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Everything posted by Infralliance

  1. mysql> SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "%version%"; +-------------------------+-------------------------+ | Variable_name | Value | +-------------------------+-------------------------+ | innodb_version | 5.5.46 | | protocol_version | 10 | | slave_type_conversions | | | version | 5.5.46-0ubuntu0.14.04.2 | | version_comment | (Ubuntu) | | version_compile_machine | x86_64 | | version_compile_os | debian-linux-gnu | +-------------------------+-------------------------+ 7 rows in set (0.00 sec)
  2. Oh noes! SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry 'inv_display_due_date_draft-1' for key 'PRIMARY' on line 124 in /var/www/admin.infralliance.com/lib/model.php Printing Stack Trace: #0 /var/www/admin.infralliance.com/lib/model.php(124): PDOStatement->execute(Array) #1 /var/www/admin.infralliance.com/components/upgrades/tasks/upgrade3_5_0_b1.php(93): Model->query('INSERT INTO `co...', '1') #2 /var/www/admin.infralliance.com/components/upgrades/tasks/upgrade3_5_0_b1.php(52): Upgrade3_5_0B1->addInvoiceDateDueSettings() #3 /var/www/admin.infralliance.com/components/upgrades/upgrades.php(226): Upgrade3_5_0B1->process('addInvoiceDateD...') #4 /var/www/admin.infralliance.com/components/upgrades/upgrades.php(75): Upgrades->processObject(Object(Upgrade3_5_0B1), NULL) #5 /var/www/admin.infralliance.com/app/controllers/admin_upgrade.php(102): Upgrades->start('3.4.3', '3.6.1') #6 /var/www/admin.infralliance.com/lib/dispatcher.php(111): AdminUpgrade->process() #7 /var/www/admin.infralliance.com/index.php(21): Dispatcher::dispatch('/index.php/admi...') #8 {main} Somebody has a clue how I could have that fixed? :\ Although this error is appearing, the version number has changed in the admin portal. How can I be really sure the blesta install is ok and will behave properly?
  3. It would be nice, but when we go in the "login as client" section the client's language should be selected at first, with the option of switching to whichever language the admin prefer. That would be my favourite scenario. Another would be to go in the "login as client" section in the admin language, and have a warning or small banner mentionning "The account is configured using Other_language, would you like to switch?"
  4. I stand with Naja7host here. The whole point of the "login as client" is to see the UI the same way the client does. You can do everything in the Admin interface if you dont understand the language you offered in the first place. If somebody calls me and need an advice or want some information, I want to be able to go and guide the client the same way. If I have to switch the admin interface language to make test, or to check the community translation (which is far to be perfect!), then that means my logs are not consistent (They'll be written using the new language) and the admin interface language will change for my colleagues during the switch as the Admin area uses the company language only (http://dev.blesta.com/browse/CORE-1750). As Naja7host, we do not offer a language that we cannot communicate with the user. This remove user frustration as the communication is the key. Also, remember that since PDF invoices are generated everytime you download them, having the "login as client" not following the end-user language means that invoices will be regenerated in english instead of the users language. For us here, I have to keep on file the invoice that has been generated and emailed to the client. Not having consistency will flag something at the auditor level. Yet, I could have a rule to receive all emails as BCC, but if the user call to discuss his invoice, I do not want to go and pull the email archives out for something that should be available in less than 5 clicks.
  5. Dont you have some clients that rarely/never logs in the portal? They receive an invoice, write a check, that's it. I have a bunch! Also, when you deal with some corporations, the person that logs in the portal is not the same that receives all email communications. Remember that Blesta is not only used for hosting. Clients billed only for professionnal services are the ones that will rarely log in the portal.
