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Hi! Thank you for your reply! Yes, just checked this and received 10 paypal IPN request, but actually in the real there was only one payment with one transaction. Strange. Any suggestion? Thank You!
Hello, Client paid the invoice by paypal. Invoice status: paid, but the client received "Payment Received" message every hour, and not understand why this happen. Could you give me any suggestion? If I add a payment by manual, then everything is working and the client only receive one Payment Received email. Thank You!
Opened a ticket too. But no reply so far. hm.
Hello We got a problem with our Blesta. Blesta says at client registration, user email is invalid. As i know blesta check the user email address and has to be valid. Could you help me to turn off this shit? Many users reported they cant register, invalid email (gmail address example), then sadly the user is finally created in the database, but not appear in the Blesta admin area. Blesta 4.1.2
No error Thats the interesting thing. Could you PM your email? Maybe we should check it by teamviewer. Fast way (Got valid support and updates)
Here is the log: On the main company this is working. On the addon company not. This is the output log: my.hostname.com a:1:{s:27:"<!DOCTYPE_html> <html_class";s:7948:""no-js"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1" /> <title>Title</title> <meta name="description" content="" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" /> <link href='https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Montserrat:700|Open Sans' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' /> <!-- normlize --> <style> /*! normalize.css v1.1.3 | MIT License | git.io/normalize */article,aside,details,figcaption,figure,footer,header,hgroup,main,nav,section,summary{display:block}audio,canvas,video{display:inline-block;*display:inline;*zoom:1}audio:not([controls]){display:none;height:0}[hidden]{display:none}html{font-size:100%;-ms-text-size-adjust:100%;-webkit-text-size-adjust:100%}html,button,input,select,textarea{font-family:sans-serif}body{margin:0}a:focus{outline:thin dotted}a:active,a:hover{outline:0}h1{font-size:2em;margin:.67em 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Latest version of Blesta Yes, First non-full server
Blesta update fixed my first original post. DA module updated, and working. Now i got different issue. One server group. Two assigned server. 1st if full (reached the 50/50), 2nd is empty(0/50). But the module create accounts on the 1st server, and not choose the second. If i edit the package, then i choose group: cloud server (which got two server 1st is full, second is empty). But the module still create account on the first server. So its a bug. You have to reproduce this bug. So i edited the package and choosed cloud server 2 only. Now only create accounts with the second server. This not a fix, just a how to fix this problem asap solution. If you not understand i really sorry, i tried to tell hard
I confirm the bug. 1, Created a group 2, Assigned two server 3, 1st server is full, second is empty. Still the package created on the 1st server. Which is full... but the module only select the 1st server. If i edit the package: Server group: my server group with two assigned server, Accounty type: user, Package: 2GB, IP address: 1st server IP, and cannot change. So actually.. thats should be a bug. I think. The module only choose the 1st server, not matter if its full. Could you check, and reproduce the problem?
Thats why i have to use wget command for Cron. Clear! cron run the CLI ioncube. Replaced the files (4.1.2), we shall see this fix this email issue or not. There is no another Blesta installed. But yes, i moved Blesta and followed your tutorials. Well the system sent the payment notice but i cannot find it in the database. Checked by phpmyadmin. SMTP server show its sent. But this invoice not exist. We shall see, if i experience problem like this.
Got it! PHP Fatal error: The file ****/html/app/app_controller.php was encoded with the PHP 5.6 ionCube Encoder and requires PHP 5.6 to be installed. in Unknown on line 0 I use PHP 7.0, and not really understand why need PHP 5.6 ioncube. Maybe a bug? PHP 7 ioncube installed
Hello After i upgraded Blesta 3.5.2 to 4.1.2 i got very strange issues. 1, User reported he already paid invoice with number 500. After he paid the invoice he got the correct emails, succes payment etc. Everything is ok. I check the email log in Blesta and seems perfect. After 2-3 day the user reported he already paid the invoice but still got a payment notice, he have to pay, but with invoice 501 number. But this invoice not exist in the system, in the database. Got this strange issue, and many user reported this issue. 2, cron not working anymore, so i have to use wget with the website name, and key. This worked very well before update. 3, The admin/upgrade appear. I already updated Blesta, why its appear? If i click then its say update finished. Something is not okay... But everything is working. Invoice creation, modules, plugins not got any issue, just this three thing.
With many custom, its a very long update I will.. soon. I have to.
Hello 2 directadmin server hosting1.domain.com hosting2.domain.com one of the directadmin server is full, so the second server will be used to create accounts. The account succesfully created on hosting2.domain.com, but the module create the account with the hosting1.domain.com IP address. I should see this by checked the logs. But if i create the account manually on the hosting2.domain.com server then its got the correct IP, so i think this should be a Blesta plugin issue. Is there any bug related to this issue? Blesta 3.5.2 Directadmin Plugin: 2.2.1 I know its not the newest but too much custom there to update with one click.
Got it, Thanks
Not really know about Plesk. Never used it. But the cPanel Extended module already done, so there is no need to make another one. ( i think) "cPanel Reloaded = rewrite the module to support more features than the core one has." -Why? We already got the best cPanel module, not need another one with less features. Well i would like to see the same features as in cPanel Extended. Thats the goal for Directadmin Module.
Hey, I also request Directadmin "reloaded" with client management features. After cPanel, Directadmin is the most important control panel. Thanks
plugin Get/Fetch Client Data by Ajax Request
ZweiTiger replied to Blesta Addons's topic in Contribute
Thanks ,worked -
plugin Get/Fetch Client Data by Ajax Request
ZweiTiger replied to Blesta Addons's topic in Contribute
Hello The invoices are working but how to shoe the active services? I tried to figure out but none of them worked for me. Here is the code: Whats wrong with the services:)? Inovices: <span class="count_invoices">0</span> Services: <span class="count_active_services">0</span>