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Everything posted by Paul

  1. Done - https://www.blesta.com/development/ I hope you don't mind, I fixed a spelling error and changed some grammar. If you want me to change anything else, let me know.
  2. Hey, I'd like to add you guys to this page if you want - https://www.blesta.com/development/ I need a logo, a description, and a URL to link a button to for custom development.
  3. Very nice! I love the t-shirts too.
  4. Yes, it appears that mailparse is in your PHP CLI environment, great! Unfortunately that doesn't get us any closer to determining the issue. What you can do is enable error reporting. An error may occur in the bounce message, but would definitely appear if you tried to pipe a text file email to pipe.php via SSH. To enable error reporting, edit /config/blesta.php and change Configure::errorReporting(0); to Configure::errorReporting(-1); If running Blesta 3.6.2, also change Configure::set("System.debug", false); to Configure::set("System.debug", true); Did that work for you on cPanel?
  5. Be sure to confirm it's available via CLI in /usr/local/bin/php
  6. There is some kind of error. The only thing I can think of, is that it's missing the mailparse dependency. The other steps help you determine that, and also debug to rule out the mail server being the issue by manually piping an email from text file to the application.
  7. Thanks. CORE-2281
  8. Do you have SSH access? Is mailparse included in the CLI version of PHP? To find out, you can run the following via SSH: php -i | grep mailparse The next thing you could do is send yourself an email, and view the source including the headers. Copy this to a text file called something like email.txt, and replace the TO address with that of your ticket email address. /home/username/public_html/blesta/plugins/support_manager/pipe.php < /path/to/email.txt This will send the content of email.txt to pipe.php for processing. This is a simple way to test by bypassing the mail server.
  9. This is probably correct, minus the /home/username. Is the file executable? chmod +x pipe.php or 755.
  10. What I usually do is: Unapply the payment to the invoice Add a negative line item to the invoice to reduce the total to the desired amount Reapply the payment to the invoice The negative line item is a record of the adjustment.
  11. Yes. If plugins could register management options to various/multiple modules a plugin may be the best option. This is functionality I want to add. The issue for me is that the best placement of the feature is within managing a service, right now that puts the module in control over it.. so it'd ideally be implemented for each module.
  12. It's very likely we will be releasing all official extensions that ship with Blesta as open source under MIT on Github.. if you want to implement something like that in the official module
  13. Paul


    Since the OP wiped their original post, I'm going to lock this thread.
  14. Paul

    Is this possible?

    What are you trying to do exactly Mike? Show like ticket stats on the portal or someplace for public view? I'd like to update the ticket system to show stats in the admin UI, and also have an optional javascript feed to embed on your website.
  15. I used PHP Mylist a long time ago, I don't recall what rate limiting if any they put into place. If you have a big list, I would highly recommend using SMTP over PHP Mail. In either case, looking forward to some input when sending to a large number of recipients.
  16. What is the mechanism that it performs a csf -dr or csf -tr ? Does it do so via the WHM API? Would this be more appropriately added to the cPanel module and listed as its own management tab for clients (and staff)?
  17. I totally forgot about this plugin. Would be great if it were working. Anyone have any screenshots? Where does the unblock appear to staff and clients?
  18. The current beta is almost an alpha given that it's a major release. We're working on beta 2, but I don't know when a final release will be made. The more feedback we get the better, it'll all depends on when we feel v4 is stable enough for a release.
  19. It looks like cPanel is pre-pending the path to your home directory to restrict where you can pipe email. Make sure the 1st line in pipe.php is a hashbang to your PHP binary, and remove that part from your forwarder. #!/usr/local/bin/php Then pipe to /home/username/public_html/blesta/plugins/support_manager/pipe.php
  20. Paul


    We can disagree but I still like you. Hope you have a great day!
  21. Paul


    That's not an excuse. If you submit a pull request that does not work, it's your fault. You should test everything you submit, otherwise you make it difficult for someone else.
  22. Paul


    Is it a fork of the open source DO module? MIT license allows you to modify and sell, if you want, but the community might not be too happy about it. Also, standards are important. You didn't do any testing before submitting a pull request, and we spent a lot of time we weren't planning to resolving issues. "I didn't want to conform to PSR-2 standards, so I forked the module and coded it how I wanted, and offered it for sale" isn't going to instill much confidence in people.
  23. I was a little surprised to find that this was missing from minPHP as well. Great solution @naja7host We will have to implement something natively sooner or later, will take a look at Tracy. Looking forward to the Github link when it's up, nice work.
  24. It depends on your mail server. Generally email is spooled up in your SMTP server, so from Blesta's perspective the emails should go relatively quickly. Then, the MTA makes the necessary connections to each recipients mail server. I'd suggest giving this a try, once you upgrade (Or if possible during beta) to see if you experience any issues. I don't think you will. If you do, sleep() after each message for a little while would slow it down a bit. Not sure if Tyson would recommend it, but it would be the simplest way to rate limit. I'm not convinced there is an absolute need to add a setting for rate limiting.
  25. I assigned it to our "short term" bucket.
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