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Everything posted by Paul

  1. Mind including a screenshot of the form in the admin area where that is defined? We would be open to a description field.
  2. Paul

    invalid license key

    I sent you a trial key via PM.
  3. So this occurs during the setup after you enter your database credentials and click to continue? Do you have any special characters in the password? Might be a good idea to try it with just alphanumeric characters to rule that out. Do you have SSH? You can check the connection via command line: mysql -u USERNAME -p DATABASENAME
  4. It's not a bug, and not something we intend to change. If the email address provided cannot receive email, they will never receive their order information or any other correspondence. This helps a lot of people who misspell their own domain during checkout. However, if you'd like to disable the DNS check, you can do so by editing ~/vendors/minphp/input/src/Input.php. Look for this: /** * Checks if the given string is a valid email address * * @param string $str The string to test * @param boolean $check_record True to check DNS/MX record * @retrun boolean True if the email is valid, false otherwise */ public static function isEmail($str, $check_record = true) { $check = array(); // Verify that the address is formatted correctly if (isset($str) && preg_match( "/^[a-z0-9!#$%\*\/?\|^\{\}`~&'\+=_.-]+@[a-z0-9.-]+\.[a-z0-9]{1,63}$/Di", $str, $check )) { // Verify that the domain is valid if ($check_record) { // Append "." to the host name to prevent DNS server from creating the record $host = substr(strstr($check[0], '@'), 1) . "."; $mxhosts = array(); if (function_exists("getmxrr") && !getmxrr($host, $mxhosts)) { // This will catch DNSs that are not MX if (function_exists("checkdnsrr") && !checkdnsrr($host, "ANY")) { return false; } } } return true; } return false; } And change to /** * Checks if the given string is a valid email address * * @param string $str The string to test * @param boolean $check_record True to check DNS/MX record * @retrun boolean True if the email is valid, false otherwise */ public static function isEmail($str, $check_record = true) { $check = array(); // Verify that the address is formatted correctly if (isset($str) && preg_match( "/^[a-z0-9!#$%\*\/?\|^\{\}`~&'\+=_.-]+@[a-z0-9.-]+\.[a-z0-9]{1,63}$/Di", $str, $check )) { // Verify that the domain is valid /* do not check dns if ($check_record) { // Append "." to the host name to prevent DNS server from creating the record $host = substr(strstr($check[0], '@'), 1) . "."; $mxhosts = array(); if (function_exists("getmxrr") && !getmxrr($host, $mxhosts)) { // This will catch DNSs that are not MX if (function_exists("checkdnsrr") && !checkdnsrr($host, "ANY")) { return false; } } } */ return true; } return false; } It's possible this is different in your version of Blesta, so it's better if you apply the change rather than copy/paste.
  5. Check your /etc/resolv.conf file, there should be DNS caching servers listed here that work. Google public DNS would look like: If your server can't do name resolution, you will have many issues, failed email validations are just one of them.
  6. Once it's added in Blesta, click Manage to edit the service after. There may be additional fields that you can save more details, just remember to uncheck "Use Module" again when updating the record. I'm not sure what there is offhand for Centova, but it's the same process regardless of module, though the module does determine what fields you will see and can update.
  7. Enough said, thanks
  8. I will look into this. It does make sense. Prorate remainder left from today, then full charge the new term and bump the renew date from today + term (ie today + 1 year). I think this would be less confusing.
  9. Paul


    Have you tried the latest centovacast module from https://github.com/blesta/module-centovacast ? It was updated 28 days ago, so this is a newer version than is included with the current Blesta release.
  10. I believe you spoke with @GosuHost about this. The password is updated by TCAdmin, I believe, in part, because otherwise the module would be unable to send the customer their TCAdmin password, as it would be unknown. If you have anything to add, or any other questions, let us know.
  11. Accessing that IP in my browser works, but not over HTTPS and you've checked the "Use SSL" checkbox. Work without that? If not, please check your firewall. The module is not able to get a response from your server.
  12. Does the panel exist anymore? The URL in the OP's goes to a website that no longer exists.
  13. We have a separate Alipay gateway, and Bitpay and Coinpayments.net for Bitcoin & Other cryptocurrencies. If those aren't good options for you, def reach out to ModulesGarden.
  14. Paul


    Something seems to be off with WHT lately though. They had an expired SSL cert for a significant amount of time, the site was offline, and hotscripts.com went dark and now redirects to WHT (Yet they tried to charge my credit card for our Blesta listing, which failed and then they emailed that it was delisted or something).
  15. Not yet, but I will try to get some and create a page in the docs for the module.
  16. Paul

    We want you! :)

    Blesta ships with a Directadmin module. Are you looking for one with more features?
  17. The mail log is just a log of what was sent. If there are invoices that upon edit have the email box checked, they will be sent at the first opportunity. The solution to having these all go out, is to mark all invoices in the system as sent. I think this query will do it for you, but be sure to backup your database first! UPDATE `invoice_delivery` SET date_sent="2018-03-12 00:00:00" WHERE date_sent=NULL AND method="email"; Query will set a sent date for all invoices that have not been sent and are queued for email delivery.
  18. I have updated the vultr.zip in the original post, please download again and give it a try. It now strips out the information pertaining to Vultr, and will replace any other instances with your own company details.
  19. Just to add, if for no other reason than to take a few more wacks at this dead horse: My mobile email is set to my phone number @ my cell provider. Many cell providers provide an email to SMS gateway. Email the address, get a text message. In this way, the mobile emails go to my phone as a text message. Great for emergency support and orders.
  20. A new Vultr alpha module is available. To install, download the attached vultr.zip and unzip the file. Upload the vultr directory to ~/components/modules/ and go to Settings > Company > Modules to install it. Be sure to check out the documentation. Any comments or suggestions, please post them below. This module was sponsored by hostjane.com. Be sure to check them out.
  21. Paul

    VestaCP Module Wont Work

    Yes, we used the self signed cert that vestacp makes. We don't have much to go on, and we can't duplicate with our vestacp server. There may be an issue with TLS negotation, CURL, networking, or something else. All I can suggest is to try enabling error reporting and see if you get anymore details. To enable error reporting, edit /config/blesta.php and change Configure::errorReporting(0); to Configure::errorReporting(-1); You may also wish to enable System Debug. To do so, change Configure::set("System.debug", false); to Configure::set("System.debug", true); Be sure to change these settings back when you are done.
  22. Not a bad idea. I wonder how much demand there would be for this. - Ask for email for out of stock items - Save email, linked to package - On Package edit, if item quantity available > 0, send email Pretty logical.
  23. You can restrict it so that only clients (email matches a client) can open tickets. Do you want to ban clients from opening tickets by email? Because even if clients are banned from opening tickets my email, they can login and open tickets. To allow only clients to open or reply to tickets, edit the department (Support > Departments) and check the box: "Allow only clients to open or reply to tickets", and save.
  24. Normal spam email filters tend to work best, like Barracuda, and then only clean email makes it to your ticket system. We would consider adding a blacklist section where you could blacklist specific email addresses or domains from opening tickets. I assume you want non-clients to be able to open tickets? If not, you can make it so only clients can open a ticket, which should reduce any spam.
  25. Can you provide details? 4.3 will have a feature that allows you to permanently delete tickets. For spam, do you mean some way to auto detect it? And a blacklist to prevent certain email addresses from opening a ticket?
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