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Everything posted by Nelsa

  1. If your SMTP server is under uitsbd.net than you need to use smtp.uitsbd.net or mail.uitsbd.net or just uitsbd.net ,it depend which host point to smtp server,you are basicly log in with blesta in your smtp server as you are do it with any other mail client,so you need to know first SMPT server ceredentials i.e port,host,user name and password . I don't know exactlly how you configure your SMTP server but who set SMTP server must know and you can always see this in SMTP server configuration. I just do DNS and MX record lookup and as I can see second DNS authority is WHB, you can use WHB smtp server(if you have account there),they use use 26 port for non secure and 465 for secure SSL/TLS ,just use e-mail address as username and e-mail account password as pass and mail.uitsbd.net as host or if you want to use own SMTP server you have or third party under that domain than you will have to add/edit DNS records because I can't see any MX,SPF or even A records that point to external server.... EDIT..I just sow you are using google apps.. Than you have to use google SMTP ceredentials and your user name and pass...offcourse you have to have proper MX records set but I supose you are do it through control panel google apps extension
  2. You have to first configure SMTP server ,if your SMTP server is also on cPanel you can find SMTP configuration data under e-mail accounts,than you have tu use that data and put it in Blesta e-mail setings. For example most used default SMTP settings are Host; mail.uitsbd.com User name: sales@uitsbd.com Password:your e-mail passwrd in cPanel Port: Non SSL/TSL 25 ,SSL/TLS 465 Offcourse you have to be sure that ports 25 or 465 are open on server
  3. You have to go to Client to which service belongs and than under Service click on service you want to edit and new padding tab will open,than you will see"Menage".Or you can go Billing-->Service--->Menage.....you shoud find it under ACTIONS. When it comes upgrade ,on same page you shoud see upgrade/downgrade .....
  4. We also provide customers full domain registrat accounts and I don't like to double funcions at all even when it comes hosting,clients have cPanel/Plesk/SolusVM...etc accounts and I don't see why to import same funcions in to blesta???Maybe some basic and most used funcions is OK to have close like WHOIS,Nameservers control...etc but this slowly became race and at the end we will have situation that all funcions of hosting panels will be imported in to billing and menagment scripts through modules......or in Domain menagment case full DNS template,whois protection,emails.....
  5. Well I'm offering cpanel but more and more I recomend Plesk 12 to my users,yes long term support is very important but they stay tooo long with 11.xx...if we look just core...well it is almost same as it was in 2007.....
  6. This is good news Thanks
  7. Nelsa

    Cron Task Stuck

    Regarding e-mail template issue I was able to reproduce error with e-mail template in your post and I got same error as you(Template parse error: unexpected character in filters.......),fix is simple just switch to source(first icon in html editor) and than add your code and it shoud work(It work for me at least).When you add/paste new lines in HTML editor it add also span tags,<p> tags, "&" character insted space..etc. Screen S. When add/paste directly in to HTML gives error Switch to Source Now work
  8. You will add your plugin to /blesta/plugins/ foldler ,here is developer doc. https://docs.blesta.com/display/dev/Creating+a+Plugin Example /blesta/ /plugins/ your_plugin/ controllers/ models/ views/ controller.php config.json ...etc
  9. When you upgrade final release than you are offcourse do it by uploading patch(aka only new files) and it is considered upgrade but if you do it with beta than you will overwrite all files because betas are whole Blesta installation not patches,so be carefull....
  10. Hi I had same issue and I just had conversation with support staff there and they say it is fixed,you need to uninstall and install it again,first go and download new fixed files.I can confirm I was able to configure both brick and paymentwall after I download new files. here is response from staff Hi Sanel, Can you please reinstall it again? We just fixed it. Please refer to : https://www.paymentwall.com/en/documentation/Blesta/3439 Regards, Paymentwall Team
  11. Well in this business lack of time is in 99.99% reason why something is not started or finished, sometimes more important things pop up and projects that devs started or promised goes on waiting list(free projects mostly).
  12. 'button solution' is alias for German e-commerce low accepted few years ago
  13. Dedicated server Intel Xeon

