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Everything posted by Paul

  1. It's just a difference in opinion and that's fine. We opted not to go with a heavy template engine for the reasons Tyson mentioned, because they are known to have vulnerabilities, and because they produce more overhead. That's not to say that the purpose these template engines fulfill isn't valid, I can understand certainly how the restrictions they place can be beneficial. Using smarty/twig/other wouldn't make me feel any better about giving someone I don't trust access to the templates though. If I don't trust them, I'm not even going to hire them, and if I do trust them, I'm still going to audit the code myself. They can have access to the dev environment, but never live. Fortunately with templates, it's fairly easy to spot any logic that shouldn't be in there, so not difficult to audit.
  2. If you want to delete a post, it probably shouldn't have been posted to begin with. A good rule for the future.
  3. OK, let's bring this thread back on topic, It's not fair to the OP.
  4. OK guys, this page has been updated. Please review. I made some grammar changes, etc. especially on yours @timnboyshttps://www.blesta.com/development/
  5. Giving someone you do not trust access to your code, via your templates or otherwise, is never a good idea. Blesta uses a template engine as part of minPHP, it just so happens it is very light weight. If I recall, Smarty had some major security vulnerabilities which affected at least 2 of our competitors. The bottom line is, you should only install extensions or themes from sources you trust.
  6. We have no plans whatsoever to go to a per-client billing model. I just don't see that ever happening, I'm not a fan of the model. In theory it sounds great and fair, but in reality it only works for SaaS. The Lifetime license is certainly the most likely to get a price hike. Because it comes with updates forever, we have to be careful about how many we sell. That said, no company will ever say they will never raise prices. Inflation alone makes that impossible to promise. But, if you look at our record you'll see that we have never raised prices, and if we did, we certainly wouldn't raise them by 200% overnight.
  7. Very nice, some people have been asking for this.
  8. It looks like we don't use an auto response for auto closure. If you inspect the markup, what's output in the source for the image exactly?
  9. The system user would have to have an associated email address, which I think would have to be hacked in. Are you just seeing the system gravatar in the UI, for tickets that are auto-closed?
  10. I don't believe there is any email associated with the system user. What are you seeing, and what does the source look like?
  11. Looks like it's fairly new, and has a PHP 5.5+ requirement. Looks good though
  12. What do you plan to do with that information, display it to the end user? I would suggest something like "Your license is invalid. Your license may have expired or been suspended for non-payment. Please visit your account at https://my.account.com/client/login " Though, looking at the documentation, it seems to mention the following statuses: valid invalid_location invalid_version suspended expired unknown Did you follow the docs? Are you using the official License Manager?
  13. If the license server returns no data, can't you assume the license is invalid within your application/module/extension/etc? This sounds intentional.
  14. Paul

    Blesta 3x to 4x

    PM me your key, or if you have an account with us and paid for the support & updates that way, please open a ticket. I will get you a copy of v4 beta 1. If you are not going live for a little while, I'd suggest making any customizations to v4 to start with, it will be much easier.
  15. I expected this, but I didn't think they would move toward a per-client pricing model and drop owned licenses. People really don't like that pricing model.. but the worst part of it is this: If you use WHMCS, they know how many customers you have. They know what modules you're using. They are collecting that data. How will they use it? Maybe cPanel will market to hosting providers using WHMCS that don't yet use cPanel. If the information gets out, how will someone else use it? Something to think about.
  16. I believe it's a browser issue, not sure how we would correct it. Chrome should know the difference between a page load and an AJAX request.
  17. We need to keep the description purely about custom Blesta development. Planning to add you soon, will just be the following text unless you want to expand on it: My recommendation would be to focus on what kinds of custom development projects you've already done.. whatever you're good at, whatever you want to do. Plugins? Modules? Gateways? Themes? When people visit this page, this is going to be the first thing they see about you.
  18. You can't send email with IMAP, it's an MDA.
  19. Is it possible to use PHP 5.4? Blesta 4 will require PHP 5.4+, so if they have that version with mailparse it may be better to use it instead.
  20. That's unusual. Not sure of anyone else having that issue, I don't think your password would change itself. Does anyone else have access to your account?
  21. If there was a thread, I could tweet it out and it may generate more interest. Cheers
  22. Thanks, CORE-2283. I thought we had a task for that previously, but I couldn't find one.
  23. Well that sounds like you don't have mailparse.
  24. That's great! I would even suggest starting a new thread in the marketplace forum for this module so there is a dedicated thread for it.
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