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Everything posted by Nelsa

  1. I will use their demo server and make few screen shots for you,I will put it here for few minutes
  2. Yes I know what he ask but I didn't use it in production just basic check,and yes you can add/remove IPs in Virtualizator also ,first need to add IPs in pool
  3. Well as I remeber I didn't install any addons ,I had only 5 dedicated IP availabe since I test it on my own test server at home(I have two older xeon duall core servers for testing here at home) and here IPv4's are very expensive .I just add my IPs in IP pool and leter you can set manualy IP or they can be alocated by sistem.I must say I didn't use virtualizator in production,I install it just to try blesta module.
  4. Here is topic with screen shot I posted ,but there is no much there only few posts http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3259-virtualizor-virtualizor-module/
  5. I tryed Virtualizator when module was released and it worked perfect for me on two server ,I try it at bare metal dedicated server for few days and after few days I build one test node on the top of KVM(well with few VPS created only) and it worked nicely.I think there is still my review availble on this forum(topic about virtualizator module) and there is also few screen shots posted there.
  6. I agree ,this is something which is more important in this moment.
  7. As I understand Paul, He said "We can get mass mail plugin while planing and working on better domain menager" ,well if it is posible to do it without delaying to much domain menager I woud say it is good solution, but we all have different needs when it comes new plugin/gateway/module and for every user his request is MOST important ,it is important to make some list of most needed futures and maybe poll can be good solution for making some list. I remeber we are talking about mass mailing future long time ago and in that time I sugest looking in to IP board mass mailing tool(i'm using it now for mailing clients till Blesta plugin pop up) and it has option to set number of sent e-mails per cycle and this is important for company with huge clients base.And if I had to chose Domain menager or mass mailing I woud say domain menager but I respect fact that other users are maybe in need for something other and poll can solve this.
  8. Module for webmin/virtualmin is great news,it looks great on screen shots.Good work
  9. Client side template is in www.yourdomain.tld/blesta_dir/app/views/client ,as already pointed you shoud copy bootstrap folder and rename it(otherwise it will be overwrited every time you update blesta),after you did that ,go in www.yourdomain.tld/blesta_dir/app/views/client/renamed_foldler and you will see structure.pdt file . In this file you can edit header,content/holder and footer and if you edit header and footer(which is mostly what users do when integrate html template) in structure.pdt file it will be included in every page at client side,so response is you don't need to edit each file when it comes header and footer. Blesta is very frendly once you understand how it works and it is very modular even when it comes design. And offcourse you must go to settings and set client template to your custom renamed template.
  10. Well I'm using Blesta for 17 months and while i'm satisfated with Blesta,mainly with stability I can agree with some parts of your feedback about futures. In time when I started with Blesta I was hope there will be much more integrations and futures for let say 1 year in forward(expecually 3th party) but great stability (without even one problem for 17 months in my case) and fact that code is 99% open source is something that force me to bealive that Blesta was(in time I buy it) and still is most potent billing and accounting software on market and to be honest I tought there will be much more devlopers active till now here.
  11. You don't need to pay resources you don't need,I sugest provider who offer hdd/ram/cpu upgrade without VPS re-installation(most provider have this option) so you can upgrade when you grow and need it.
  12. As I remember cPanel Reloaded module has also this option and you can control also other limits like ftp accounts,e-mail accounts...etc
  13. well I'm using 4 and simetimes 5 registrats depending of curent prices,I think others do the same,because every registrats has few good prices so you can use best price for TLD,in my case it is eNom ,reseller club,openSRS and two more for ccTLD. I looked Freenom prices and there is few good prices there also but as far as I know there is no module yet,. As for pre-deposit it depend from registrat to registrat but you shoud choose by number of domains you sell weekly ,some registrats like eNom offer better prices with higher level account but if you don't sell too many domains it doesn't make sence to deposit too much money.
  14. Nelsa

    About Order Area

    You can create/delete orders and services but Invoice can't be deleted in AdminCP,you can void invoice only.there is option to delete it in Database.....through phpMyAdmin...
  15. I sugest you to debug it,you can use firebug extension.It is hard to say without error from page or log file but with debug extension like firebug you will see where is problem.
  16. You can have one oder form where all products are available,first add all service/products to appropriate groups and then create new order form and add all groups to that order form. If you have huge number of services/products than maybe linking order forms from portal is better.....
  17. May I suggest to look does needed funcions are added to reseller package(if account is reseller)
  18. There is no new rewriteCond rule because to rewritte just one url you don't need new RewriteCond rule and since .htacces in blesta has few rewriteCond rules by default I just put one line.When I mention condition rule I tought you want rewrite all urls with some simbols to new urls and this is easyer to do by combining RewriteRule and RewriteCond, With code from example whole.htaccess in blesta shoud look like this <Files ~ "\.(pdt)$"> order deny,allow deny from all </Files> # Protect against Clickjacking #Header append X-Frame-Options "SAMEORIGIN" RewriteEngine on # Force HTTPS #RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on #RewriteRule ^ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [R=307,NE,L] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^(.*)/install.php$ RewriteRule install.php %1/install/ [R=301,L] RewriteRule ^client/support/tickets/$ /client/plugin/support_manager/client_tickets/ [L]
  19. To rewrite just url from your post you shoud add this line to .htaccess RewriteRule ^client/support/tickets/$ /client/plugin/support_manager/client_tickets/ [L] You can also use solution to rewrite folders RewriteRule ^support_manager/(.*) support/$1
  20. Well with conditions rules(RewriteCond) we tells that we will going to redirect rewrited url only to the paths that actualy don't exist ,otherwise without conditions rules it will just redirect rewrited url which will couse sever error,also with RewriteCond you can add rules to exclude files with some flags...etc,when you want to catch all urls with some variables and rewrite it than mostly you must add and some conditions rules,I will put some examples for you ,I need just to finish some tasks on my site,maybe for 30-60 minutes.
  21. Yes you can use .htaccess to rewrite urls but don't forget to add conditions rules first, otherwise if you just add rewrite rules you will get internal server error every time
  22. Nelsa

    How Do I Remove This?

    Hi,I think you can edit content of that field in app/views/client/customfolder/client_main_edit.pdt and make it to just show curent contact info without options to edit anything
  23. Yes there was reported issue with 2CO (I didn't use it so can't say more) but generaly it will make blesta much more atractive with new API since 2Co now offer service which is now available only by merchant gateways,I had account there and it is verified and ready for use(remeber yet their verification proces which is very hard for non merchant gateway and considering in that time they only alowed procesing on their hosted page). I'm using Stripe but this shoud be considered since it is only non-merchant gateway with direct procesing( at least I don't know any other)
  24. Strange,do you look is everything selected in settings/company/automation
  25. Are you set corect IPN callback URL in Pay pal settings.You can do it in PayPal>Profile>my seling tools ,url shoud look like https://yourdomain.com/blesta_dir/callback/gw/1/paypal_payments_standard
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