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Everything posted by markc

  1. That's a pity about the admin area not also being Bootstrap based. It's pretty well a showstopper for me because I need to add extra functionality and provisioning control to the backend but I am reluctant to dive in if it's not fully responsive. It might be "usable" from a phone but that's not the same as primarily mobile first, which it could be if they extended the Bootstrap client interface to the admin backend. Thanks for the responses.
  2. I just had a look at the client and admin demo and the client was obviously Bootstrap based and mobile friendly but the admin demo was not (apparently) Bootstrap based and therefor was not responsive. Is the upcoming v4 backend admin theme responsive by any chance?
  3. Just the javascript and everything else not visible But as I said, and I know not what I say, large sections of the main page could remain as they are with minimal added class=row wrappers and class=table-responsive around any tables to prevent them collapsing. I would imagine that the LHS nav section is governed by a similar set of rules for the whole nav section, and that would take some work to modifiy, but once that pattern was worked out it could be re-applied to most pages. So working on the LHS nav is one job, applying row and table-responsive class divs is another and not much else needs to be changed (says I not having even done a view-source on any page!) Compared to the whmcs structural layout mess, Blesta looks like it could be delightfully consistent to modify once the right approach was worked out.
  4. admin side is amazing the way it is, only the admins will be using it And ideally also by phone and tablet... one day. I have no idea how complex Blesta is under the hood but in looking at the admin area there is the LHS nav area and the main section to the right. If the LHS nav was lifted out of the main page up to dropdown menus in (for me) a top fixed BS3 navbar then that would leave the rest of the already nice looking main section only needing obvious rows of widgets minimally wrapped in table-responsive divs so they do not collapse awkwardly on a narrow screen. In other words a "good enough" mobile friendly admin interface may be possible without having to completely redo everything.
  5. But wouldn't it be fair to say that now you have "ported" the client area to BS3 that taking a deep breathe and looking at the admin area is a wee bit more feasible now? :-)
  6. You will be able to edit the structure.pdt to make changes to suit your needs. Ah thanks. I saw that *.pdt files were to be excluded from a nginx config example I copied but wasn't sure what they were. So, they are the template files. OMG there is 476 of them, including modules and plugins! About 36k lines and 1.4Mb of code just for templates so, yes, changing all of that for bootstrap would be a huge job. As a comparison I just applied https://github.com/ShaunR/template-bootstrap to whmcs (easy) and it worked (99%) for everything I tried throughout the system. It is excellent being able to admin whmcs from a phone aside from clients using a mobile friendly signup procedure.
  7. Just another lame +1 for bootstrap support. I've only just started testing Blesta so I have a long way to go before I have a clue but I hope there is a possibility of having a class="navbar navbar-fixed-top navbar-inverse" at the top of the page? As someone noted, the logo area above the mobile navbar is redundant and something I'd like to remove altogether and use a <a class="navbar-brand"> for the logo and home page link. Same for the browser version as well. And also, are there any plans to continue the mobile-friendly bootstrap theme into the admin area as well?
  8. I also just "lost" my trial license after a few days testing just by switching to SSL/SPDY (I guess that is what caused it). Any chance I could get another dev key too please?
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