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Everything posted by Paul

  1. I think we want all forum files to require a login. @Blesta Addons are you trying to download the files from the forum while logged in or logged out?
  2. Paul

    new patch

    Just to add though! If you are installing the PATCH you must be running 4.3.0 or 4.3.1. If you are on an older version, you must download the full release.
  3. Paul

    new patch

    You do not have to upload any modules or plugins or gateways that you are not using. Because they are modular, they are not required by the core if they are not installed.
  4. Are you getting that on the forums or on the docs.blesta.com page?
  5. I've checked the user group permissions, and I don't see anything that would prevent you from downloading the files. I asked someone else to check, and they can download also. Weird. I've added to the documentation with downloads at: https://docs.blesta.com/display/dev/Service+Management+Tabs https://docs.blesta.com/display/dev/Examples
  6. Paul

    Blesta 4.3.2

    Version 4.3.2 is now available, please see the release announcement. Patching Blesta See Patching Blesta in the User Manual for instructions. Installing Blesta See Installing Blesta in the User Manual for instructions. Upgrading Blesta See Upgrading Blesta in the User Manual for instructions. Migrating to Blesta See Migrating to Blesta in the User Manual for instructions. Release Notes See Blesta Core - Version 4.3.2. For older releases see all Change Logs.
  7. For piping, the server must be the MX for the domain your support addresses are at. The error you're getting creating the forwarder indicates that it expects it to be an email address an not an application. I'm not that familiar with DirectAdmin forwarders, but perhaps there is another option? Also, you will want to add the hashbang (path to PHP) at the beginning of pipe.php, and you can drop /usr/bin/php from your forwarder. See https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Support+Manager#SupportManager-email-pipingEmailPiping for more.
  8. The most common reason for this is that your Plesk server is not able to be reached. Please check that the credentials are correct, that CURL SSL is in your PHP, and that the required ports are open at your firewall egress TCP. You can also check the module log under Tools > Logs > Module, and the system file logs (usually ../logs_blesta/) which is defined under Settings > System > General.
  9. I don't know the reason ?dir= is appended to the file. I'll bring it up with the team. What kind of caching are you doing, and how is the resource interpreted? Does it assume that it's a dynamic resource, and does not cache it, or? If it was cached, a new theme would not be picked up until the cache expires. For the admin area, this is a problem if you have multiple companies and are switching between them. The URL would stay the same, but the company & theme would change. Perhaps the file name should be THEMENAME.css
  10. theme.css is what sets the color theme based on the theme selected and defined under Settings > Company > Look and Feel > Themes. I don't know if that answers your question, but without theme.css Blesta will revert to default colors.
  11. I love these kinds of threads! Well done @Blesta Addons
  12. I don't have any available time to help port to Bootstrap 4. We are considering an upgrade to Bootstrap 4 for Blesta 5.0, but I have no ETA on that and am unsure how many more releases we will have under v4.
  13. Looking good!
  14. Fluid would look good I think, allow the panels to expand to fit.
  15. Whoa Nelly! We should probably still look at why it's using so much memory. If you don't mind doing some testing, I'd be curious how many it'll load for you for a given amount of memory. For example, at what point does it break with 256MB memory?
  16. Then under "Settings > Company > General > Localization" you can set the language as the default language if you want. Or, under My Info you can set the language for your staff user only, and clients can select the language when they sign up.
  17. Paul


    Here' is the default conditional for the auto debit message: {% if autodebit %}{% if invoice.autodebit_date_formatted %}Auto debit is enabled for your account, so we'll automatically process the card you have on file on {invoice.autodebit_date_formatted} unless payment has been applied sooner.{% else %}If you would like us to automatically charge your card, login to your account at http://{client_url} to set up auto debit.{% endif %}{% else %}If you would like us to automatically charge your card, login to your account at http://{client_url} to set up auto debit.{% endif %} It looks like you just removed the else statement, so it'll either show that message or nothing. I'd suggest putting something in between the autodebit and invoice.autodebit_date_formatted conditionals as a test to see if it is output, which will show whether autodebit is boolean true. We have a task - https://dev.blesta.com/browse/CORE-2770 which is designed to catch cases where auto-debit is enabled but there is no account set for auto-debit. I don't think this is related to your issue. The only other thing I would suggest is to try toggling auto-debit off and back on. If the value is not set for some reason, it may appear on anyway. If you toggle off and back on, it will ensure the setting is present.
  18. Did you upgrade Blesta recently? Did you run /admin/upgrade in your browser? As Blesta Addons mentioned, you can enable error reporting in your config at /config/blesta.php but you can also check the ../logs_blesta/ directory for errors there. The path to this directory should be set under Settings > System > General.
  19. Text, Textarea, Password fields will be available to add as config options in Blesta 4.4, but I don't know if this will work in your case because if the field should calculate quantity in Blesta, then it would still need to be a quantity field in the configurable option.
  20. The task can be found at https://dev.blesta.com/browse/CORE-1912 and it's related to https://dev.blesta.com/browse/CORE-1564 which would likely be implemented together. Thoughts?
  21. I believe this has to do with the time your invoices are generated and the time the suspension runs. I suggest having the suspend automation task run at least 15 minutes after your invoice generation. There may be more to it than that, and I'll look into it, but we chat about this outside this thread and I'm curious if that resolved it for you.
  22. Maybe we can start a list of modules affected, which are you personally seeing this with? We would have to create a task for every module we intend to update. I agree that upper shouldn't be rejected, and that it should be run through strtolower() before it is sent through any API or saved to the database. Most of us never consider using an uppercase letter in a hostname, so it's a kind of edge case.
  23. You can already merge tickets. Under Support, check the ticket you want to merge, then select the Merge option and enter the ticket number to merge into.
  24. You'll have to add to the standard .htaccess file before every request is routed to index.php, checking for the URI (/blesta/manage/ if that's where your route points). I don't have an example, but it wouldn't be difficult to find one. I would highly recommend instead, just doing the following: Use a route that is not easy to guess, consider changing it periodically Most importantly. Have ALL Staff use 2FA. You can download the Google Authenticator for iOS and Android, and use that. Nobody will be able to login as you, even if they had your username and password.
  25. Is your preference that we CLONE proforma to invoices? We are looking at fixing issue with number re-use for proforma, but I wonder if we should be keeping a copy of proforma also and not converting them, but cloning them instead.
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