  6. I see your point, and this is how I address my issue for now. But if you are doing any kind of advertisement or you want to add a temporary message, every time you change something it has to be changed in each an every email template (I count 23 templates that can be sent to clients) multiplied by the number of languages you have (Multiplied by 2 if you want to modify the non-html text as well). For a 2 language setup, it's 92 places you have to adjust (Try not to forget one!). Modifying an email body header, the same way you modify a signature is the way to go. I currently do not have a multi-company set-up, but since the content of my e-mail body headers are targetted for one company in particular (Logo, colours, etc...), It would be nonsense to provide the same info for another company. Are the e-mail templates different per company or are they using the same?
  7. If I wanna guide a client through the interface, I have to see the interface the way it sees it (to me that's what "Login as client" truly means!). To address your point, a way to switch back to english for people not supporting the client in it's own language could be useful, but for me it is not necessary. In my shop, everyone is billigual, and that's a reality of my part of country. We do not offer UI languages that we do not understand or cant support. Same for the invoices, Legaly, I have to have on file the version the client has been given, not a translation.
  8. Clicking on "Login as client" on the client summary page does not let me use the client's language, and if I look at the client's invoice, I am unable to see the file as the client receives them.
  9. @Paul: Should that be classified as a bug or a FR?
  10. I wanna be able to customize, the content of the message, like to add a banner or a logo, which is in my case, at the top of the message. I usually have a banner (.png) and some html content prior the email content. It could be seen as a signature, but at the very top of the e-mail body. I also use the signature at the very bottom.
  11. Yes, but no headers... if I have to include that in the template, which makes me loose the multi-company features...
  12. Understood, but Blesta should save a draft of the modifications or at least warn the user before switching, and offer an "apply" button so we do not loose the mods. Working with many languages is teddious and we often have to switch between languages to validate the content for consistency.
  13. Email profiles and signatures should be matched to the language. If the "Billing" profile is used on the English, the matching "Facturation" profile should be automagically selected on the French version of that same e-mail template.
  14. I would like to have the opportunity to have multiple e-mails headers, that can be inserted in my email templates, while keeping the opportunity to have multiple companies set up. I would use that feature to put in a logo and or a summary html table with basic account information. Currently I have modified all my e-mails templates, but cannot have more than one company using those templates.
  15. I would like to add that there are no warning that data will not be saved while switching tabs... I realized that after modifying a few...
  16. It would be nice to have an e-mail profile instead of the signature. In the e-mail templates, you have to provide a From name, a from email, and also to specify a signature. These information could all be combined in an "email profile" that could be selected at the template level (and elsewhere needed). This would allow easy modification and insure that all information is correct for each email template. If somebody would like or needs to overwrite the from name and from email, the UI could probably allow us to overwrite the data provided in the e-mail profile and keep the signature. Keep in mind that you have to do the verification for each language. This would simplify the use of Blesta
  17. I dont know if this should be reported as a bug or a Feature Request. While editing the email templates, when we switch between HTML and Text, the data in the form is kept. That being said, while switching from a language tab to another, on that same page, all modifications are lost. Also, an "apply" button would be great, as the "update template" brings us back to the Email templates list.
  18. I wish those would be also offered in different languages... I would still have to translate them... as if translating Blesta was not enough
  19. Woah! Thanks for the explanation. That was blazing fast! I was not expecting that kind of service on Good Friday Do I need to make a feature request for automatic provisionning of options? Keep on rockin'!
  20. Hey everyone, I remember I asked the question last year, but I cant find the thread here, so I'm asking your help again. I'm finally setting up my packages in Blesta. I want the opportunity to offer a "base hosting package" with my cpanel integration, and offer everything else as an option (a la carte). Example: 500mb drive, 1000mb bandwidth, 5 e-mail adresses... for a monthy price Extras: * 5 e-mail adresses pack * extra disk space * etc... How can this be setuped? Thanks in advance,
  21. Yes please
  22. We almost replied at the same time... Glad we could help!
  23. You should look into modifying robots.txt... It will help you also for other search engines
  24. Fait plaisir Bientôt une version en Français qui sera potable. @Tyson: In the meantime can you have the francais_FR file recompiled with the latest addition to the database?
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