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Everything posted by Paul

  1. Paul

    We want you! :)

    Wow, that is great news! Congratulations! We only have boys, no girls.. I think maybe girls are more complicated.
  2. Sounds like BlestaAddons suggestion would be for manually resending the welcome email to include contacts? Having welcome emails go out to contacts automatically is feasible, but is likely to be problematic for some. We could probably say that welcome emails shouldn't go to contacts of the type "Billing", but what about the others? Maybe Joe is a technical contact and should be able to login and open support tickets but the customer doesn't want him to get passwords for new services. See what I mean, there would probably need to be some permission scheme/rule set to determine who gets welcome emails automatically. Maybe an option when staff or clients add new contacts? [x] Send this contact order emails
  3. Paul

    We want you! :)

    Yes, only Blesta licenses. Would be interesting to have a module to sell any packages from your Blesta, but not something we would probably build ourselves. Maybe a Blesta Reseller Module for Blesta to sell Blesta packages, so your resellers running Blesta could sell your products. Maybe in the future.
  4. Paul

    We want you! :)

    Already exists, https://docs.blesta.com/display/dev/Reseller+Modules#ResellerModules-LicenseModuleforWHMCS And welcome back @PauloV! I hope you are doing well!
  5. I have updated the request title and added a comment. We'll revisit this soon. The solution isn't simply updating the Stripe gateway to use stripe.js, but rather a change to the core gateway system is required to allow the gateway to essentially bypass Blesta. The change isn't trivial, and we need to consider how other gateways that behave similarly work so it can be as inclusive as possible.
  6. +1 and done. Seems to work on Desktop, haven't tried on Mobile. Let us know how it goes. @activa
  7. What specifically is being suggested in this case? It is not clear. What is the issue with PayPal? If someone makes a check payment with PayPal, Blesta will record it as pending and the service will not be activated until PayPal updates the status when the check clears, which I've personally seen happen.
  8. Virtualmin is included with Blesta now, so no need to grab it from Github. Not sure about Cloudmin either, we have not tested it. If anyone finds out, please report it to us
  9. If the check is returned, you can edit the transaction and change the status. This is the case with many forms of payment, the customer makes it but it's later returned, charged back, fought, etc. It's good to record the payment when it has been received, and update if the status changes. Now, if you are activating something that you can't easily undo, or shipping something to the customer, then you may want to hold recording the payment in Blesta. Eventually crypto currency will solve all of this
  10. A new CyberPanel alpha module is available. To install, download the attached cyberpanel.zip and unzip the file. Upload the cyberpanel directory to ~/components/modules/ and go to Settings > Company > Modules to install it. Any comments or suggestions, please post them below. cyberpanel.zip
  11. Very nice, thank you for sharing!
  12. A new TeamSpeak 3 alpha module is available. To install, download the attached teamspeak.zip and unzip the file. Upload the teamspeak directory to ~/components/modules/ and go to Settings > Company > Modules to install it. Any bugs, comments, or suggestions, please post them below.
  13. I have also created CORE-2593 to address the issue brought up in this thread, per Tyson's suggestion.
  14. I have created https://dev.blesta.com/browse/CORE-2592 to address this.
  15. Just to add.. CentOS 5 does not support TLS 1.2 via CURL. You must be running CentOS 6.9 or CentOS 7.x (Unless you're running a totally different flavor of Linux in which case I have no idea)
  16. The only way multiple invoices would be created for the same service is if after it is invoiced the service renew date is not bumped forward. Please check your invoices table and export the records for the following invoices: - 140 - 141 - 142 Please check your cron log under Tools > Logs > Cron and provide the logs that have a task name of "Create Invoice" Please find and include all such tasks over the past 3 days. It is interesting that your task is set to run at 9:35, and yet it says it last ran at 9:55.. not sure why it would take 20 minutes to run, that seems excessive for your system size.
  17. Yeah, don't buy bitcoin gold, lol. I'm not sure how much weight to give this report, but I am not going to complain that Stellar got a B, the best rating of any coin in their analysis. Too the moon!
  18. Weiss came out with a ranking of crypto currencies today, PDF attached. weiss-cryptocurrency-ratings.pdf This is driving the market right now.
  19. Buy low sell high is so simple, and yet most people don't do it! Crypto looking up recently, especially my favorite: Stellar Lumens (XLM)
  20. Suspended isn't the same as cancelled though. Some services like backup services, while suspended and the customer is locked out, may still be taking up a lot of disk space for which the hosting company expects to be paid. What I mean is, even a suspended service may have costs associated with it, and the suspension is just an incentive for the customer to pay. As Tyson mentioned, this is a business decision. Some companies may want it to work how you do, and some may not. What are your thoughts on Tyson's proposed settings?
  21. Also what's interesting about this is that an invoice was sent out twice in the same day. By default invoices are emailed within 5 minutes of being created unless manually sent, and invoice generation happens only once per day. So, an invoice should not have been generated at two different times on the same day unless something was manually messed with.
  22. Did you ever change the renew date? Changing the renew date backwards can cause an invoice to be generated again. Check also that you only have 1 cron job set up.
  23. Not currently, but it would technically be possible to add. https://requests.blesta.com if you'd like to make an official feature request.
  24. Settings > System > General > GeoIP Settings. You must download and unpack the geoip database and place it on your server, and enable the checkbox here.
  25. If you have geoip set up in Blesta, Blesta attempts to pre-select the users country and state during account creation.
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