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Everything posted by Paul

  1. I don't think I understand what you mean.. are you talking about cancelling addon services under a parent? Via API or in the UI? Maybe more details will help.
  2. I agree, see CORE-2607
  3. The License Manager paid extension has been updated and can be found in the download area (login and purchase required) by the name license_manager-2018-02-20.zip What's changed? Allow IPv4 & IPv6 simultaneously. Allows 1 IPv4 & 1 IPv6 address by default Fixed issue where license data was not returned from the license server for suspended or cancelled licenses Fixed issue where clients could re-issue licenses even if this was disabled in the module
  4. I've created a task for us to look into this, per https://dev.blesta.com/browse/CORE-2605 It's going to be a while before this is implemented, and would suggest looking into the statement plugin Blesta Addons mentioned.
  5. Tag availability depends on the email template. For Invoice Delivery (Upaid) see https://docs.blesta.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=4161679 and click Additional tags to expand. previous_due is available to the invoice, which isn't the total due for the entire account but is the amount due prior to this invoice being generated. {invoices.0.previous_due} if I'm not mistaken would contain the previous amount due for the first invoice included in the email.
  6. Oh ok, that makes sense. To get around that you could go to Settings > Company > Emails and disable both Invoice Delivery (Paid) and Invoice Delivery (Unpaid) email templates. If they are disabled, no invoice emails will go out, and the customer could have email selected as the type. However, I can see how showing "None" may be less confusing to the customer if they login and see Email and wonder why they don't get them.
  7. I get it, you're waiting on something a lot of people are waiting on. Sponsored items are not detracting from that.
  8. None is just don't check it. The setting applies only to that specific invoice, not future invoices. The solution here would be an additional option where future invoices created from the recurring invoice would not be set for delivery.
  9. Many people have asked for the ability to delete tickets. You don't think we should have done it? Sponsored items do not mean that other important things are not happening, they do not take away from time spent on other tasks, but result in more getting done overall. That's a good thing for everyone.
  10. So, the question everyone is waiting for... when is it going to be released?
  11. This is going to be in 4.3, already done and sponsored by someone in the community. I like most of your other ideas and would encourage you to create a new request for each one at https://requests.blesta.com with as many details as you can provide.
  12. Do you have mod_rewrite enabled in Apache? If not, you can delete your .htaccess file and access at /blesta/index.php/install assuming that you did upload to a blesta directory. Also, if you've applied the appropriate hotfix files for your version of PHP 7, you may try re-installing Ioncube. I've seen it crash with 500 errors when it wasn't installed correctly.
  13. Modules aren't aware of contact changes. I wonder if it might be possible through an Event.
  14. Paul


    If this is a useful update, someone could submit a pull request to https://github.com/blesta/module-centovacast
  15. That only controls whether the initial invoice created is delivered, not subsequent invoices that are stamped out as recurring. You can disable the invoice email template under Settings > Company > Emails if you don't want any customers to receive invoices.
  16. Paul

    White Screen at Install

    I PM'd you the details. Installed on Linux, but it doesn't matter, you'll just need to update some paths as described, which you'd have to do anyway.
  17. Paul

    White Screen at Install

    If the only issue at this point is writing the config and finishing the install I'll do a quick install and send you the config + database dump, and we'll see if you can login ok. Doing an install now and I'll email or PM you soon. I'm not as concerned if there's just some kind of permissions issue here.
  18. Paul

    White Screen at Install

    The installer uses blesta-new.php as a template and writes blesta.php into the ~/config/ directory. The /config/ directory must also be writable, not just blesta-new.php, so that blesta.php can be created. Depending which user your web server runs as, you could probably install Blesta as Administrator via CLI: php index.php install If you have higher privileges, it may not encounter this issue. Also, just to add.. you must drop all tables before re-attempting the install.
  19. Paul

    White Screen at Install

    Yes, take all of that out and set it to blank: sql-mode="" Don't forget to restart MySQL. Then give it another try. If it still doesn't work, I'm not sure and I'd be happy to do an install and send you a working database you can try to import. The only other thing is that there could be an issue during RSA key generation.. check that you have bcmath and gmp extensions in your PHP.
  20. Paul

    White Screen at Install

    While Blesta should disable STRICT_TRANS_TABLES, try disabling it in your MySQL config my.ini on Windows sql_mode="" Restart MySQL, and then check again as you did previously: mysql -u blesta -p -e "SELECT @@GLOBAL.sql_mode, @@SESSION.sql_mode;" Do you see any other errors in the logs at the time the white screen of death is presented?
  21. Paul

    White Screen at Install

    Does this file exist? C:\Blesta\public_html\config\services.php You don't need mailparse unless Blesta will be importing emails into tickets. Outgoing emails will work fine without it.
  22. Paul

    White Screen at Install

    Most likely there is a MySQL error running the database migrations. Check that only_full_group_by is not enabled. I know you aren't running MySQL 5.7, but if this is enabled in 5.5 it would still be an issue. From https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Requirements If you have php error logs, those may be helpful also.
  23. Nice video! Looks like there's plenty more to do, but looks like an excellent start and the UI is looking good
  24. Ad / No Ad options are a great idea, reminds me of Hulu. I hope it does well, and I would encourage anyone reading this to give it a try. (P.S. This is my favorite page https://demowolf.com/video-tutorials-library/other-hosting-tutorials/blesta-admin-series/)
  25. Paul

    Client Missing Widget?

    Thanks for the update! A rogue character will definitely do that, it's even more fun when that character is invisible (like line endings \n \r\n or tabs or spaces).
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