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Everything posted by Paul

  1. You opened a grand total of ZERO tickets with us, and ran straight to PayPal to open a dispute. If there are issues, we will fix them, but you never gave us the opportunity. There are some changes we are planning to make with Proxmox, and have an environment set up and have done some testing so I know the module works. If you are having trouble, open a ticket or post the issues you're having and how we can reproduce them and we'll take a look. </thread>
  2. Paul

    PayPal Subscriptions

    I don't see why subscriptions wouldn't be an option, the user should see 2 buttons when they check out based on your settings. For a one-time payment, and for subscriptions. Maybe try re-saving your PayPal settings to ensure they are stored properly
  3. Paul

    PayPal Subscriptions

    Hover over the paid invoice Edit option to determine the invoice ID. This may not be the same as the invoice number. For example, the URL may be something like ~/admin/clients/editinvoice/128/32363/ The bold number would be the invoice ID. Then, search your database invoice_lines table for all line items that belong to this invoice SELECT * FROM invoice_lines WHERE invoice_lines.invoice_id='YOURINVOICEID'; Do all records have a value for invoice_lines.service_id? None are null?
  4. Paul

    Vultr Configuration

    The Vultr module is included with Blesta, where did you download it from and what version is it? If you're running an older version, it could certainly have issues. NOTICE's are typically inconsequential. The ERROR in your log file indicates that your MySQL server crashed, or timed out "2006 MySQL server has gone away in" I found this doc on how to typically resolve this issue https://matomo.org/faq/troubleshooting/faq_183/ which has 3 methods.. try max_allowed_packet and wait_timeout. I wouldn't suggest changing innodb_log_file_size unless you know what you are doing.
  5. Paul

    Old hostname

    The cPanel server has little to do with the actual package they are using. To change this you need to do the following from the docs: https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/cPanel#cPanel-MovingcPanelAccounts To summarize: In the cPanel module, make sure both servers are in the same server group. Click to Manage the cPanel service that you want to associate with the new server You should see a dropdown at the top of the page, select the new server and save Repeat for each service
  6. WHM responded with an empty set of packages.. no packages. This is why none are displayed. Do you have root access to the WHM server? If so, make sure that your token has access to "Everything", like the screenshot at https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/cPanel?preview=/2621535/7241746/cpanel-acl-tokens.png
  7. I can see the cPanel module is selected in your screenshot. Do you mean the cPanel Packages? If these are not displayed there are a couple possibilities: You have no packages on your WHM server Your cPanel/WHM credentials are incorrect You are not using the root user for WHM, and you have insufficient privileges to fetch cPanel Packages from WHM. You can check the module log to see if anything is logged, under Tools > Logs: Module tab. Click the ROW to expand and show raw input/output for the log.
  8. Changing the term should not take affect until it next renews, so this is interesting. I wonder if the solution is to not allow a term change if there are any open invoices. Thoughts?
  9. Paul

    PayPal Subscriptions

    Are all the items being purchased recurring, on the same term? For example.. all monthly services? Subscriptions can only be set up if the invoice contains only recurring services that recur on the same schedule.
  10. What is Rocket Loader and Auto Minify, are these 3rd party plugins? Did removing them resolve the issue?
  11. Paul

    Old hostname

    Did you migrate all previous cPanel services to the new server? The simple thing to do if the old server is no longer active and you moved all hosting accounts to the new server, is to update the server module row in the cPanel module so that it's the new server. Rather than add a new one, just edit it under Settings > Modules > cPanel > Manage. If you've already added the new one, you can just update the old one also and they will both be the same. Alternatively, you can put both servers in the same server group (In the cPanel module) and then when you go to Manage the service as an admin, you will see a drop down that includes all servers in that group and it will allow you to change it. But then you have to edit all cPanel services that were on the old server. I hope that makes sense!
  12. The only other thing to check is that all your config options are properly named. See https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Soft+Auto+Installer#SoftAutoInstaller-Usage script admin_name admin_pass directory For example: https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Soft+Auto+Installer?preview=/13664345/13664356/config-option-script.png#SoftAutoInstaller-Usage .. Edit: And of course that the plugin is installed. If it still doesn't work, uninstall and re-install the plugin.
  13. Also, you must be running Blesta 4.4.2+
  14. Do you have the Softaculous plugin installed on your WHM/cPanel server? You must have a license with Softaculous and have their plugin installed there, the plugin makes an API call to Softaculous on the new cPanel account.
  15. Also, what version of Blesta are you running? Is it 4.4.2?
  16. Are you using a custom theme in Blesta? If so, it may need to be updated. Also, make sure nothing is cached. If using Cloudflare, it's possible the wrong Javascript files are cached and haven't refreshed.
  17. This should be a popular one!
  18. Yes, the plugin will be updated to include support for DirectAdmin and Plesk for sure. We'll look into CWP.
  19. Does CentOS Web Panel support Softaculous?
  20. Paul

    Vultr Configuration

    That's the same message that was in the log, but you said you got a 500 error? A 500 error won't return anything to the browser, do you get that at a different step? Can you describe the steps you take to get the error? What doesn't work exactly? It's possible for notices like "Undefined property" to exist and everything to work normally. If it's not working correctly, we need to know what isn't working and the steps you took to get there.
  21. A plugin called Soft Auto Installer has been released, and should be included with Blesta 4.5+. Currently it integrates with the official cPanel module to deploy applications when the cPanel account is provisioned. Other modules may be included in the future. To download and use, see the docs at https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Soft+Auto+Installer Use it to sell WordPress, or Drupal, or Blesta hosting and when clients purchase the application will be automatically deployed right after the cPanel account is created.
  22. Paul

    Password Reset Help

    You cannot re-install Blesta someplace and copy your database. You will permanently break your installation. /config/blesta.php contains a CRITICAL system key that must match your database. For moving Blesta, please read this guide - https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Moving+Blesta and note the red box that says the following:
  23. Paul

    Vultr Configuration

    You are getting a 500 error in your browser and this is logged? Notices should not create a 500 error and are usually not a big deal, so it may be unrelated. At what step during the order form do you get a 500 error? Is there anything else in the other log files at this time? Have you tried enabling error reporting in /config/blesta.php (change from "0" to "-1") to see if anything is output to the browser?
  24. Paul

    Wrong invoice date

    Joseph is correct. That's the date the next invoice will be generated and sent to the client, and it will be due on June 1st (Renew Date).
  25. Blesta already integrates with authorize.net, 2co, stripe, and many others. If you want to write a payment gateway integration for an unsupported processor, then I would suggest looking at the gateway documentation and all included gateways are open and make good examples.
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