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Everything posted by Paul

  1. I can confirm that this is a bug. We're looking into it for 4.3.2.
  2. If the invoice due date is the 8th, and you've got it set to suspend after 2 days, then it makes sense it would be suspended on the 10th. Unless I'm missing something?
  3. Paul

    Bitpay constant refresh

    I suppose that is possible. I have not personally tested with a currency of BTC at such a low value. If you set your price in say USD, and allow Bitpay to convert it to BTC on its own, does that correct the issue?
  4. Is this a legal issue in your area? If so, I wonder if we should make this a setting.
  5. Paul

    Blesta 4.3.1

    Version 4.3.1 is now available, please see the release announcement. Patching Blesta See Patching Blesta in the User Manual for instructions. Installing Blesta See Installing Blesta in the User Manual for instructions. Upgrading Blesta See Upgrading Blesta in the User Manual for instructions. Migrating to Blesta See Migrating to Blesta in the User Manual for instructions. Release Notes See Blesta Core - Version 4.3.1. For older releases see all Change Logs.
  6. Yes, there's plenty for us to do, but I wouldn't give whimps that much credit. They changed their entire business model to maximize profits with their license pricing, scheme, and particularly market connect. They are turning their customers into resellers of theirs. Maybe it's evil genius, or maybe cPanel finally needs a return on their money. Either way, we have been adding a lot of things, particularly integrations. We have more work to do, but Blesta is used by more and more people every day. Not a day goes by that I don't personally help someone move away from our competitor. President Trump talks about trade deficits.. if we are looking at deficits, it's that far more people are migrating to Blesta than away from it.
  7. If it's something you want to sponsor for the official release, please PM me. Any languages specified would have to be installed in Blesta, and this would just be an alternative to selecting the currency code in the drop down menu which already exists.
  8. For what it's worth, I think @Blesta Addons subscription model is a good one. It supports future development and you get access to many great extensions.
  9. Paul

    Bitpay constant refresh

    What's causing the refresh? The payment page shouldn't refresh automatically. If it refreshes at all, it would redirect to the payment gateways hosted payment page. Do you have Blesta installed in a sub-directory? Have you integrated Blesta with your website? Possible there is some conflicting javascript?
  10. Paul

    Rounding error in price

    Just to add.. I think to support the display of the full 4 decimal precision, we would need to add a new Currency Format (Settings > Currencies > Active Currencies > Edit: Format of say 1,234.5678 You can make a feature request for this at https://requests.blesta.com
  11. Paul

    Rounding error in price

    I suggest defining the price in your normal currency and allowing Bitpay to convert it automatically. If selling in BTC, I think it'd probably be better to define the price in mBTC so that your 0.00801 BTC would be represented as 8.01 mBTC. However, some changes to the gateway may be necessary for that kind of representation. We use the Bitpay gateway and it automatically converts USD to BTC, it's what I would recommend doing.
  12. This is the "better way" if editing structure.pdt <?php if($system_company->id == "1") { ?> .. your code here .. <?php } ?> Just change the ID "1" to your company ID. Then you don't have to do the hostname validation yourself, it'll be done based on the company.
  13. We are revisiting this, and I plan to spend some time to more fully spec out the task. No eta, but we know this needs to get done. It's not going to be as fully featured as some standalone affiliate systems, but it should get the job done.
  14. In order to delete the packages, no services can be using them, regardless of status. We suggest moving the packages to inactive so they are not cluttering the active package page. If you want to fully delete them, you must first delete any services that are associated with the packages, which would need to be done in the database directly. If you do this, be sure to backup your database first.
  15. Paul

    VN Domain names

    /components/plugins/universal_domains? Maybe they are doing something unusual, but Blesta plugins should not go here, they should go in /plugins/. Modules go in /components/modules/
  16. I'm not able to duplicate this on a 430 b1 install upgraded to 4.3.0 final. Is anyone else having this issue upgrading from Blesta 4.2 or later?
  17. Thanks for resurrecting this thread It's been an interesting year for cryptocurrencies, bitcoin is now back over $8k after falling from nearly $20k in December to below $6k. I agree with you - a lot has to change for cryptocurrencies to replace fiat currencies. But, I don't think that has to happen for it to be widely adopted. We're seeing IBM working with others to create "Stable Coins" on the Stellar network. When you have a digital currency, fully backed by the US dollar and FDIC insured, you have something people can trust. In the same way that people used paper notes in place of their gold and silver (Which they could redeem for the gold and silver), a stable coin could do the same with our current fiat. The result ends up being cheaper, immediate, irreversible transactions. Businesses like crypto because there's no such thing as a chargeback. I think we'll see a continual rise in crypto. It may never replace fiat currencies totally, but it doesn't have to.
  18. Login to the client area at https://account.blesta.com/client/login and click Manage next to your Owned license, then Addons on the left, and select it from the drop down menu. There are only 2 options, Support & Updates and the License Manager. Select the License Manager and continue to checkout. Once purchased, you can also use it on any dev licenses you have for non-production use.
  19. Blesta collation is utf8_unicode_ci and I think whmcs is slightly different, but not sure if that would cause the issue. I suspect they are doing something non-standard.
  20. Just to add, the License Manager consists of a plugin (License server) and module (License generator). https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/License+Manager https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/License+Module
  21. Does this mean you resolved the issue? How exactly did you do so? Are you saying that there are 100 files that exist in your 4.2.2 backup, that do not existing in the full 4.3.0 release?
  22. If you void an invoice, it's treated as if it doesn't exist. So then, if you have a pending service, or a suspended service that is attached to that invoice, the pending service will be created, and the suspended service will be unsuspended. If you are voiding invoices, you should be aware of this and take any necessary action on the service first. If you manually suspend a service as an admin, it won't be unsuspended except by an admin.
  23. I can confirm. This is one reason it's important for Blesta to sync renew dates.
  24. Paul

    Invoice Terms language

    We have a task in Jira for making the Invoice Terms multi-lingual. When finished, it'll have tabs for each installed language. We also have a task to use language definitions in the database for plugins like the Support Manager so that those navigation links are properly translated also. Not totally sure if these will be in 4.4, but we did discuss it recently, and I expect they will be implemented before long. Package and Package Group names are another matter, but it's likely we will get to that at some point also.
  25. /config/blesta-new.php is used for new installs and upgrades in order to write /config/blesta.php. If uploading an upgrade, it will be overwritten. However, /config/blesta.php should NEVER be overwritten or renamed manually. It contains very important information, including a system key that is CRITICAL it remain unchanged. It's perfectly fine to have a /config/blesta.php and /config/blesta-new.php on your server. There are no blesta.ini files though.
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