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Everything posted by Doctrine

  1. Hello, is this possible? I has an iphone and want to use it but not mobile compatible the Admin theme.
  2. Hello, I moved my files and database to another server (interworx server) , and now the system is working fine (i mean the blest) , but when i want to install the support module , and i click on it in the admin i see only white blank page. Tried to reinstall - uninstall - upload files - reupload files. Still have the problem , also i has the same problem with support module pro. Only the view ticket not working , but i could add departments , staff etc. Just can't see the tickets and etc. So maybe this is a database issue because don't want to appear... I see blank white page after i click on the module.. So interesting. Any solution? Thats the last issue what i has so far. How to solve this database issue? I think it is!
  3. Doctrine

    Cron Problem

    Solved thanks!
  4. Yes , thats why i don't understand this situation , but i used this module before i moved my database to another server. And now its not working.. don't know what is the problem.
  5. The module is working on 3.1 too. You don't have to use 3.1.3 ! But! I have the same issue with the default support module. So i don't know why this happen. If i install the default module , when i click on it white page appear on the admin area. So.... really annoying.
  6. Doctrine

    Cron Problem

    Thanks MasterChief
  7. Doctrine

    Cron Problem

    Cron is working with interworx , but thats my problem: Invoices have not been automatically created via cron in the past 24 hours.
  8. Hello! Are you avaible on skype? Maybe teamviewer? Yes i uploaded the files again , installed-uninstalled but nothing. After i moved my website from another server i got this problem! (3.1.1)
  9. not working for me! when i install it i cant the ticket number after Support Tickets Also when i click on it , appear white page. How to solve this?
  10. so nobody will help. Looks great. There is no server url , at the login.. just this: https:///siteworx/?domain=domainname.eu https:///siteworx/?domain=domainname.eu why this happen? Have to reinstall all system... -.-? Any support ticket help? or just forum?
  11. I already added the hostname: s1.myhosting.eu , but its appear in the interworx module , but in the real its not!! So if i click on interworx module > manage > i see Hostname: s1.myhosting.eu But if i click on one of my clients page here is the picture: Szerver neve= host name (deleted the user pass,user etc) You could see that "?" ITS EMPTY!! and dont know why its empty , and when i click on Login (bejelentkezés) this is the link: https:///siteworx/?domain=domainname.eu Why this is empty if i already filled it?
  12. here is a succes creation: s1.myhostname.eu|createAccount But this is not succes: |createAccount where have gone? s1.myhostname.eu , why this is not include? Dear developers do you have any solution or what have to edit? Thats why the interworx cant connect. But why this happen? Realised the problem why cant connect but dont know how to solve this: if you see the user package you will see a "log in button" which is incorrect. All of my user package this is: https:///siteworx/?domain=mydomainname.com'>https:///siteworx/?domain=mydomainname.com why its https:///siteworx/ ???? Why not my hostname? thats why its not working i think
  13. Have issues with interworx. Recreated api , edited the interworx module but not working. Have the packages so far , and if i click on edit any web package i can see the interworx packages so its working. But dont understand why not... |createAccount a:6:{s:6:"domain";s:12:"bamberga.net";s:5:"email";s:24:"vocalise@league.com";s:8:"username";s:8:"bamberga";s:8:"password";s:3:"***";s:4:"plan";s:1:"2";s:8:"reseller";i:0;} |createAccount O:8:"stdClass":3:{s:6:"status";s:5:"error";s:8:"response";s:11:"no_packages";s:3:"log";s:0:"";} Questions: This packages are standard not reseller why i see at the 'createaccount' this? : reseller Other question: O:8:"stdClass":3:{s:6:"status";s:5:"error";s:8:"response";s:11:"no_packages";s:3:"log";s:0:"";} how this is possible?
  14. Have the sam problem. How to solve this? with this problem this interworx module is useless
  15. In the newest internet expoler not working the button. Its not appear. Windows 8.1 I think you have to add a support for the newest internet expoler In chrome its working very well!
  16. Course already selected the HUF currency. in the payment standard and for the groups, etc. So i dont understand why not appear... 2, Do you know where is the files to edit what you see at the first picture? (offline payment etc.) - i have to translate this for my users. But i cant find where could i edit
  17. Hi guys! I changed my complete billing system from whmcs to blesta (whmcs is a shit). But i have little problems about the payments. Questions: 1, Want to change the language at the payment methods page , but where is the file? Cant find it... really. 2, If i click on the Paypal Standard , the paypal icon not appear or something.. Cant continue the automatic payment. At whmcs its worked.. so i know how to configure the paypal module.. but dont know what have to edit to get this work.
  18. So we have to wait for 3.2 and this design come out?
  19. When will be done ?
  20. How to edit the header and footer? ? which is the file name?
  21. Hi guys! How can i do , to my clients see the support icon at the portal page? The url is not good for it , because does not appear , but if i use the simple support its working! Here is there url: <a href="{client_url}plugin/support_managerpro/client_tickets/departments/">Open a Ticket</a></h1>
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