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Everything posted by Paul

  1. Done! I think!
  2. He was last on the forum 2 hours ago. Hopefully he follows through and gets back to you.
  3. The title is a bit misleading because the invoice shows the correct price. You're just talking about an incorrect value for the PayPal Subscription button, right? This may be because the subscription has to be adjusted, but I confer there may be an issue here. Authorize.net and all other merchant gateways will ever ONLY charge the amount of the invoice, whatever that is. Unless, of course, you're paying multiple invoices at once, or making a payment for credit but you'd be doing that manually.
  4. Paul

    cart not showing currency

    Is "Use Package Pricing for New Services Only" unchecked as shown in Mike's screenshot? This is important to be able to order a package that is in a different currency. Also, is the package price set in the "default" currency?
  5. Without looking at the code, my guess is that GROUP_CONCAT, CONCAT may not be explicitly allowed (Assuming we used a white list approach), which is the result of an attempt at preventing dangerous queries from running.
  6. The date filter is a filter that can be added to the date tag inside the email template per the docs. So, you'd probably want something like: {invoice.date_due | date "Y M d"} Replacing the "Y M d" with the date format you want from http://www.php.net/date
  7. I'd suggest trying to run the cron command via SSH as the same user, and see if it works. If it doesn't then your cron may be wrong, if it does, then your cron may not actually be running even though it's set up.
  8. No. You can use the date filter.
  9. https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Customizing+Emails#CustomizingEmails-SupportedFilters for date I think you want to follow this https://github.com/speedmax/h2o-php/wiki/Built-in-filters
  10. Is mysqldump executable by your user? I suggest creating a new bucket just for backups, so that they do not go in any sub-directory. Appending a sub-directory may be an issue. I would suggest temporarily disabling your cron, and then running it manually with error reporting on after the hour rolls around (when it should attempt a backup) To enable error reporting, edit /config/blesta.php and change Configure::errorReporting(0); to Configure::errorReporting(-1); See if any errors are output when attempting the backup. Disable error reporting when done.
  11. No, I'm saying that client group settings override company settings. So if you set a bill date of 10 days in advance for the company, and 5 for the client group, clients in that group will be billed 5 days in advance. This setting does the following: 1. When the system generates invoices automatically, they are billed this number of days in advance. 2. When you create a manual invoice, the due date is filled in automatically as this many days in the future. With manual invoices, you can change the due date to whatever you want before you create it.
  12. Do you have mysqldump on your system? Blesta executes mysqldump to perform a backup, and writes it to the temp directory defined under Settings > System > General, which must be writable. After that, it will try to send it to S3. If downloading a backup manually doesn't work, it's probably not able to get that far.
  13. Blesta doesn't create cron jobs (Unless you installed via Softaculous or Installatron?) This looks fine though, assuming cron can find php. Otherwise, you may need to put the full path to php instead. Is it not working? You can see the last run time under Settings > System > Automation.
  14. I would expect recurring invoices to bill 5 days in advance, per your settings. Manual one-time invoices should be due on whatever date you set, but will start out as 5 days in advance by default (you can change it).
  15. What's displayed in Blesta under Settings > System > Automation is the recommended command for setting up your cron. You can't change that. You can copy/paste that into creating a cron job on your server, but you should make sure the path to PHP is correct.
  16. This affects only automatic invoices. However, when you create a manual invoice, it will use this value to predetermine the due date. You can change the due date before or after saving the invoice. I don't understand the problem. Are you saying that you set a different due date when manually creating an invoice, and it changes itself when you save?
  17. There is no field for "Apartment / Suite", but people sometimes use the Address 2 field for that. I suggest creating a request at https://requests.blesta.com and include a list of all tags you require.
  18. https://requests.blesta.com for Order Received tags. These are for Staff notifications about orders, so usually don't need the full gambit of information, but I suppose that depends on your use case.
  19. Settings > Company > Billing/Payment Settings > Company > Client Groups > Edit Client Groups override Company Settings. Check both places.
  20. Trial re-issued
  21. You might be later. If you are, just re-issue your key then.
  22. "Billing" contact types are unique in that invoices will be sent to those contact types if any exist, otherwise they are sent to the primary contact (The client). Other types are purely for categorization preferences.
  23. Great, thanks for the update and welcome! Let us know if you have any questions or need any help with Blesta.
  24. $95 for owned addon companies. $350 for 5, if you open a ticket to purchase. $5/mo for monthly licenses. I might have to do a new multi-company video after 4.0, things are starting to look different now.
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