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Everything posted by Paul

  1. I think I talked to you in our website chat. For anyone else who stumbles on this thread: VAR licenses are only valid if hosted by the company offering them, so you'll need a new license if you move to another hosting provider. If your new hosting provider doesn't offer Blesta, ask them if they would consider it and feel free to put them in touch with us. If all else fails, you can always buy a license from us that will work anywhere.
  2. Paul

    Release 4.3.0

    Uh oh, looks like we're missing the views directory for Vultr. If you're planning to install Vultr, download a copy from here https://github.com/blesta/module-vultr and upload to /components/modules/vultr/
  3. Paul

    Release 4.3.0

    Here's an example plugin and module for developers that highlight the new features. Sample Module that creates an Automation Task module-test-cron.zip Sample Plugin that creates Service Management Tabs. plugin-test-management-tabs.zip
  4. Paul

    Release 4.3.0

    Version 4.3.0 is now available. You can download directly right here. Installing Blesta See Installing Blesta in the User Manual for instructions. Upgrading Blesta See Upgrading Blesta in the User Manual for instructions. Migrating to Blesta See Migrating to Blesta in the User Manual for instructions. Overview Full client delete option (GDPR: Right to erasure / Right to be forgotten). Client data JSON export (GDPR: Right to portability). Addon services can be automatically prorated to renew with their parents. New Modules: Vultr, TeamSpeak 3, CyberPanel New Gateways: CoinPayments, CoinGate SolusVM now has a password generator for password resets. Display order of package groups can now be sorted on order forms by drag-n-drop. Clients can now see and purchase restricted packages that are assigned to them. Plugins can now register service management options like modules. (See docs.) Modules can now create their own automation tasks like plugins. (See docs.) CSV importer. (Imports Client data only.) Release Notes See Blesta Core - Version 4.3.0. For older releases see all Change Logs.
  5. PayJunction does not allow web hosting providers? I remember when BluePay pulled this nonsense. I complained, dropped them as someone we recommend, and then they were acquired by someone else. They called me, told me that they no longer block hosting providers, and apologized.. but I can't trust them now. They dropped one of our customers for doing web hosting. That's insane. Web hosting does not equal selling crack. Do you have an email contact at PayJunction?
  6. Only thing I would say is that you could create a feature request for auto debit to try "every x days" rather than every single day. As a company & client group setting. I imagine others would find it useful, and it's probably not too much work. If you would find it helpful and want to sponsor development on it, PM me.
  7. I would highly suggest an upgrade! But yes, it should work in the right server environment. If RHEL/CentOS, v6.8 MINIMUM.
  8. I was just talking about Xero yesterday with someone. How do you guys like it? What would you want to sync to Xero from Blesta? Invoices + Payments?
  9. You can create manual invoices due in 30 days. If you want to also bill them in 30 days (on the invoice due date) you can configure this. If it conflicts with other billing, create a new client group with these settings for these customers.
  10. With the Universal Module, a field of the type "Hidden" will not be asked for during checkout (Required: No) and can be set by and viewed by admins managing the service. They still will not be shown to the client. HOWEVER, in 4.3 with the ability for plugins to create module management views, it would be possible, and probably pretty easy, to create a Plugin that shows this additional information under a new tab when a client manages their service.
  11. You can put this client into a different Client Group, where you change the number of attempts. This way, she can have her card attempted every day for more days in a row, and everyone else won't be affected in the same way. There's no way to attempt and not send out an email regarding the attempt though.
  12. Blesta version 4.3.0-b3 (BETA 3) is now available. You can download it from right here (Client Area Login Required). Read the blog post announcement at https://www.blesta.com/2018/06/15/blesta-4.3-beta-released/ This is a BETA release. Beta releases are not considered stable enough for production use, and are UNSUPPORTED. DO NOT INSTALL IN A PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENT. Please report any bugs you find in the v4.3 beta bug forum. Installing Blesta See Installing Blesta in the User Manual for instructions. Upgrading Blesta See Upgrading Blesta in the User Manual for instructions. Release Notes See Blesta Core - Version 4.3.0-b3. For older releases see all Change Logs.
