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Everything posted by Paul

  1. Paul

    Huge Invoicing Bug

    No way to automatically resolve existing invoices. We'll have a 4.2.1 patch out in the next week or so... in the meantime, if you use prorata on Packages, best to apply this fix for now.
  2. Paul

    Package configuration

    Yes, but first you would add them to an order form under Packages > Order forms. Then, when you visit the order form and click the product you can copy the URL. Here's a guide on customizing it further https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Order+System#OrderSystem-LinkingtoaSpecificProduct as you can also include a coupon, etc.
  3. Paul


    Are you running Blesta 4.2 with API token from WHM? Are you using the root user, or a reseller user? If reseller, sometimes the WHM permissions do not allow access to all WHM/cPanel packages. If that's the case , you may need to contact your hosting company they may need to adjust some settings.
  4. So it's an issue in the 3rd party HTML invoice?
  5. We'll consider publishing a list of changed files. I've seen others publish a list of changed template files, as they are commonly updated. You could easily make your own list by using one of the recommended programs and comparing your version with the new version. I think that's better than just a list because you can see exactly what changed between the files as well and smart merge changes into templates that also changed.
  6. Have you already tried re-uploading Blesta, overwriting existing files? Sometimes FTP programs will change line endings of the files, though this shouldn't really break it, I wonder if something like that may have happened. (Don't delete and upload, you need to keep /config/blesta.php, so maybe back that up first). My guess is this wont matter since you upgraded to 4.2 recently though. What version of PHP are you running? Do you have multi-php where you can select a different version to test? What version of MySQL/Mariadb?
  7. That line of code has to do with fetching text from the loaded language file. Are you running a custom language file, or a language other than en_us that ships with Blesta? Any modifications to it? There may be an issue with one of your language files.
  8. If you're running PHP 7.1 or 7.2, you must apply the hotfix-php71 files included in the zip for Blesta 4.2.
  9. Paul

    Release 4.2.0

    Version 4.2.0 is now available. You can download directly right here. Installing Blesta See Installing Blesta in the User Manual for instructions. Upgrading Blesta See Upgrading Blesta in the User Manual for instructions. Migrating to Blesta See Migrating to Blesta in the User Manual for instructions. Overview Coupon billing cycles. Make coupons apply to specific terms only. Invoice auto-debit override. Disable auto-debit on specific invoices. Staff can now set their own, independent language. Four new exchange rate processors added. Added support for PHP 7.1 (May work unofficially with PHP 7.2 also). New Modules: CentosWP, and ISPConfig. New Gateways: Square, PerfectMoney, and Hubtel. SolusVM management actions now provide feedback on the user action. Support for query parameters for plugin actions. Module system can now render messages set by a module to the view. Release Notes See Blesta Core - Version 4.2.0. For older releases see all Change Logs.
  10. I see you are running Blesta 4.1.2. When you upgraded, did you run /admin/upgrade to run the database migrations? Settings > System > General has a logs directory defined. Check the directory for logs, it may contain errors.
  11. That definitely sounds like a pyramid scheme. I don't know anything about it, but I'd definitely steer clear! Best to hodl in your own wallet. I heard the IOTA MS thing was overblown and/or just a rumor. If I had several cryptos I'd probably stick to Verge, Cardano, Stellar, and Monero. Binance is a good exchange. Coinbase/GDAX added Bitcoin Cash yesterday and caused plenty of trouble in the markets.
  12. It's very simple. If the invoice is $80 and $45 have been applied, you cannot apply another $45 because 45+45=90 not 80.
  13. Blesta version 4.2.0-b2 (BETA 2) is now available. You can download it from right here (Client Area Login Required). This is a BETA release. Beta releases are not considered stable enough for production use, and are UNSUPPORTED. DO NOT INSTALL IN A PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENT. Please report any bugs you find in the v4.2 beta bug forum. Installing Blesta See Installing Blesta in the User Manual for instructions. Upgrading Blesta See Upgrading Blesta in the User Manual for instructions. Release Notes See Blesta Core - Version 4.2.0-b2. For older releases see all Change Logs.
  14. It sounds like you are trying to apply more than is due on the invoice. If the invoice is $80, and the customer paid $45, then shouldn't you be applying $35 and not $45?
  15. It definitely follows the pattern. Not sure how MLM pyramid comes into play with Bitcoin though, is she referring to an exchange? On one hand I strongly believe in blockchain and think it has great real world benefits, on the other hand the rapid rise is a big concern. There's a lot of short term volatility. Long term I think the market cap will continue to grow, especially as it begins to be integrated into daily life.
  16. Just FYI, if anyone is interested in buying any BTC, LTC, or ETH on coinbase.com you can sign up with this link and if you deposit $100 or more both of us will get $10 in bitcoin. https://www.coinbase.com/join/5a1a0e84942a40026d012e3f
  17. As long as you don't need special characters you should be fine
  18. I miss-typed, I meant PNG without transparency. If you send me your logo in JPG, I can try saving in Photoshop as PNG for you to see if it works.
  19. A new SSLCommerz gateway (alpha) is available for testing. SSLCommerz is a Bangladesh gateway for processing BDT To install, download the attached sslcommerz.zip, unzip and upload the "sslcommerz" directory to ~/components/gateways/nonmerchant/ and visit Settings > Company > Payment Gateways to install and configure. Additional notes:
  20. This might not be particularly helpful, but trying it from another angle might be a good idea. From https://docs.blesta.com/display/dev/API This is a rather simple request that uses GET instead of POST.
  21. You can create a recurring invoice. To do that, create a manual invoice and look for the recurring options. The invoice will be used like a stamp for stamping out invoices going forward. Clients > Select a Client, click the [+] icon in the invoices widget or under the Actions section on the left. If you did go with a package and you are setting these up for clients yourself, you can set a price override and use the same package. If a price override, create the service using the package (uncheck invoice option), then edit the service and set a price override. You may need to bill the initial month manually (or let Blesta invoice and modify the invoice right away).
  22. Paul

    Proxmox module

    Chances are pretty good Blesta is unable to connect to your Proxmox server. Make sure TCP port 8006 egress is open on your Blesta server so it can make an outgoing connection, and that the same port is open ingress on your Proxmox server
  23. Thanks for the suggestion. Please feel free to nudge us on this once we have: Domain Manager & Affiliate System both implemented
  24. Ah. I think it's because the fees for transferring BTC are so high (Like $8 per transaction to send BTC on average). So, prolly not worth exchanging until you have some more. Should probably just hold onto your LTC for the moment, it seems to be doing pretty well.
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