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Everything posted by Paul

  1. Paul

    Encoded files

    The path to certain javascript files for the admin area is defined in app_controller. You can still include your own in ~/app/views/admin/default/structure.pdt What are you trying to accomplish?
  2. You can check your module log to see if it was cPanel that returned the error. Tools > Logs > Module log, click the cPanel rows to expand and display the raw input/output. You should be able to see the cPanel servers response.
  3. There seems to be 2 issues with applying credits: A gateway must be selected in order to pay with credit. I believe this is because if you don't have enough credit, it will use the selected payment method as the backup for the remaining balance. However, if there is enough credit, then this shouldn't be a requirement. Applying credits that seem sufficient is sometimes an issue because of precision. For example, if the customer has a credit of $5.4999 it will be shown as $5.50. If paying an invoice that is $5.50, it will not go through because it's technically a bit short. I think @mcarcadex is experiencing the first issue, which is assigned CORE-2105 as mentioned by @Blesta Addons. I have bumped this to the top of the backlog. I think @Jonathan is experiencing the 2nd issue that has to do with precision. CORE-1597 addresses that (also, duplicate task CORE-2354), which I've also bumped to the top of the backlog. I'll bring these up in our standup meeting today.
  4. Thanks for this. We found some other issues and resolved them as well, but you were very helpful. I still feel like it's not perfect, but it's pretty good.
  5. What was the solution? (In case anyone else stumbles on this thread with the same issue)
  6. We have considered allowing discounts to be set on a client group. For example, Client Group A gets 10% off, Client Group B gets 20% off, etc. This would apply to any/all packages in the system as a percentage discount. But, I'm not sure this would work for you. What you may be offer is the ability to specify which client groups a package may apply. Either all (by default) or specific ones, such that your client groups would have access to different packages, which you could set unique pricing on. That's an interesting idea.
  7. Paul

    Support manager issues

    That's great news. I have updated the docs for recommended requirements, and also the support manager to mention iconv. I wonder if iconv was previously included in most PHP builds by default, it only recently seems to have become an issue. Either way, good to know and glad you're up and running!
  8. Sounds like everyone has had a chance to comment, so I'm going to close this thread. </thread>
  9. I actually got that same error today on a testing server that I was installing mailparse on. You're missing re2c and possibly gcc. As root, run the following command via SSH: yum install gcc re2c -y Then, retry
  10. Paul

    Support manager issues

    It looks like your account runs from a jailed shell, I wonder if that might be causing it some how. At least for piping, not sure why that would affect POP/IMAP. I just created this tutorial on testing piping, see https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Support+Manager#SupportManager-TestingPiping This will help you to try piping a sample email from a text file into Blesta via SSH. It should help narrow down the issue.
  11. If you click the cog/gear it will open the edit service page in a new window. Is the service ID helpful to see? For me, it's just a random number that doesn't tell me anything unless I click on the cog/gear. If you mean a tooltip when you hover the cog/gear icon, I could see that being useful. List additional basic details about the service?
  12. I've marked it planned, but there are other items that we need to knock out first.
  13. Paul

    Support manager issues

    What was the error you received with piping? Do you have the mailparse extension installed in your CLI version of PHP? If you ssh in, you could run something like: php -i | grep mailparse to see if it's installed. Regarding piping, in the docs use the example that shows piping to simply pipe.php (Whatever the real path is) Make sure pipe.php is executable, and the hashbang is correct on line 1, which is the path to PHP on your system.
  14. We would need to distinguish which packages are considered an "upgrade" and which a "downgrade". We could do that simply by observing the sort order of packages within the group, but I don't know if that would work for everyone. Thoughts?
  15. This is intentional for now, because even if a module is used by a cancelled service, the system may reference it and produce errors. It's likely we will change this, by more fully separating packages from services, in which case this will become much more flexible. If you wanted to remove them, I'd suggest removing the services that are associated manually in the database, then trying to remove the module. Of course, always back up everything first.
  16. @Blesta Addons Do you see any RTL issues in the admin interface for Blesta as of 4.0? I'm looking into CORE-1412
  17. For anyone wondering, this is resolved now. I don't know what the issue was, I simply uploaded 4.0.1, ran the upgrade, and the license validated fine.
  18. If you never got to the upgrade screen and ran the upgrade, then your database is most likely untouched. Be certain that your original /config/blesta.php config file is in place, as it's the most critical file in your installation.. as well as the Blesta files for your exact version prior to attempting an upgrade to 4.0
  19. I had updated your ticket. Since you re-issued the license, your installation has not called home. You should try re-saving the license key. If that doesn't work, it hasn't been properly restored. It's very important that your original config file, original Blesta files, and original database have been restored.
  20. After uploading the files, before running the upgrader try removing the following files, per https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Upgrading+Blesta If Blesta redirects to /install it's usually because it doesn't detect a config file config/blesta.php This file should not be removed when upgrading, it's critical that it remain in place and unmodified.
  21. The task is CORE-2397 which appears to be a side affect of CORE-912
  22. I am able to duplicate it. The renew date is changed when it's provisioned and I think I know what task caused this to happen. I'm going to create a task for this and discuss internally.
  23. What I was thinking was that you'd be alerted by the hook and then make a modification to the line items as necessary. I think I don't understand enough about what you're trying to do, and it's the Friday before a long weekend so my mind is a bit distracted. If there's another hook we could create to accomplish your goal, we'd be interested in looking at that. However, if modifying the core is the only way to do it, we might be interested in possibly adding it to the core. It'll depend, we'll have to look at what you've come up with and make a decision internally based on the direction of Blesta.
  24. The gateway is available at https://github.com/blesta/gateway-payumoney If you'd like to contribute to it, so that it supports all of those regions, a dropdown option when configuring the gateway so that it knows which API endpoint to use may be the way to go. Feel free to submit a pull request.
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