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Everything posted by Infralliance

  1. Merci @PointPubMedia
  2. Looking for that too! Looking at log files in french is a pain and there are too many bad translations... I would love to have the client interface in a default language, and keep the Admin interface in English...
  3. Also for this one: Translate the following: ? {var1} - {var2} Term: Invoices.!line_item.service_option_renew_description File: language/en_us/invoices.php Type: Neutral string Same error message.
  4. For français, FR: Translate the following:? Term: AdminBilling.invoices.duration_infinite File: language/en_us/admin_billing.php Type: Neutral string When I translate "?" into "?" (exactly the same in French), I get the following error message: Invalid term ID for version "3.4.0". Also: Well done! You have completed the translation of français, FR. New language definitions are added periodically, please come back later to contribute more to this language. If you'd like, you may translate another language now. The translation of the French language is far from being done, and if I switch from "In order" to "random" I can continue (there is no skip button in "in order" mode).
  5. Already did before posting, have not found any. Please provide the link so I can vote on it. Cheers!
  6. Would it be possible to have a multi-lingual Client Portal? A bit like the KB articles, it would be nice to have a page for each installed language. Currently, I have to cram everything in the same page and it is messy. I'm glad i'm only dealing with 2 languages! Since most of the time the client is not logged-in when accessing this page, the defaut language should prevail, and have a possibility to pick another language that is available.
  7. What are the chances to see this feature request a reality? I'm transfering my KB and see this as a challenge... :\
  8. Anybody? @Tyson?
  9. Anybody tried Froxlor? http://www.froxlor.org/ I was curiously looking for a Cpanel alternative, and I found this contender. It has been founded by ex team members of SysCP. So far it looks ok. Any opinion? What I found on the web seems dated, and the product had a lot of updates since then... Of course, I would need a blesta plugin before going live...
  10. How do we arrange for corrections? Can I simply take the files, leave only the lines that need a correction and upload it somewhere?
  11. Infralliance

    Release 3.2.0

    Wasn't that... I event tried with IE, with the same end result :\
  12. Infralliance

    Release 3.2.0

    Re-re-did the upload... 6251 successfully uploaded files, 7 failed transfers (directory already created), 0 Queued files. Went back for the upgrade process, and I have the same result :\ Oops... I redownloaded, and it shows 7188 items... Something possibly went wrong when extracting... stay tuned...
  13. Infralliance

    Release 3.2.0

    Hmm... I have uploaded, like I did for all other releases, and went to /admin/upgrade/, but for some reason, it wont update. I currently have version 3.1.3, running with PHP 5.3.27 After I uploaded the file I went to the /admin/upgrade/, clicked on "Continue with upgrade" link, then the "Upgrade" button . And once I clicked on upgrade, it goes back to the admin portal... Still is version 3.1.3 Anybody had the same issue? I dont know if i'll feel dumb after I receive your answers, but I just cant find it
  14. Hello, Today, I created a new client in Blesta (running 3.0.3), and added a new Cpanel Service to the account. An invoice was created successfully. Then, I added a new namecheap service (not provisionned automatically) and appended the item to the pending invoice. The total was not correct. I had to edit the invoice, resave the invoice without modification and the the total got updated: Am I the only one having this issue? Thanks in advance,
  15. You have my vote for this feature
  16. I find FAQ really when they are combined with the opening of a ticket. Most IT ticketing system has a KB system and when somebody enters the Ticket title, it suggest articles from the FAQ/KB. If this is not already part of Blesta, that would be nice
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