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I've created a bounty offer for this on http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/2627-100-bounty-for-getting-service-information-displayed-on-the-upper-part-of-ticket-page Thanks!
Here is how a typical Ubersmith ticket page header looks like: So you can switch tabs and see all the relevant information at the spot staying on the same page. Asking to implement everything in Blesta would be too much, so we would like to get at least service-related information displayed on top of the ticket and ready to pay $100 contribution to get such module developed. We will share the module with the Blesta community, of course. To describe the further details of what we want, every customer can have more than one service (virtual private servers in our case), so it would be very nice if a customer could associate the ticket he is creating in the system with particular of the services he is subscribed to, and the system to display the additional information about that service on top of the ticket. This is very much handy for tech support admins to quickly see the details of the service (server) about which the ticket is filed. Especially it is important for us to pull access information to the service (server) like, for example, URL of control panel, username, password, URLs to phpMyAdmin, webmail, etc. We would like this information to be accessible on the ticket page as well as in blue area which appears when clicking on the service on the client homepage as explained here: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/2611-how-to-put-some-useful-information-to-blue-the-service-has-not-details-are-for-a-service Anyone can do this for us? Thanks!
I understand that and I like this behavior. However, just think about wouldn't be even better if a department, for example Support Department, could be associated with two (or more) e-mail addresses and depending which address customers send their e-mails the system could assign them different priorities. For example, we could ask our customers to send normal support requests to support@company.com and urgent support requests to emergency@company.com. I know I can create two different departments to have this setup now. But since both two types of tickets are about technical support requests, I really do not want to keep them in two different departments. This is just a request. Please discuss this internally among Blesta developers, maybe you'll see the point. Thanks!
Unfortunately, nothing seems to appear. Can this issue about the method PDF is generated? Maybe I nee to try another method?
Excellent! What about redirecting to custom destination for "Place Another Order" button? Can we change its behavior too? Thank you!
What about the second suggestion? We want to give our customers two e-mails: support@company.tld and emergency@company.tld and would like to associate both of them with one Support department. So when Blesta receives customer e-mail it selects different priorities depending on the destination e-mail, i.e. if email was sent to emergency@ then higher priority, if it was sent to support@ email then normal priority. I think this is much better way. And yes, please move this to new feature request forum. Basically, we request one department to be able to have two or more addresses and the system to set priorities depending to which address customer e-mail comes.
Can you please just move this ticket to Requests forum, so that we could have background of how we started this conversation? I believe the hash part could be moved to body of the message and Blesta could identify messages search for hash in body part.
We sell virtual private servers. So as one customer can have multiple servers with naturally different access information, we would like our customers to easily find access information for every server just clicking on the respective service associated with the server. So that blue area is ideal to provide access information (or for that matter any kind of information) related to that particular service (server). I tried to add various options in Blesta module, they appear in packages, but even when filled up, they don't show in that blue area.
No, there is no any thumbnail of the image on /settings/company/billing/customization/ page Yes, the upload directory is writable and in fact, as I mentioned earlier, I can see the file has been uploaded to /home/username/public_html/uploads/1/invoices: ls -l /home/username/public_html/uploads/1/invoices total 64 -rw-r--r-- 1 username username 8299 May 11 21:26 inv_logo.jp2 -rw-r--r-- 1 username username 11736 May 11 21:15 inv_logo.jpg -rw-r--r-- 1 username username 1874 May 11 21:06 inv_logo.png -rw-r--r-- 1 username username 36400 May 11 21:23 inv_logo.tiff And yeas php GD in installed: yum install php-gd Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, priorities Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile * base: mirrors.usc.edu * updates: mirror.san.fastserv.com 36 packages excluded due to repository priority protections Setting up Install Process Package php-gd-5.3.3-27.el6_5.i686 already installed and latest version Nothing to do
Great! I will try this tonight in about 8 hours from now. And if everything works, the bounty is yours. Thanks!
Paulo, I've just send you a PM with the details. Thanks!
I know customers can select the emergency or another priority when opening a ticket when logged into Blesta client UI, but can they somehow control priority when sending an e-mail? Maybe by including some keywords in the body of the ticket like, for example: To: support@company.com Subject: Body: priority: emergency Text Or even better way - could our customers send their emergency support requests to emergency@company.com, which in turn would forward it to support@company.com (to an e-mail associated with Support Department, which has Medium priority usually) but changing the ticket priority to emergency? I know I can create another department and assign emergency@company.com to it, but I really would like to have one single Support Department, which would usually receive Medium priority tickets, but also, if possible, Emergency priority tickets.
yngens has entered the room Chris Hello yngens yngens hi guys i have a question if you can please help me Chris sure John has entered the room yngens when a customer clicks on a package under Services, then he sees a blue field pulled down with the notice: The service has not details Chris Hello john yngens Where I should put some information to replace this notice? For example, with some information regarding the service like login and password, port, ip address of the server 6:45 AM Chris I'm thinking In brose umm could you send me screenshot yngens http://awesomescreenshot.com/0d82sgfb2a 6:50 AM Chris gosh I'm not for sure on that anyone else would know ? John Hello! yngens let me post on forum. thanks
Well, it is not a big deal at all. Neither it is a priority. But I know lot's of people on Gmail would prefer to read long conversations on one subject discussion on a single page. I am just throwing every single matter that I ran onto on Blesta regardless if it is so or not so important. That is, I believe, the right way to polish Blesta and make it perfect. Sorry if bothering too much.
