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Everything posted by vn-jonathan

  1. Also of interest to us!
  2. Seconded - a great way to offer a personal service to sales leads!
  3. Morning folks, Any idea when this feature can be expected? As it's currently preventing us from moving to Blesta from WHMCS. And we REALLY want rid of WHMCS right now Thanks, Jon
  4. +1 We also require this before we move over. Any update on when it's expected yet? Thanks, Jon
  5. Hi Paul, Thanks for the quick reply. Yea - GoCardless is an interesting one to implement. Back when we started using it with WHMCS getting things setup was not without blood, sweat and tears - and that was using a module that at the time was developed by GoCardless themselves!! Once working though it has proven to be invaluable for many clients, more those with larger bills that don't vary. The low fees and positive customer feedback we got did make the effort very worth while. As for Duo - I don't think there is any reason that we currently prefer their solution over any of the alternatives, it's literally that Duo is what we currently have running on a number of other systems, and we already have staff setup for this. They've also always been rather helpful when we've needed to talk to them, which is a big plus. I don't think transition to an open solution would be difficult as such, it's just a case of it being "more difficult" than keeping Duo. I suppose in the case of Duo, we could be persuaded to look at switching Jon
  6. Hi all, I'm new here, so please excuse me if this is in the wrong place! So, for my company we're looking at making a move to Blesta. WHMCS is slowly driving us all up the wall, and of all the other products we've ever considered or evaluated, Blesta is certainly the best. The only thing is, there are a few things that Blesta doesn't yet have modules for which we need - GoCardless and DuoSecurity being two. For those not in the know; GoCardless (www.gocardless.com) is a payment provider offering Direct Debit payments in the UK, and soon SEPA Direct Debit payments in the EU. The fees are low, customers get security and protection - it's all good. DuoSecurity (www.duosecurity.com) is a provider of 2FA services. The service is free for the first few accounts, and rather reasonably priced after that. There are a whole bunch of integrations already done for everthing from Microsoft Exchange to *nix systems. Yea, there are other 2FA providers out there, but Duo has worked really well for us. Blesta doesn't seem to have modules for either of these yet, and I'm guessing due to the limited appeal they're not going to be high up on the "todo" list either. What we were wondering, is if there is any interest from others here for these modules? The idea would be that if we went and developed them to a suitable standard, to offer them in the marketplace for a nominal fee to both open the option of these service providers to other users, and to help us recover initial development costs and fund ongoing improvements. So in summary - would anyone be interested in these two modules? If so what features and methods would be "must haves"? Thanks, Jon
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