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Everything posted by Dominick

  1. I am sorry, I do not understand... iDeal is like direct debit and iDeal is offered by a lot of parties. Mollie is one of the most recognized parties offering iDeal for a good price.
  2. Hi Tyson, My mistake, The payment gateway I was talking about is Mollie, especially the iDeal payment method mollie offers. For international api see: https://www.mollie.com/en/developers The registrar I was talking about is Transip (see https://api.transip.nl/docs/transip.nl/package-Transip.html) or Oxxa (preferred) see english docs attachted. Oxxa API DOCUMENTATION (1.82 V) eng.pdf
  3. Hi, We are a webdesigning agency in the netherlands and are interested in blesta for well over a year but due to the lack of dutch payment gateway and registrar module arent we able to fully use blesta. We were wondering if there are developers here who are able to develop a payment gateway and a registrar module for us as a paid job? Please send me a message for the details. We hope to hear from you, Dominick
  4. I send you a reply but havent received a reply
  5. Hi, Ever purchased a product from a whmcs driven site? I do and I hate the several emails you instantly receive about order created, invoice due etc etc. So when setting up my Blesta installation (finally) I want to prevent this, So I was wondering, since I want the first Invoice Notification sent 7 dates before the due date, are there any settings I can use so this first notification isnt sent for newly created invoices but only for automated invoices? Otherwise users will receive a first notification about a due date 7 days away on the day they placed an order, Hope you can help me.
  6. The license is still available, pm me if interested.
  7. Thanks for your reply, I sent you an pm. Sorry for the delay I once again did not receive any forum notification emails..
  8. Hi, Sorry only see your reply now. Somehow only specific replies are emailed to me. I replied to your message on Sent 25 November 2014 - 04:29 PM
  9. Hi, We are selling our Blesta license: Owned branded. Support & Updates are good through Oct 9, 2015 Purchased here straight from Blesta.com If interested, send me a message. Please note: If transferred before Jan 1 2015 there is no transfer fee
  10. Thank you for your reply, As far as I could measure domestic registrars reply with a ping of 7 ms and international with a ping of about 120 - 150 ms. In terms of domain pricing there isn't a big difference but our national registrar only replies to support requests once a week making it difficult to trace issues if there is one. The main reason we are looking at international registrars is because there aren't any modules available for our own registrars. We are talking to have one coded for us but were also looking at international registrars since blesta supports them already p.s. Which one of the registrars blesta supports are you using? I read good things about namecheap but they don't offer the .nl domainname so it's up to: - Logicboxes (NetEarthOne) or - Enom
  11. Hi, I was wondering about the registrar options blesta offers for clients to order/renew domainnames. - Which do you recommend is most stabile? - Is there a big difference between registering domains with a registrar based in your own country vs an international registrar?
  12. Thanks all for the replies, updates and experiences. We took several months decided and up to a point even tried out unlimtied licenses of the both being able to compare them and we decided not to go with blesta, here is why: We feel blesta is focusing to much on a small group that have an extensive knowledge of php. We also feel because whmcs is so popular and there are soo many modules available that blesta should try to win the users over by creating new modules, organizing contents etc but they don't. We are based in the netherlands and 95% of our clients prefer to pay using a payment gateway called iDeal. We found a post dating back to 2010 where the users claims Blesta is currently working to integrate this. Unfortunately, we're in 2014 now and the module is still not available. On page one this comments was made: 'all of us developpers will help you and build it' I contacted several developers and before we made a clear overview of what it would cost to have the essential modules developers, we ready to have a module made, found out that the general tone isn't to help out the community (Develop the module and make it available (commercially / free) on the forums but they rather keep the modules to themselve, we contacted 4 developers and they all mentioned this to us. Further more, the fact that modules garden left to work exclusively for whmcs is never good for business but at least you could absorb the modules (which they handed over) and keep providing updates etc but what I understood from the page it's basically 'as is'. The same principle applies with a lot of the other modules developers here, a lot of them are 'as is'. So getting back to the post from @PauloV '3º- Can I sleep at night with Blesta?' Can you really sleep while using modules which the developer don't even support? We don't. And finally the translation; Like other choices made regarding blesta they are all well though out put we're properly executed(my opinion), the translation project is great but it is soo time consuming we stopped, we suggested on this forum to let google translate it at first and have users make it better but Blesta's view on this was different. The final reason that pushed us over to whmcs side was the fact that blesta doesn't have a dedicated support, we experienced pre-sale is good and fast and support is slow. In conclusion, for us as a Dutch company, blesta has the following downsides compared to whmcs: - Basic payment gateways are not available - Our language isn't even fully translated and doing so (only for us) will take us a day or so, doing so and sharing this with the community will take up a week or so... So users probably translated the language files themselves but didnt share them due to the extra days it takes to use the translation project. - None of the dutch registrars are supported. We contacted two and they both informed us they never ever had a request for using their api with blesta. Maybe if the bullet points mentioned above change we might look again at Blesta but at this point it would be 4 times as expensive for us to start using blesta than to start using whmcs.
  13. I am getting this error: The file could not be written. I have set up the uploads folder in Settings - system - general and the script displays they are writable, what am I doing wrong?
  14. The reason why I think the translate.blesta project takes more time to translate is because I have to use to click to go to the next page, I often contribute to projects because I like my solutions to be in Dutch and Dutch isn't always available, Editing straight into a text file or use the POedit app increases the productivity because my hands can stay on the keyboard and it's just 'go with the flow' I thought that too so I talked to several people I know who also have small buz. regarding internet/hosting/design etc and they all know blesta and several of them use it for their english speaking clientele but dont use it for their dutch clientele (audience) because the translation is such a pain in the .... And I agree, I recently purchased myself a license for idevaffiliate and instead of translating that one to dutch I simply purchased the dutch language file. I also believe this is indeed a great option, and wmaybe even integrate a checkbox to 'use google translation'. I often use google to translate api docs to english (from dutch) and google often nails the translation, at least dutch <-> english.
  15. Hi, Blesta only has been translated to my language for 13% so I am eager to help, I translated other solutions so I thought it would be again using a code editor and downloading the language files straight on the server, zipping them and uploading them somewhere, However there seems to be an entire blesta translation project going on; nice idea! However, it's taking me several times as long as editing straight in the files because the page has to load after each sentence/word. My question: - If I translate the language files via my editor, can I somehow upload them into the translate project for others to improve? - Is it possible to get 20/30 sentences/words shown at the same time? I really wanna help translate blesta but I find this way very time consuming and not very productive...
  16. Hi, I am not familair with the other two alternatives given by @naja7host, I know pushover because my hoster starts using it and in their control center I have these options: - Support, receive notification ( ) yes, to device: all, or select device - Billings, receive notification ( ) yes, to device: all, or select device In my case I setup billing notification to only notify my macbook (which I use for accounting) and the support for my iphone. I also asked them why they went for pushover instead of something else and my hoster explained to me, since they also server international clients in different time zones they wanted a solution that allowed users to set a schedule when to receive and when not to receive push. For me, in the case of Blesta, I also think this would come in handy. This is on default integrated in the apps of pushover.
  17. Hi, We were recently introduced to pushover via one of our support systems that integrated this in an update and I really like it, You simply get a notification on your phone about all kinds of messages or changes. I believe this would also be a great feature for blesta for example when support request need an answer or when orders are placed. See https://pushover.net/
  18. I can give you a link to the website of a local car dealer and I am sure the information on there is correct, but it has nothing to do with invoicing for 99% of the companies. I think this is the issue with your replies, Dutch law doesnt even recognize Digital products. The dutch tax office doesnt care if you sell hosting (digital services) or servers (tangible products) only the Dutch Chambre of Commerce cares. For the tax office it's all the same: Money.
  19. Dominick

