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Everything posted by katycomputer

  1. I have been renewing my support every year, however the dashboard states "Your support and updates expired on Nov 01, 2018". How do I fix this? We paid our renewal on 1/8/21:
  2. I am hoping to use Blesta with Softaculous on ISPConfig.
  3. Is this still a valid edit - it used to work for me, it's not working today.
  4. The "Save Account" bug" bites me again. I really wish we could get this fixed.
  5. When I download reconciliation reports from Stripe, client information for clients we setup in Blesta some time ago - say a year or so ago, is included, so we get customer ID & customer email in the report. Recent clients are not including this information. I checked with Stripe support, Stripe tells me: I took a look into the CSV file you've supplied me with and took a look into your account as well, it appears that some of the missing data is due to not having the data set in your Stripe account. For example: Charge for 770, $12 shows no customer on the charge. Therefore, it wouldn't have any of the other columns or rows filled. Anyone know what is going on here & how we can fix it? Blesta has the information, I am not sure why it's not finding its way to Stripe. We are on Blesta 4.7.2
  6. Thanks guys, dashboard now says: Your support and updates are good through Jan 04, 2021.
  7. I found support & update renewal on https://blesta.store/client/services/addaddon/370/ By going to: https://blesta.store | Clients | My Account | Blesta Owned Unbranded | Manage | Addons | Add Addon | Support & updates recurring | 1 Year.... | Create | Then work through the cart Blesta.store wouldn't accept my credit card, it replied with: An error occured when processing the request with the gateway. Paypal to the rescue, it accepted my credit card My dashboard is still reporting: Your support and updates expired on Nov 01, 2018 (it should be 11/11/19), in an attempt to clear this issue: Went to: https://blesta.store/client/services/manage/370/tabClientReissue/ and click "Reissue" button Then back on my Blesta install, I clicked on Update Settings button on /admin/settings/system/general/license/ Still no joy - what did I miss?
  8. Didn't work for me. I can add Blesta & support to the cart, if I try removing Blesta, support is also removed.
  9. OK, thanks. I opened a ticket, yesterday, it will keep until next week.
  10. Does anyone know the url for renewing our Blesta support using Blesta.store ? I tried https://blesta.store/order/main/index/blesta no joy, I have been out of support since November, nothing is broke, but I want to get things squared away -- just in case the inevitable occurs.
  11. We renamed the cPanel account where Blesta is installed. When I went into Blesta, it asked for our license #, now it's reporting "The license is not valid for the installed location." How do we fix this situation?
  12. Adding another urggh.... I log in, get a "Your license successfully revalidated. Please log in.", then I have to log in again. First world problem, aggravating issue. My primary concern: I have a lift-time license, why does Blesta need to revalidate. What if the Phillips boys win the lottery, does Blesta quit working?
  13. In some situations, we want to send an invoice a few days in advance of debiting the client's credit card. If I create an invoice today setting Date Billed: 2019-07-10, and Date Due: 2019-07-12 and check "Auto Debit" When does the client's credit card get billed? If I set it up as a recurring Invoice, with a 12 Month Term, is there a way for the customer to be invoiced on 2020-07-10 with an auto debit date of 2020-07-12 ?
  14. The solutions we found were pricey. I ended up having a RentaCoder write some PHP code to create a csv file we import into QuickBooks using Transaction Pro. It works flawlessly, once in QuickBooks we get it into our CRM (Act!) using a QB to CRM bridge. I avoided Zapier because for me, the point of using Blesta is to avoid quasi-public cloud services.
  15. OK, thanks. It's not the end of the world, just aggravating... There are higher priorities, for example allowing us to make "save payment details" a default setting.
  16. OK, thanks. We haven't changed anything since early in 2018 when we changed the domain.
  17. run_id;"event";"group";"output";"start_date";"end_date" 17;"1";"1558927201.5381";"Attempting to validate the license. The license validation task has completed.";"2019-05-27 03:20:01";"2019-05-27 03:20:05" 17;"1";"1559013601.6674";"Attempting to validate the license. The license validation task has completed.";"2019-05-28 03:20:01";"2019-05-28 03:20:05" 17;"1";"1559100002.2224";"Attempting to validate the license. The license validation task has completed.";"2019-05-29 03:20:02";"2019-05-29 03:20:06" 17;"1";"1559186401.7753";"Attempting to validate the license. The license validation task has completed.";"2019-05-30 03:20:01";"2019-05-30 03:20:05" 17;"1";"1559272802.4212";"Attempting to validate the license. The license validation task has completed.";"2019-05-31 03:20:02";"2019-05-31 03:20:06" 17;"1";"1559359201.6427";"Attempting to validate the license. The license validation task has completed.";"2019-06-01 03:20:01";"2019-06-01 03:20:05" 17;"1";"1559445601.5029";"Attempting to validate the license. The license validation task has completed.";"2019-06-02 03:20:01";"2019-06-02 03:20:05" 17;"1";"1559532001.7817";"Attempting to validate the license. The license validation task has completed.";"2019-06-03 03:20:01";"2019-06-03 03:20:05" 17;"1";"1559618402.1411";"Attempting to validate the license. The license validation task has completed.";"2019-06-04 03:20:02";"2019-06-04 03:20:06" 17;"1";"1559704801.5296";"Attempting to validate the license. The license validation task has completed.";"2019-06-05 03:20:01";"2019-06-05 03:20:05" 17;"1";"1559791201.9135";"Attempting to validate the license. The license validation task has completed.";"2019-06-06 03:20:01";"2019-06-06 03:20:05"
  18. /admin/settings/system/automation lists cron job: */5 * * * * /usr/local/bin/php -q /home/katycomputer/public_html/billing/index.php cron > /dev/null 2>&1 It last ran at Jun 06, 2019 9:35:02 AM.
  19. We are IP4 only.
  20. My dashboard says "The system is in good health and appears to be operating normally.", invoices are going out as expected What else do I need to check to verify that cron is properly configured to run all tasks?
  21. Periodically, when I login to Blesta, it reports "Your license successfully revalidated. Please log in." I then have to login again - is this really necessary? It seems to be a needless aggravation. Additionally, I have a lifetime license, why is Blesta validating my license if it's perpetual?
  22. It would be real nice to have phone as an option here.
  23. We need to make sure customer provides Name, Address, Phone & email address. How can we make these fields mandatory?
  24. I found this thread thinking "I am going to remove the branding". I have reconsidered. We would all be better served by leaving the branding in place. If Blesta is more popular, we'll get more resources devoted to Blesta. A Chevy is less expensive and more reliable than a Cadillac, one of the reason why is because they make more Chevy's. I want more people, many more people to buy Blesta! I don't see how it hurts my business to promote Blesta within our billing system - my homepage, that's a different story, no web designer gets to put "designed by..." on my homepage.
  25. We see the same issue with "Edit Email Template Payment Declined (Credit Card)", no {payment_url}. Can this be added? It seems like we would all like to give our clients as many methods to pay as is possible.
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