  13. Sounds like he was right to do so. Freelancers have every right to expect to be paid in a timely fashion. Expectations should be laid out before any work is started, including any reasons why someone might not be paid. As far as I'm concerned, if you agreed to have him to the work, you've agreed to pay him for it. Lesson learned in this case I guess? If you do work for people through the forums here, do your own due diligence on them, and get $$ up front, at least to cover your costs. Not sure there's much else that can be said here. Others can make up their own minds. </thread>
  14. Does that mean you going to pay him for the work that he completed? It's not our job to arbitrate disputes, but I'd hope that you guys can work something out. Reputation is very important.
  15. Blesta version 4.3.0-b2 (BETA 2) is now available. You can download it from right here (Client Area Login Required). Read the blog post announcement at https://www.blesta.com/2018/06/15/blesta-4.3-beta-released/ This is a BETA release. Beta releases are not considered stable enough for production use, and are UNSUPPORTED. DO NOT INSTALL IN A PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENT. Please report any bugs you find in the v4.3 beta bug forum. Installing Blesta See Installing Blesta in the User Manual for instructions. Upgrading Blesta See Upgrading Blesta in the User Manual for instructions. Release Notes See Blesta Core - Version 4.3.0-b2. For older releases see all Change Logs.
  16. We would have to look into it, but to have the checkout process work like normal, I think it would have to create a transaction of some type. This could be a good thing, because you know they are intending to pay and didn't just abandon cart. Then when they make payment, you could void the pending payment and record a new payment, or change its status. Do you see any issues with that?
  17. Yep, and also since we are in the US, we do not charge VAT tax to EU customers. You may still be able to reduce your tax liability as a business expense, but you wouldn't be paying any tax. We can't provide tax advice though, and you should assume that we don't know what we are talking about in regard to the matter as it relates to you. If that sounds disclaimery it's because it is
  18. You got the Blesta Owned Unbranded, which came with 1 year support & updates. We didn't offer the $500 Lifetime version until after v3 was officially released, so it wasn't available when you purchased v2 and got a free v3 license.
  19. I could have sworn this was possible. I don't have an example I can pull up with cPanel, but here it is with the universal module. In the example, the universal module has one product called "Servers", but for cPanel this should be a list of all cPanel servers that you can multi-select.
  20. So you want to show the information, and then continue to show the confirmation page? Or continue to pay offline, and then show the confirmation page? I think it doesn't do that, because then it would have to register a transaction.. but maybe it should register a PENDING transaction.. so that as an admin, you know they selected that option and intend to pay. Then when they send payment, you can change the status from PENDING to ACTIVE. Thoughts?
  21. I chat with @DeanCollins about this today, in case anyone thinks I didn't respond. Hopefully we can get you up and running in the near future.
  22. It's not a matter of offering one or the other. You can offer both if you like. When activated, the customer would get a welcome email with details you define. The login would be available as a tag to the Package welcome email, so it can be included in this email. This could include the URL to the CyberPanel control panel so the customer knows where to login.
  23. A few comments on this: Blesta is TLS agnostic. This is more an issue of OS, though I'm not sure if older versions of PHP are capable of modern TLS. I would set up a CentOS 6.9 server with PHP 5.2/5.3 and test it. I *think* v2.5.4 supports up to PHP 5.3, but I'm not totally sure. Blesta v3 was a full rewrite. No modules for 2.x will work in 3.0+. If you want a module for 2.5.4 ported to the latest release, feel free to reach out. And finally, I would highly recommend migrating over to the latest release. There are so many improvements over 2.5 it's crazy.
  24. Great work! Database + files, to a cloud service sounds great. One thing you didn't mention is whether it stores multiple copies of the backup on remote storage, if you can set how frequently to perform the backups, and if it can rotate out old backups from the remote storage (ie keep 30 days worth).
  25. Blesta already integrates with SolusVM and Virtualizor for free. The Virtualizor module can be obtained from Virtualizor. Modules included with Blesta can be found at https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Modules (Or under Settings > Company > Modules > Available) in Blesta, or on our Github at github.com/blesta, and many third party modules can be found at https://marketplace.blesta.com I hope this is helpful!
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