probably only small number of webmasters host it on shared hosting account where potentialy unsupporting low variant can be issue.But if we consider that many shared hosting providers support also multi php variant and already implement multi php selectors,than we can asume that only small number( in my opinion) woud be afected if they incrase requirements for PHP version.
hostu_opsWell now you are confuse me..... , ..VPS???
Generaly (I will explain why I think Blesta is not in this category) it can be problem for hosting companies which have many clents and don-t implement multi php selectors, I have tons of user that uses ....5.1, 5.2 or 5,3 infact 90% of them ar at 5.3 and lower .But since I implement multi php selectors on all servers including cPanel runing on centos(have two on centos rest run on cloud linux) it is not problem for me,now why I thnk blesta can be safely be excluded from this ,because it is billing software and 95% webmaster host this kind of softwares isolated and not on same server where clients are(this is essential) so in theory they will not have problem to edit configuration without braking clients.