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Everything posted by Paul

  1. Why not rename the company under Settings > System > Companies. If you update company name and hostname it'll flip them.
  2. Download again from the first post, it has been updated.
  3. They are owned by root because Blesta is being executed by root.. is your cron set up to run as root? If so, the user should be changed.
  4. This is why most control panels run their own web server for their panel, apart from customers (cPanel does this). If the published solution no longer works with Plesk, maybe Plesk can provide some insight on why that is and what we can do about it. If you're able to get any information from them, please pass it along. If you're able to run Blesta on its own smallish VPS that may be better all around as it'll be isolated from the shared hosting environment under Plesk, and more secure.
  5. If you're running PHP 7.0, you need to use the 3 files in the php7-hotfix directory that's included in the Blesta zip file. If you can log into Blesta now though, I suspect you are running a different version of PHP for CLI vs your web server. They should be the same. If the web server is running PHP 5.6, and your CLI is 7.0, try locating your PHP 5.6 binary and running it with that instead.
  6. Paul

    RTL support

    That thread may no longer be relevant in the latest release as we added better RTL support to Blesta. However, the way you enable RTL is in the language file. For example, ~/language/en_us/app_controller.php contains the following line: $lang['AppController.lang.dir'] = 'ltr'; For your language, just change this to rtl for right to left.
  7. 1. Did you ever move Blesta? Possible you have another copy still running someplace else? If Blesta sent out an email, it will be in the logs. There will be a transaction recorded. 2. Disable the cron temporarily, enable error reporting in /config/blesta.php (Change from 0 to -1, change back when done) wait 5 minutes, and try running via CLI: php ./index.php cron 3. It always appears, if you ran it once you're good to go. Since you went from 3.x to 4.x did you remove the files that were removed in 4.0? From https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Upgrading+Blesta
  8. It doesn't actually try to run the migrations (database queries) again. The path should be removed though, CORE-2520. Will look into displaying a message that it has already been upgraded or similar.
  9. Paul

    Service Pending

    Module log is under Tools > Logs > Module tab in Blesta. Click the row to expand and show the input/output logs. Have you made any customizations to the cPanel module, or are you running a 3rd party cPanel module? It sounds like some data is missing, and that the domain may already exist on your cPanel server. I would suggest noting the domain and username, and delete the pending service, and add it back with "use module" unchecked (since it exists in cPanel already). Under Account Actions > Add Service. Deleting the existing, and creating a new service may resolve whatever data is missing in that record.
  10. The Account Actions > Email Client option does not use a template. Whatever you enter is what is sent. There are no files to edit.
  11. All licensing can be circumvented. Replacing keys with your own keys is not simple, most people do not have the expertise to do that and to spoof a license server. And, none of that can be done without decoding the files first. Files must be decoded for that. (in the case of Blesta, the 3 license files) Reverse engineering the code for ANY software product allows for nulling the software. It's much easier to null it than to spoof a license server, so nobody is going to do that unless for research. If you find a way to prevent piracy 100%, let me know privately and let's become billionaires together. We have circumvented 2 of our competitors (one ryhmes with wimps and the other thinks they are an executive) without decoding. None of the techniques required to circumvent their licensing work on Blesta.. and once the code is reversed engineered, it's trivial to null - any software.
  12. Is this for the case when you create a new service as an admin and it activates the primary service right away, but queue's addon to be activated by cron? I think the reason for this is because it's not simple to activate 2 + services simultaneously in the UI, but I see what you are saying if you are adding the service as an admin and not via client order.
  13. Your modification looks right to me. I'm not sure what -3003 means, it's not listed as an error code for PHP CURL. It may be that your server is unable to negotiate SSLv3 at all. Try changing the value 3 to 4 instead, per the chart below. They support SSLv3 and TLS 1.0, so an option of 4 should specify TLS 1.0. Maybe that'll work instead.
  14. Actually I think we have a temporary solution for you. Please see https://docs.blesta.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=1540327#Company>Billing&Payment-PostalMethods specifically, the yellow box. You may be able to tweak your code to get it to negotiate the older ciphers.
  15. If 4.1.2, the issue mentioned in the other thread should have been resolved. There is another issue with PostalMethods at the moment.. they do not support modern TLS via their API. I have reached out to them, and they are looking into upgrading their API server to support modern TLS. Therefore, your server must be able to negotiate older SSLv3 or TLS 1.0. Here is what is currently supported: Hopefully they will begin supporting TLS 1.1, 1.2 soon.
  16. The license server has the private key, so the client (public key) can decrypt but not encrypt license data. This makes it difficult to spoof, as only the license server can sign messages, and there is no need to encrypt the public key, it's the public key. You can't simply spoof the license server and generate new keys because there is also a shared secret that is embedded in your code, that you would ideally encode before distribution.
  17. Paul

    DST Still a Bug

    What version of Blesta? I found this task, but it seems to address recurring invoices https://dev.blesta.com/browse/CORE-295
  18. Paul

    DST Still a Bug

    What time is the task set to run under Settings > Company > Automation and what time was it running previously, and what time did it run today? What is the time zone set to under Settings > Company > General > Localization
  19. Paul

    cPanel Clone Problem

    I think there might be a conflict with the apis/cpanel_api.php CpanelApi class. I would suggest renaming the class to something else, and updating it's usage in cpanelresell.php. ie, if you rename the class to CpanelresellApi, update every instance of CpanelApi in cpanelresell.php. Might not hurt to also rename the file. Of course, I could be wrong.
  20. If you get a blank page, enable error reporting and debugging. It's also possible you're running an older version of Blesta that may not be compatible.
  21. Paul

    Release 4.1.2

    Version 4.1.2 is now available. Please see the announcement. This is a patch release that corrects issues with 4.1.0. Be sure to run /admin/upgrade after uploading the patch or full versions. NOTE! If you have a large number of invoices, it may be necessary to run the upgrade via CLI as the upgrade process can take some time while a new table is populated. This migration was introduced in 4.1.1 and improved in this release - 4.1.2. If you aren't already running 4.1.1, it's better to go to 4.1.2 directly as the migration is more efficient than in 4.1.1. To upgrade via CLI, from your Blesta directory run: php ./index.php admin/upgrade Patching Blesta See Patching Blesta in the User Manual for instructions. Release Notes See Blesta Core - Version 4.1.2. See all Change Logs.
  22. Nice work! I like how nice and clean it is. Only criticism is that there's a whole lot of blue. I would probably add another color to break it up a bit, at least with the boxes on the portal page.
  23. A new PerfectMoney gateway in now available for Blesta. This is an early release, and they are not a fan of the USA (testing has been VERY difficult) so please give it a spin and report any issues. To install, download the attached perfectmoney.zip unzip and upload the "perfectmoney" directory to ~/components/gateways/nonmerchant/ and visit Settings > Company > Payment Gateways to install and configure.
  24. A new SagePay gateway is now available for Blesta. This is an early release, so please give it a spin and report any issues. The gateway is available at https://github.com/blesta/gateway-sagepay To install, download and rename the directory to sagepay and upload to ~/components/gateways/merchant/ and visit Settings > Company > Payment Gateways to install and configure.
  25. Really? Why does zpanelcp.com still exist? Confusing. The UI in the screenshots I've found look decent. Open source and written in PHP. It's had a lot of security issues?
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