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Everything posted by Paul

  1. As far as I know, the default files support PHP 5.4, 5.5, 5.6. php70-hotfix supports PHP 5.6 and 7.0, php71-hotfix supports PHP 7.1 and 7.2. Are you saying that the hotfix-php71 files support PHP 5.6-7.2? When we drop support for PHP 5.4 and 5.5 we'll be able to eliminate at least one hotfix.
  2. What version of Blesta are you running? Auto-debit must be enabled *and* a payment account must be selected for auto-debit. Did it meet both of these conditions?
  3. Blesta uses Innodb. If you changed it to MyISAM then who knows - it would technically be unsupported. If using Innodb, then it should work, with Blesta 4.3.2 (4.0 is unsupported, but would probably work, I don't know).
  4. https://dev.blesta.com/browse/CORE-2886
  5. We will consider adding an option for an internally generated one.
  6. Only reCatpcha is supported currently. We could generate our own code like your screenshot, but that one is super easy for bots to get around. reCaptcha is blocked in China?
  7. Do you have a registration order form type? Or are they placing orders? Did you enable reCaptcha under Packages > Order > Settings > Human Verification? We're planning to add a new status called "In-Review" to clients who register through placing an order. When the order is approved, the client will be changed from "In-Review" to active. When In-Review, the client will not be able to do anything in the client area except pay for their order and wait for approval.
  8. Paul

    Module for WHMPHP

    I don't think you understand that I'm not the person who can help you. Please PM Blesta Addons and work it out with him.
  9. I agree, I would crop it down or have the background be behind the login box.
  10. Paul

    Module for WHMPHP

    You should PM login details to @Blesta Addons My offer was to him anyway, if you have a WHMPHP server up and running and are willing to let him use it, then you guys should communicate and work that out.
  11. The GGSSL module needs some improvements, and we'll probably add docs after that. The way the module works is the customer must order and provide the CSR at time of order. With the The SSL Store module, which is much more powerful, the customer can order the certificate and provide the CSR after their order is processed within the client area. Overall it's a better flow.
  12. You could, but we don't recommend upgrading production to a beta release. Final release should be out within a few weeks.
  13. The module only supports domains. For offering other services, you can set them up with no module, or the universal module and manually activate. There's not a provisioning module for ResellerClub's Gsuite or SSL. There is a really good module for The SSL Store, more details and sign up link can be found at https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/The+SSL+Store If you have an account with them, you can automate SSL certificates there. They can usually price match also.
  14. Paul

    Module for WHMPHP

    You will need to work with @Blesta Addons as they are the author of the WHMPHP module. I just offered to provide a VPS to them if they need one to finish testing and deliver. If you have a working WHMPHP server though, perhaps you can offer them access?
  15. Also, not mentioned in the blog post.. We reduced the size of single page PDF invoices by about 800% as part of an update of TCPDF. There's a few more fonts available now also.
  16. If you upgraded to Blesta 4.3 and got or are getting the following error: You may be able to upgrade to the support manager included in Blesta 4.4. If you are running Blesta 4.3.2, you can also make the following changes. (BACKUP FIRST). Edit /plugins/support_manager/support_manager_plugin.php Find the following code: // Add a 'date_updated' column to the 'support_tickets' table $this->Record->query('ALTER TABLE `support_tickets` ADD `date_updated` DATETIME NOT NULL AFTER `date_added`; '); Change to: // Add a 'date_updated' column to the 'support_tickets' table $this->Record->query('ALTER TABLE `support_tickets` ADD `date_updated` DATETIME NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER `date_added`; '); THEN, look for the following: // Set date_updated to date_added for all tickets $this->Record->set('support_tickets.date_updated', 'support_tickets.date_added', false)->update('support_tickets'); AFTER the above, add the following code: // Make support_tickets.date_updated not null by default $this->Record->query('ALTER TABLE `support_tickets` CHANGE `date_updated` `date_updated` DATETIME NOT NULL; '); Then, go to Settings > Company > Plugins and click the Upgrade button for the Support Manager.
  17. For download and details, see https://www.blesta.com/2018/10/22/blesta-4.4-beta-released/
  18. Paul

    Module for WHMPHP

    We could provide a fresh VPS for a month or two at no charge, just not any licenses.
  19. Oh so this page is just out of date? Maybe @Blesta Addons can clarify and/or update that page.
  20. Paul

    services log

    I don't believe that information is logged. Service changes are logged to the general INFO log, e.g. general-info-2018-10-19.log, here's an example of a cancelled service which also voided the invoice: It wouldn't be a bad idea to also log whether the system cancelled the service, or a specific staff or client ID. You can make a request to do so at https://requests.blesta.com
  21. Paul

    Module for WHMPHP

    There is not an official module for WHMPHP for Blesta (But there is one here: I would suggest using this 3rd party WHMPHP Module, or getting your own root access server if you want to sell reseller accounts.
  22. Is this what you're looking for? https://blesta-addons.com/plugin/membership_club/main/
  23. blesta.store is pretty cheap without a coupon, but you can message them on their site if you want to try to negotiate
  24. We have a task now https://dev.blesta.com/browse/CORE-2857
  25. Blesta Addons will be cheaper, but if you need help let us know. Some of the changes, like using the customers name as the hostname and hiding the field is something that we wouldn't be likely to release to the public and would be a custom build. I could see how being able to specify which templates can be chosen from on the package level would be useful.
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