    1. Nelsa


      Intel Xeon CPU-instant activation(server is online already(

      4 Cores @ 3.3 GHz / 3.7 GHz Turbo

      8 GB RAM (DDR3)

      1TB, RAID 1

      1 TB 7200 RPM SATA (Backup Drive)

      5 TB Outbound & FREE Incoming Bandwidth

      3 IP adress in network already,more IP available

      1 VPN account gratis-already activated and online(*VPN is separete service and not on server you buy)


  14. And the worse thing is that non of staff even try to moderate thread despite fact 99% of post had nothing with topic(questio),OP ask one simple inocent question and they try to burn him,imagine what woud happen if someone try to argue there....
  15. You jump in to one of the worst community out there(well at least when it cames to most members there),they are mostly bunch of teens without any respect for competition and if you browse few threads you will see this is not unusual at all (once related to GVH(GreenValueHosty) are like spanish telenovelas.....just try to ignore them
  16. Yes it works without issue,I have two active production servers and one test VPS with plesk 12.0.18 ,just chose latest available plesk (it is 11.5) in module drop down menu and it will work without issues.
  17. Nelsa

    Domain Search Help?

    Just to know first time I paste form here I forget to put name="domain" in third input(placeholder) and since this woud became variable value once you submit form it will not work without it,in fact it will redirect you on blesta domain search form without query(this is just in case you copy form before I corect it). Form is corected and now it is complete.
  18. Nelsa

    Domain Search Help?

    Well I can write form for you that will work in few minutes but problem is csrf token will change after few hours and it will not work,in practice you will have to disable csfr token or change it every day. Maybe blesta staff have other solution,I don't see better way than disable csfr or change manualy csfr in your form every day. Here is example with csfr,if you disable it than just delete second <input> .Now if you want test it first or don't want to disable CSFR ,you can see csfr token using broswer inspector in devloper tools.Offcourse right way to do this woud be to implement searching and selecting domain on your site than sending user on package order form,this is just cheating This form is tested and working,if you want add more tld extensions just copy/paste <option> tags and replace value and id. <form action="https://your_order_form_url" method="post"> <input name="_csrf_token" value="your_csfr_token" type="hidden"> <input name="domain" value="" placeholder="yourdomain.com" type="text"> <select name="tlds[]"> <option name="tlds[]" value=".com" id="t.com">.com</option> <option name="tlds[]" value=".org" id="t.org">.org</option> <option name="tlds[]" value=".net" id="t.net">.net</option> <option name="tlds[]" value=".in" id="t.in">.in</option> <option name="tlds[]" value=".co" id="t.co">.co</option> <option name="tlds[]" value=".biz" id="t.biz">.biz</option> </select> <input name="lookup" type="submit" value="Go">
  19. Nelsa

    Domain Search Help?

    As I understand He want to put url in his form action ,so user is redirected when click on search to blesta domain search form.His problem is because there is no query in Blesta Url (method POST is used) and if He put existing url as action, user WILL be redirected but only to empty search form.
  20. You shoud look for error(if not already) in tools--->logs--->module .
  21. Do not entry in to group(do not click edit) just click on group to toogle it and you will see packages that you can drag and drop up/down
  22. well it work for me,you need to add both packages to same group and when you create order form add that package group to order form and it shoud show on same order form,you can see here on my test order form two different exrensions from enom and namecheap https://nelsahost.com/blesta/order/config/preconfig/testvps Also when creating order form in drop down menu you can chose type of the form and you have "general" on first and "domain and other" on second place ,so make sure that all steps are properly done.
  23. Offline payments work at that way,you can use it for bank transfers ,add bank transfer info....
  24. It will be there after you download SDK API and put it in install dir ,https://github.com/phillipsdata/blesta_sdk
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