Need to create users and authenticating, no any theme related actions. There is an excellent Drupal module for this purpose https://drupal.org/project/cas, but I don't know what should be done on Blesta part. There is also comparison table of various single sign on modules on https://groups.drupal.org/node/182004 OR core OpenID module's API could be used: https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/modules%21openid%21openid.module/7 Some relevant discussions: http://drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/72312/drupal-7-login-with-external-database, http://yetanotherprogrammingblog.com/node/14, https://drupal.org/node/151515
Maybe I couldn't explain well myself. Gmail and some other mail servers append the e-mail replies with the same subjects into one so called discussion threads. But to do so the subjects of all replies must be identical. Any addition or modification of the subject line causes creation of a new thread. If Blesta needs -f611- part maybe it is possible to move it from subject line to the body of the message?
I know I can set "From Name" and "From Email" fields system-wide on /admin/settings/company/emails/edittemplate/45/ Overriding Email for an individual department on /admin/plugin/support_manager/admin_departments/edit/3/ works great - customers receive e-mails from and can reply to the department's e-mail address. But what is inconvenient is that Department settings doesn't permit to override "From Name" field, so customers receive updates from different e-mails, but from single Name. Would be nice for different departments customers to receive e-mails from different names like: Company-name Support Company-name Sales Company-name Billing and so on, instead of one single name Company-name for all departments.
On the other hand customers on Gmail see new threads because of these {ticket_hash_code}s in the ticket subjects. They would follow discussion of the same ticket at the single page if the subject was identical. I wonder is there any way to overcome this contradictory situation? Edit: In fact if I go to admin/settings/company/emails/edittemplate/45/ then I can see only Update to Ticket {ticket_hash_code} in the subject template. Our clients receive updates with this kind of subjects: Update to Ticket #1853618 -f611- So the problematic part is '-f611-' this changes with every single update instance, causing Gmail to create a new discussion thread, when it was just Update to Ticket #1853618 then it would add new updates to the same thread.
Of course, I did so. Still not showing.
Default core forum module. But it really doesn't matter as users in Drupal are stored in one single place regardless of what kind of modules you use. BTW, We are on Drupal 6 website. And if you'd like to try to implement this, then please read some materials on creating users programmatically: https://www.google.com/search?q=drupal+add+user+programmatically For example, there are some discussions on https://drupal.org/node/239063 In short I believe whenever Blesta creates a client user, it can programmatically create a respective Drupal user with the same username (e-mail address) and password. We can enable this module https://drupal.org/project/logintoboggan to make it possible to login with e-mail addresses.
We recently started to use Blesta for our support and billing purposes, but our forums are built on Drupal and need our Blesta users to be bale to automatically login to the Drupal website and ready to offer $100 bounty for getting this done. The Shared Login Plugin (http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1508-shared-login-plugin) might be helpful in addressing this request, however that plugin works one one direction: External Application to Blesta. And we need just the opposite - our clients get first registered on Blesta, so we need programmatically create a respective user on Drupal for each newly registered or created Blesta user. Anyone?
When a customer reaches "/order/checkout/index/services" page during sign-up he/she may or may not check "Save Payment Details" field. I wonder (1) is it possible to make this filed selected by default (2) and completely hide from the form ? Reasoning behind this is the fact that every single customer on our project has to have at least one service product with recurring payment and we would make it easier for customers to have their billing information saved by default. They can still edit/delete billing information on their profiles after signing up, so we would like to make this filed must during order process only.
Yes. Could you please move this thread to the right forum section as a new usability request? Thanks!
Invoice Logo is uploaded, but is not showing. I tried to upload files in different formats and can see the files in ls -l /home/username/public_html/uploads/1/invoices total 64 -rw-r--r-- 1 username username 8299 May 11 21:26 inv_logo.jp2 -rw-r--r-- 1 username username 11736 May 11 21:15 inv_logo.jpg -rw-r--r-- 1 username username 1874 May 11 21:06 inv_logo.png -rw-r--r-- 1 username username 36400 May 11 21:23 inv_logo.tiff but none of them showing in PDF.
Logging out from Blesta takes to /client/login page. Is is possible to make my Blesta to take anyone who logs out to arrive to custom page like, for example a front page of my site? We have all the services products listed on our main website and Blesta is located in a subdomain, so also would be nice to redirect all customers who press "Place Another Order" button to our home page. Is that possible? Thanks!