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Everything posted by Doctrine

  1. Enabled debug mode to -1 thats why not worked. Disabled Debug to 0 and working very well. But maybe thats a bug
  2. Got this error: Attempting to deliver invoices scheduled for delivery. Unable to deliver 1 invoice to client #17 via Email due to error: Undefined index: inv_logo Unable to deliver 1 invoice to client #1548 via Email due to error: Undefined index: inv_logo Unable to deliver 1 invoice to client #1617 via Email due to error: Undefined index: inv_logo Unable to deliver 1 invoice to client #1675 via Email due to error: Undefined index: inv_logo The deliver invoices task has completed. Any suggestion how to solve it? My email templates are okay!
  3. Installed a fresh blesta. Installed braintree gateway. Added currency , but if i go to invoice and click to pay. Nothing appear. I think thats gateway not working at all. I tried with a fresh blesta.... Any suggestion?
  4. I will PM. As i really dont know how worked for you
  5. Yes! Added currency as well. But for payments there is only paypal standard which is non-merchant
  6. Well got a production account. Added EUR currency. If i want to pay there is no gateway: braintree. Seems not working. Paypak gateway woking very well. Any suggestion? @licensecart have you tried get this working? Not want to appear at client side when the client want to pay. Suggestions..?
  7. Well i think domain manager as important as mass mailer plugin. Well mass mailer plugin is a basic feature. Nothing more. Nothing special. The last shit boxbilling has mass mail too. So what could i say. I changed whmcs to blesta with around 250 client so not too much. But what i need from whmcs -Domain manager (how to check .hu tld? there is no way...omg. manual work ) -Mass Mail (how to send? Middle-aged users not use facebook or check the announcements.. use mailchimp? oh man do it every day.. nope. you got time?) -Cancel servic after x day no payment (have to do manually? oh man i have to do every day.. is it a joke?) Thats the three thing for shared/resellers provider is a MUST thing. You could say then i am a bad man or anything. Or solusvm more important etc. etc. But if this panel not ready for shared hosting as 90% of the users use it for it.. What could i say? Yes we can live without theese three feature. But how long i got time to do this manually? But the blesta is stable and great. Its okay. Only need this 3 feature.
  8. Yes i did this. But this manually work and some client not need email. Well yes the domain manager more important. Thanks for reply Thank you! Sorry i just checked and cant find which version will it include. Good to hear! Thanks for all. I got no problem at all , but when my client got i got too. You know providers.. we have to do what client need. I could make a new announcement make a new facebook post but we have many middle-aged client not use facebook or not saw the announcements. They always said. Why not email? Is it so big thing to send? Well yes the manually work should work but i only have to chose some of the client not all of them. I hope you understand and thank you all for your hard work.
  9. Well half year more then enought to do it. But well okay we will wait. But for now how to alert my clients? Make a new announce... not the best way, But okay i understand very well. Just need to not be angry some of the client. Whe i say sorry the client panel not support it. You could imagine whats the answer.
  10. Hi, I still request the mass mail feature. Its very important in the Hosting industry but seems you guys not care about it. There is more important things sure.. So this is not? Now i cant saw on your roadmap. So i could write an email to a client is it hard to make a mass mail plugin for this? Why its not possible to do? I really not understand. This is an important feature. Whmcs and others already has this.
  11. Hi, If i click to this: generate language files , add language this is the message: Function Not available in this Version But seems at yur picture is working.. How to get this working? Seems this is great to translate my whole blesta.
  12. Here is mine https://online.spaceweb.eu/client/login/ Check it
  13. Hi, I got this issue. http://www.screencast.com/t/x7EwSmY7Jx As you can see the menu has problem when i change. And if i change admin theme nothing happen. We use cloudflare and centminmod. Nginx + memcache + google pagespeed and php 5.4 What could be the issue? No more problems with blesta at all.
  14. At support manager pro its not appear by auto. I just only want the client widget.
  15. And where to activate the client widget?
  16. Hello, Possible to protect cpanel & directadmin and blesta and interworx themes (designs) with this module? Because i am afraid , if there is no protecton user share it and our hard work gone. Regards Peter
  17. When i add an addon company i got this error: QLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1048 Column 'staff_group_id' cannot be null on line 124 in .../lib/model.php So the addon company exist then but i cant manage it , so there is nothing switch bar.. to switch between companies. I already bought an addon company I attached the picture (Blesta 3.4.1)
  18. Blesta to mailchimp. Very easy to import. Just a little phpmadmin work and you got your mass mail plugin : P
  19. Well i did the same. So should work everything.. except the domains. So the domains cannot be imported.. sorry
  20. Yes the domain manager is still missing. +1 But this is important too. Any important thing , what do you think?
  21. Hello, I saw the mass mailer plugin will be in 3.3. Then 3.4. Then 3.5.. but then i cant see it. Dear developers. One of the most important plugin in the Hosting industry! When will be avaible? As i see Bleta is almost production ready! Thats say at lowendtalk too. 1-2 features what is missing.. but i see this is not on priority.... Peter
  22. Runabove module As Runabove the best and the cheapest provider in the world. And none of them could beat it!
  23. Hello, I am from Hungary. I got the intermediate language exam for english. I request to delete completly the HU language from blesta translator. Why? This translation is just google translator , and not understandable for Hungarian people. I could translate it completly when 3.5 is out. What do you think guys? Possible? If not.. this system is useless if you use the google translater and you got completly different text.... so I could understand the system in english better in my language LOL. Regards Peter
  24. This should be done this year?
  25. Hello, I have two blesta at this time. And many data filled both of them. I bought an addon company but too hard to recreate the things again and etc, I request to make a Blesta to Blesta importer. Guys! You got whmcs , hostbill importer but not got importer for your own product? Interesting for me.... Thats what i need to use my addon company. Thanks! Peter
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