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Everything posted by Paul

  1. The following extensions now ship with this release: Gateways payumoney Modules centovacast tcadmin vestacp virtualmin whmsonic
  2. Blesta version 4.1.0-b2 (BETA 2) is now available. You can download it from right here (Client Area Login Required). This is a BETA release. Beta releases are not considered stable enough for production use, and are UNSUPPORTED. DO NOT INSTALL IN A PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENT. Please report any bugs you find in the v4 beta bug forum. Installing Blesta See Installing Blesta in the User Manual for instructions. Upgrading Blesta See Upgrading Blesta in the User Manual for instructions. Release Notes See Blesta Core - Version 4.0.0-b2. For older releases see all Change Logs.
  3. Already exists, see:
  4. Paul

    User data mixup!

    I've never heard of that before. The first step would be to check the mail log under Tools > Logs > Mail log and see if there is a record in Blesta of the welcome email going to that person. The customer number displayed in Blesta is for display purposes only. You can check the database and the actual clients.id (clients table, id column) should be unique. Is it unique? I'm curious why these clients would have the same display customer ID though. Did you import from another system? Are you running any custom or 3rd party extensions? Do you recall doing anything that might have had an impact on this?
  5. Paul

    Error in Monolog

    It's very likely 4.1.0 beta 2 will be out on Monday. We resolved an issue with the way the directory is created for logging, which could solve your issue with a fresh install. Curious if it does.
  6. Paul

    Error in Monolog

    Do you have error reporting and debugging disabled in ~/config/blesta.php ? If not, try disabling. If it's disabled already, try disabling in your php.ini. If it doesn't output that error to browser, maybe you can get in and set the path.
  7. Paul

    Error in Monolog

    v4.1.0 beta 1? Make sure the path to the log directory is set under Settings > System > General > Basic Setup: Log directory It should be above your document root, something like /home/user/logs_blesta/ Did you do an upgrade or fresh install? This path should be set automatically.
  8. Great, glad that did it! Thanks for the update!
  9. Only English is imported. The translator exports other languages, and cannot import them. User translations are stored in a database until they are exported, which is when it creates all the required files on the fly and packages them up into a .zip file automatically.
  10. So maybe /opt/plesk/php/5.6/bin/php
  11. This guide may be helpful for determining the path. https://docs.plesk.com/en-US/onyx/administrator-guide/web-hosting/php-management/running-php-scripts-from-the-command-line.76345/
  12. You would just change your cron job and edit the path to PHP. The standard path on most systems is /usr/bin/php. When a server has multi-PHP, the paths can vary. I'd suggest opening a ticket with Plesk or your server provider if you aren't sure what the path to PHP 7 or PHP 5.6 is. If you're web server is running PHP 7, then you'll want to use the CLI version of PHP 7 also so that it matches your ioncube files.
  13. Do you have multi-PHP? If you have multiple versions of PHP, perhaps a newer PHP version is accessible at a different path? Then you can update your cron to use the path to the right version of PHP.
  14. What version of PHP are you running? Blesta has a minimum requirement of PHP 5.4. Is it possible your CLI version of PHP is different than the version for your web server?
  15. That's accurate. In your browser, access /admin/login/ from where Blesta is installed.. ie yourdomain.com/admin/login It will then prompt you to create your first admin account.
  16. It sounds like the Admin Tools plugin can help you -
  17. We are not able to import it to translate.blesta.com from zip. I would suggest using something like KDIFF to compare your original untranslated language files to the ones in Blesta 4.1 when it is released. This will help you identify which language definitions were changed, and which are new.
  18. How did you do the translation? Under translate.blesta.com? If so, we will update the site for 4.1 once it's officially released. I don't think there is that much that changed, and you would only translate new or changed definitions, *not* the entire thing.
  19. Probably because there was an issue importing a particular client. Email sales at> blesta.com and I'll send you a link to download 4.1.0 beta 1, as well as an updated file for the importer. We've been making a lot of improvements to it lately, one of which was a fix for clients with unusual characters.
  20. Yep, once installed via CLI access in your browser and it will prompt you for your license key (or to start a trial) and the admin credentials to create your first admin account. Once you fill that out, it'll create the user and log you in.
  21. Yes, but as far as I know they aren't a payment gateway. They provide hosted wallets, and can be used for direct payments. Personally I suggest not using a hosted wallet, if they get hacked (mtgox anyone?) then you may lose all your coins.
  22. We are planning a Payoneer gateway (I assume this is what you mean?). Also, for Bitcoin we recommend BitPay, which we have a gateway for.
  23. Very nice! I love posts like this.
  24. Personally I recommend against these kinds of notices. Perhaps in the client area, but if it's public it can deter some people.
  25. They don't like to accept payments for darknet vendors haha, only kidding. I agree with others, Stripe is probably your best bet, maybe be a little more vague about what you're offering. If you know what they don't like, use it to your advantage.
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