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Doctrine last won the day on March 22 2018

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  1. Hello, If you enable this option on directadmin: (Difficult Password Enforcement) https://www.directadmin.com/features.php?id=910 Then in Blesta the account not will be created. Please check!
  2. Doctrine

    Sign Up Bug

    Blesta 4.1.2 Bug: The User is start the signup, then he fill the surname,lastname,email,postcode,password etc. If you not fill the lastname (so lastname is empty) for example but its requried for Blesta, and then you click to "Create Account" button, then you will receive an error: The Last Name is Requried, but the user is created in the database, but you cannot see in admin area, just in phpmyadmin. If the user fill the last name, and then click again to "Create Account" button, then the user will receive "This Email Address is already in use" (as in the database the user is already created, but cant see it in the admin area) The BUG should be related to Required Contact Fields. If i disable then everything is working! Is it fixed in Blesta 4.2? Or is that any related bug, or similar to my issue? Thanks
  3. Thank You!
  4. You not got the point, but you are right. Thats not a problem for now, the problem is the bug.
  5. Hello And there is no way to turn this off? Why Blesta need to check the email address if its valid or not. I dont need this feature. here is no problem with the server. The main Bug is, if you got an invalid email address message, then the user created in the database, but cannot view in the admin area, then if client try to reregister again blesta says: invalid email as the email already exist in the database. Thats a big problem for me.. If i want to register with this email example: hwwrwjrw@fakedomain.com , blesta needs to accept it, because cause many problem for us. And what can i say for the client? Sorry this is a fake email. And what client should answer? Who care? I just want to register and order but your system not accept it. This is a great feature to prevent SPAM, but with this BUG i dont think it... If you need i could give you a teamviewer access and you could check the bug. So is there any solution for this? Thanks
  6. User creation is working without any problem. Strange thing
  7. I sent a PM for you many times, a year ago or earlier and you said will be done once. Well i am going to pay, just somebody code it for me. Budget should start from 300USD, then if i see the module is getting more features i should pay more and more. Just i need a module for my clients to manage everything from one place. But seems my offer was never valid for you, because the module development never started. I sent you a PM, please check
  8. Yes which is sometimes working sometimes not, many output from the module is html, and not working then , and i cannot figure out why. But yes i need more feature. This could take years, and time is money. I just want this module to blesta: But modulesgarden said this should be around 9000 USD to Blesta. Well thats a lot money for me..i bought my car for 9000usd.. https://www.modulesgarden.com/products/whmcs/directadmin-extended
  9. @PauloV Directadmin Blesta module. Thats what i want for a long time. If the owned license is 300-500 USD i dont care, i will buy from you! Send a PM, if you are interested in. Price should be more... but i want this module
  10. Hello Got this error: An internal error occurred, or the server did not respond to the request. Latest directadmin, latest Blesta, packages created without any problem, i could check the user package, server IP. But i cannot suspend users for example. Seems everything is configured correctly. Input: Here is the output from the module: Any suggestion? I use the default Directadmin Theme... Got this issue on multiple server.. on multiple company.
  11. Hello I got this message at my System Status. How to discover what should be the problem? Cron is OK. Overall the system is in good health, but there are some items that may require your attention.
  12. Correct but not at all. The service field is show the server 2, but the module create account with the server 1 server IP in the DNS. Because related to a bug.(Or maybe i have to upgrade my Blesta and the module too.. module not choose the right IP..) So the package group is: My group name, with two server. One is full but seems the module not choose the right address.
  13. Hello, Example: Client ID: <?php $this->Html->_($client->id_code);?> I need: Active Services (the number) Opened Tickets: (the number) Unpaid invoices (number and the amount) Thanks if that possible
  14. Great! Thank you! Could we list the service names too which the client has? Thanks Peter
  15. Hello, I need help about the custom reports. Its not so easy to do it because i have multi company client first name, client last name, client email, client country, client service names, client addon company (i got 1 addon company and dont know how to...) I am in a different situation as i got Hungarian clients and international clients. So one company - one company. I have to seperate it very well. Please somebody give me a code for that For now i only got this: SELECT contacts.first_name, contacts.last_name, contacts.email, contacts.country FROM contacts ORDER BY contacts.country; I need client service name and order by company ID
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