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Everything posted by Paul

  1. 4.1 is likely to consist largely of us mopping up a bunch of little tiny things, fixes/tweaks/improvements that have been on hold while we finished 4.0. We want to get 4.1 out fairly quickly, while also working on some more advanced features (domains) in the background. However, domains are not going to hold up any releases.
  2. Paul

    Recurring invoice error

    Was this resolved in another thread? If not, try enabling error reporting in your /config/blesta.php config file.
  3. At a minimum there would need to be some confirmation. I like the idea of a self-deleting trash bin. You can recover a mistake, but then not much effort beyond that. It's a little bit simpler than what was originally in the task. Feel free to nudge us on this again a little later.
  4. I have updated CORE-1589 to simplify it a bit, please take a look and let me know what you think. The idea is that tickets can be deleted, and are processed after a period of time so that if it's accidental it can be recovered before it's gone.
  5. Yeah, I think that's what it comes down to and there are several areas we need to make similar changes to.
  6. Paul

    Coupon Percentage

    To be honest, I'm not sure. I'd suggest testing with beta 5. If it's not, it'll be easier to implement with the new item pricing.
  7. No immediate plans for this, but we're open to the idea. Why do you want to delete tickets? We see deleting tickets as something that generally shouldn't happen, except under unusual circumstances. Which is probably why it has thus far not been implemented.
  8. Paul

    Recurring invoice bug

    It looks like Tyson created a task, CORE-2337 to look at this. If you have STRICT_TRANS_TABLES you may try disabling that to see if it makes any difference.
  9. Paul

    Cpanel Package Inport

    Great success! Thanks for the heads up, and glad no gunshots were necessary.
  10. To move them into Blesta you would create a service as an admin, and uncheck the "Use Module" option, then edit the service and make sure the username is correct. They should then be linked up. You may also want to uncheck the "Create Invoice" option, and modify the renew date to match their next renewal date.
  11. Paul

    Recurring invoice bug

    That solved it for this customer? Or you have to check the box, and modify the database each time for this customer?
  12. I believe we disable the payment button in v4 after it's clicked once. I'm not sure if this would solve the issue with refreshing the page vs double clicking the button though. Still, the confirmation page shouldn't charge the card again if refreshed. Can anyone else confirm? Also, what version of Blesta?
  13. Paul

    Cpanel Package Inport

    Are you using cloud linux? See this post
  14. Paul

    Recurring invoice bug

    Does the customer have a tax exempt status that is different from customers that work? I'm assuming that recurring invoices for some customers work without error, is that right?
  15. Paul

    Recurring invoice bug

    Is this just a recurring invoice, unattached to a package? Look in the database in the invoice_recur_lines table for the column "taxable". Look at the data, what are the values there for this recurring invoice that you get the error with?
  16. Paul

    Recurring invoice bug

    That's a database error. Have you made any manual changes to the database? Do you have taxes configured? You could try re-saving all your tax information.
  17. Paul

    Recurring invoice bug

    You can also enable error reporting to see if any more information is displayed: To enable error reporting, edit /config/blesta.php and change Configure::errorReporting(0); to Configure::errorReporting(-1);
  18. Awesome, glad to hear! Thanks for the update
  19. Yes! v4 buttons. Looks nice and clean.
  20. Blesta version 4.0.0-b5 (BETA 5) is now available. You can download it from right here (Client Area Login Required). If you haven't seen the blog post announcement for 4.0.0 BETA 1, you can read it here. This is a BETA release. Beta releases are not considered stable enough for production use, and are UNSUPPORTED. DO NOT INSTALL IN A PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENT. Please report any bugs you find in the v4 beta bug forum. Installing Blesta See Installing Blesta in the User Manual for instructions. Upgrading Blesta See Upgrading Blesta in the User Manual for instructions. Release Notes See Blesta Core - Version 4.0.0-b1-b5. SEE BETA 5 ONLY For older releases see all Change Logs. What to Test! 1. TEST EVERYTHING, IN PARTICULAR ANYTHING TO DO WITH PRICING AS WELL AS PHP 7 FUNCTIONALITY. SEE CHANGELOG FOR SPECIFIC ITEMS. Known issues 1. Upgrading/Downgrading a service as a client does not work because the "Review" button is missing.
  21. You could create a plugin to handle the events. See https://docs.blesta.com/display/dev/Plugin+Events
  22. There is a services add event (hook), see https://docs.blesta.com/display/dev/Event+Handlers but modifying the cPanel module to perform the action may be better.
  23. One of three problems: The username is not correct (double check that it is) Email does not work at all (Do other emails go out, or is it just password reset ones that don't?) If no email, check email settings. Clients reset at /client/login/reset/, not /admin/login/reset/
  24. Hasn't slowed down, v4 is just too big. Post 4.0, will be quicker smaller releases.
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