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Everything posted by Paul

  1. Installing on localhost is fine, except that if you select to start a 30-day trial, it will fail with localhost. Email sales at blesta . com or PM me on the board and I'll issue you a trial license for that purpose. You may contact us as well, if you need more time on a trial. Blesta is almost entirely open and well-written and can be easily integrated into your own design.
  2. Paul

    credit management

    Manage credit how? As in, account credits? You can create account credits by clicking Record Payment under Actions on a Client Profile page. For Payment Type, select "In House Credit". Credits will automatically be applied to open invoices, starting with the oldest when the cron runs, unless you disable this under Settings > Company > Billing/Payment > "Automatically Apply Loose Credits". Over payments, or one time payments not applied to a specific invoice will be issued as credits also. Edit: Credits are basically the sum of unapplied transactions.
  3. Thanks for your feedback! Much appreciated.
  4. Screenshots would be great! Nice work.
  5. You could bill via the Blesta API, as all public model methods are supported. Something to note about manual invoices in Blesta though, if you're going to generate these manually. You can enter the hourly rate in the unit cost, and hours in the quantity. You can use a quantity of something like "1 35/60" to represent 1 hour, 35 minutes, which should simplify billing for hourly work. I would love to build a project management type of plugin for Blesta to simplify this, or maybe the ability to import invoice items from CSV.
  6. Yes, I believe you're right Mike. We don't recommend modifying this, so tweak at your own risk.
  7. Plugins register nav links by registering them in the database under the plugin_actions table with the actions listed below: nav_primary_client nav_primary_staff nav_secondary_staff Look in the table for examples. Otherwise, you'll have to manually edit the templates. I think @Licensecart CMS plugin allows creating nav links that link to external resources, but I could be wrong. Alternatively, you can modify the templates.
  8. Paul

    Test Site

    If you have an owned license with us (Pretty sure you do), you can just open a ticket to request a dev license at https://account.blesta.com/client/ (Click Support). We'll add one to your account, no cost.
  9. Pretty sure someone could create an order template that does this now. It would break the mold a bit, but I believe it's possible. Most of the forms we looked at when we implemented this originally went from Domain > Hosting> Configure & Checkout. Reversing those first two would definitely be a good alternative and something we will consider.
  10. Paul

    authorize.net ACH

  11. Paul

    authorize.net ACH

    I am able to duplicate this, not exactly sure the cause yet. I'll create a task shortly.
  12. All public model methods are available via the API, including those of extensions. There is a lot you can do, and I don't see any reason you couldn't build a separate application that interacts with the core and/or the order plugin for orders. You could even write your own order plugin, and disable the default one.
  13. 3. No. When making a PayPal payment, the customer has to login to PayPal to complete the transaction, so no need for Admins to have access to that. Though, you can "Login as client" to access PayPal payments. 5. Not with PayPal, Blesta does not store credit card expiration numbers when paid via PayPal, nor does it have access to any of that. 6. If the customer sets up a PayPal subscription, the payment will occur from PayPal automatically if they have enough funds. If you want to accept credit card payments directly, you will need a merchant gateway like Payflow Pro, or Authorize.net. We are partnered with Evo to provide good discount rates to our customers who want to use Authorize.net. You can sign up at https://www.evopayments.us/accept-payments/blesta/ if you are interested in that.
  14. It's against PCI-DSS rules to store CVV data, so we do not do it. You would be out of compliance. Your gateway should be configured not to require CVV data for subsequent transactions.
  15. TCAdmin is not included in v4. It's a big one I want to get rolling on though, and we could release it between releases. The goal for the new year is to pick up the pace on core development with smaller, quicker releases, and also release new extensions between releases. There were a lot of issues with the minPHP bridge, including issues with PHP 7 among the bridge and 3rd party libraries we use. Most of those have been corrected in beta 4 with only a couple lingering PHP 7 issues remaining that we're aware of. If you're looking to help us get to a final release, please consider doing some extensive testing with the beta. The way things are looking right now, I think there will be 1 more beta, then final release. We're working hard to get that final beta out shortly.
  16. Paul

    Cron Job

    You can use wget, GET, lynx, or another web-based method for your cron. See https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Installing+Blesta#InstallingBlesta-4.SetupaCronJob There is a wget example, you'll just need the cron key shown under Settings > System > Automation. Using wget would be similar to running the cron manually in your browser, so if that works then this will work for you.
  17. The module was released by them under the MIT license on our Github at https://github.com/blesta/module-thesslstore and we will be accepting pull requests for bugs and improvements from them, us, and the community. I'm sure the module will be improved, especially after we get more feedback from people.
  18. The SSL Store wrote this initial release and made it a requirement. I'm not exactly sure why, but I assume they had some business reason for this.
  19. I am able to duplicate this on PHP 7 also, but only when the debugger is enabled. With error reporting enabled without the debugger, I'm not getting any errors at all and the page loads and seems to work just fine.
  20. Paul

    Confirm Password Reset

    I'd suggest posting this on https://requests.blesta.com to request that the password link expire after it's used. It's not a bug, but it is a good idea.
  21. If you've tried the Support Manager Pro and it's not working as expected in v4, the author may be willing to update the plugin. They'll likely want to update it anyway, to make use of the new bootstrap buttons and font awesome icons used throughout the admin UI.
  22. Paul

    Accepted Payment Type

    No. PayPal requires the customer to login to their PayPal account to process payment, so it would be useless to an admin.
  23. Paul

    Confirm Password Reset

    Probably, but I doubt there is any mechanism in place to invalidate the link currently.
  24. Paul

    Accepted Payment Type

    Only clients can pay with non-merchant payment gateways. Login as the client, or checkout as a client.
  25. Only happens with the debugger plugin? What version of PHP?
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