    Release 3.2.0-B2

    Thanks for your reply, We can easily wait a few weeks and start directly on 3.2.
  20. It maybe a different situation in your eyes but when it comes down to Tax it's all the same. But, When we read this thread we thought we shared our findings because when we started out we had questions how to do certain actions especially in the important area's like bookkeeping, Our company has been around for several years and thought to share the findings of our accountant. But it's clear to us that mindset in this thread isnt as open as we originally thought. So we decided to leave this conversation and wish all the best of luck, Two notes: 1. If anyone who reads this is located in the Netherlands and needs some help on this end, feel free to send us a pm. 2. @blesta - The current system works fine for Dutch users so there is no need to change it.
  21. In the Netherlands we can do both. Or create a credit invoice which is normally the way to go when a client isnt paying or mark it as 'not paid', this last option is the way to go when a company goes out of business because than you will have some leverage when a curator is hired.
  22. I do own a hosting company and my expensive accountant says he knows the law, The several years i;ve been using his services I never found a reason to doubt him. But where am I wrong according to you? Ofcourse I am required to sent out invoices and I do but that doesn't mean I can't mark an invoice as invalid, Our company sell's hosting but also tangible products, according to dutch (and international) law products can be returned within 14 or 30 days, But and invoice is sent out at the moment a tangible product is purchased, so does that mean that returned products should be paid for? no, the company simply marks the invoice as invalid or create a credit invoice (in dutch: je kan ten factuur boeken op je grootboek Niet Inbaar of je maakt een creditnota aan.) The structure Blesta uses is: services will be renewed unless the service is cancelled. When the service is cancelled after the invoice is sent and you accept the cancellation (some companies do, some companies don't) you simply invalidate the invoice (and create a credit invoice) like you invalidate an invoice when a tangible product has been returned.
  23. Dominick

    Release 3.2.0-B2

    A newbie question here, Seen the changes in the beta I think for a newbie like me it's better to wait a bit and install 3.2 stable when released, So my question is; how many beta's are there normally for big changes like v3.2 is going through and how long is the time between beta's?
  24. I would like to thank everybody for their response, I decided to purchase blesta and just received the confirmation email that I am not a (if I may say myself, proud) blesta user!
  25. Hi, I am not sure to wich system you refer when you talk about 'eu system', I am Dutch and in the netherlands (part of the EU) we follow what you call the American system. Invoices, especially the invoice numbering, should be continuous indeed but when an invoice is created it should be paid, but when a automatically renewed product wasn't cancelled it should be paid also. When an invoice hasn't been paid because, for example the company cancels the products anyway or a business goes out of business you simply discard the amount on the invoice and book it on a different financial card. I also like to comment on comment #21 In the Netherlands you only enter a mutation in your financial books when a payment has been made. For example, when when you send an invoice on march 20th and the customer pays the invoice on 10th of April the vat of that invoice isn't due in the first quarter, because at that time the customer didn't pay the vat to you yet. The vat has to be paid at the end of the 2nd term.
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