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Everything posted by Paul

  1. It sounds like you are missing the hashbang - the path to PHP at the beginning of pipe.php. This must be added, and pipe.php must be executable (755 or 777). See https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Support+Manager#SupportManager-email-pipingEmailPiping for more details.
  2. Not yet, which panels are you using with Softaculous?
  3. Importing via POP/IMAP? Does your PHP still have mailparse? It's likely something changed. Do you see login attempts from Blesta in your mail server's authentication logs?
  4. Paul

    Cron tasks stuck

    Tasks missing an end date should re-try again after at least 6 hours has passed since the failed task started, assuming that it crashed. What's fun is when people move Blesta but keep it on the old server and don't turn the cron off. Then we get reports about magic invoices and charges that don't appear in Blesta.
  5. Make sure you are running Blesta 4.4.2, and apply the hotfix-php71 files included in the zip. These files will work with PHP 7.1 and 7.2.
  6. That's not what I'm saying. There's no reason making a payment in PayPal sandbox should be an issue. I think you need to think about these things as separate actions. PayPal has really nothing to do with your WHMSonic service. What matters is that the INVOICE for the service is paid. The cron activates paid pending services. If the service is pending, and the invoice is paid, then the cron will activate the service. Now, separately, if a customer pays with PayPal then PayPal sends an IPN request to Blesta, and Blesta records the transaction. Payment made at PayPal PayPal makes IPN call to Blesta Blesta records the transaction If the transaction is Approved, then it is/can be applied toward invoices. In this case, your invoice will be paid and the cron will provision pending services. If your transactions are showing as "Pending" that's because PayPal set them to Pending. This usually happens as I said with check payments, because they take time to clear and PayPal tells us when this has happened. If the transaction is not Approved, the money doesn't exist in your PayPal account yet.. it's waiting to clear, at which time PayPal will notify Blesta and the transaction will change from Pending to Approved. Then it will be applied to the invoice. Then the cron will provision services. I hope that makes sense. If your PayPal payments all appear as "Pending", then that's because of PayPal and how you are using the sandbox. Every test PayPal transaction I've done has gone directly to Approved.
  7. Paul

    Cron tasks stuck

    If the issue occurs when suspended services, the next question is: What services are trying to be suspended, and what modules are they using? Since suspended services invoke the module, and the module can make an API call to remotely suspend a service, the module has a lot of control. If you are running any 3rd party or custom modules, then they could be suspect.
  8. Many invoices show the header information on all pages of the invoices and I believe this was by design. If we were to make a change, I think it would be to create a new invoice template that behaved differently and showed the header information only on the 1st page, without the header section on subsequent pages. Or are you saying the current design does not make it possible to create another invoice PDF template that works that way?
  9. When the service is activated, the welcome email is sent to the client. This is comprised of what you enter in the Welcome Email section on the package. An example of that can be found at https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Multicraft#Multicraft-WelcomeEmail The only reason this wouldn't be sent is if you manually activate and uncheck the option, or if there is an error in your email (using bad tags, or conditionals). If the IP is incorrect, make sure you've set it properly in multicraft, here's how - https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Multicraft#Multicraft-SettingtheServerIP The docs are your friend!
  10. Which emails? As a client or as an admin? If as an admin, and you want to get order emails then you must subscribe to them under Billing > Overview, by clicking the Cog/Gear icon in the Orders widget. Every staff member that wants to get the order emails must do this. If you want to get a BCC copy of customer emails, then you can subscribe to them under "My Info", but first may need to grant access to them to your staff group under Settings > System > Staff > Staff Groups, Edit.
  11. Looks like the email address is already taken in your Multicraft? Strangely the findUsers command did not return any users. Do you see that user in Multicraft? You could try provisioning on another client that has a different email and see if it works properly.
  12. And for panel URL
  13. Probably:
  14. It should be resolvable if you don't also have "multicraft." prepended
  15. The URL is not possible to resolve.. multicraft.IP-address. Edit the setting in the module and update the API URL. See https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Multicraft?preview=/3833872/3899409/3.png for a screenshot example. In the example, multicraft.mydomain.com is provided as the sample URL, this entire portion should be replaced with your hostname. If you don't have a hostname, then replace with your IP only.
  16. Your email settings are probably not correct, doesn't look like it can send an email. Make sure if you're using SMTP that your credentials are right. Make sure the from address in your email templates is correct. Make sure your Temp directory is correct and writable (Settings > System > General). If services cannot be made active, then probably there is an error when making the API call with the module. Check the module log under Tools > Logs: Module tab. Click the row to expand to display the raw input/output. Will be helpful in determining the cause.
  17. When creating a service for the client in Blesta, you can opt NOT to create an invoice. Then after the service is added, click to Manage the service and do a "Change Renew Date" under Actions to set the date when the next invoice should be due and the service renews. If you opt to create the invoice, you can modify it after the fact to change the due date. Which way you go will depend on whether you want an invoice to be generated soon or just at the next cycle.
  18. I created this task CORE-2990 There would have to be several conditions met: No module service fields No configurable options No addons Only then could be skip the step.
  19. Paul

    License key issue..

    That's weird that your Apache SSL settings would have any bearing on PHP and egress connections. Glad it works though, thanks for the update! Best guess is that maybe you were missing OpenSSL, and setting up Apache correctly got you the necessary libraries.
  20. Clients can't make changes to the service when they owe money for the service. Their account should be current, after which they will be able to make changes.
  21. Is IPN active in PayPal? Blesta sets the IPN URL for each charge, so unless you moved Blesta and already have subscriptions it should work. Make sure your hostname is correct under Settings > System > Companies as well. If it's not, it could be a problem. Make sure your server can accept TLS 1.2 connections, PayPal is not going to connect with unsecure/legacy protocols. What do you mean login credits? If you aren't getting order emails, go to Billing and click the Cog/Gear icon in the Orders widget. You can subscribe to receive order emails here. The cron provisions paid pending services. If the service is pending, then it was approved by the order system. In order form the service to be provisioned, the associated invoice must be PAID and the cron must run. If it's not paid, then it will not be activated until it is paid. Create an order form of the type "Client Registration" if you want them to be able to register without placing an order. Packages > Order Forms, [+] Link your products to the Blesta order form. Blesta handles orders, and there's no way to get an order inside Blesta otherwise.. besides using the API to build your own order form, in which case you'd need a developer. Make sure your hostname is correct under Settings > System > Companies, Edit company. Also it may be a good idea to go through all your email templates and make sure they are correct. Settings > Company > Emails
  22. Wouldn't @Blesta Addons Data Pools module work for selling keys that you have? https://blesta-addons.com/plugin/news/main/view/10/ The license manager in Blesta generates the keys, but if you just want to sell keys from a list of keys that you have, then seems like the module above would do the job for you.
  23. Paul

    License key issue..

    Try testing your CURL, see https://docs.blesta.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=10551368 On this page there is an example PHP script to check what version of SSL/TLS your server can communicate. This will test both curl and your SSL/TLS version. Copy the curl-check.php code, then upload and run in your browser.
  24. Paul

    License key issue..

    I'm not familiar with firewall-cmd does that open up egress or ingress or both? Your server must be able to make an egress connection to us on 443. Via SSH you can run: GET https://account.blesta.com To see if there is a response, should output HTML code for that page. If it does output the proper HTML code, then it's not the firewall and might be your PHP. PHP CURL is used to establish the connection.
  25. Paul

    Trouble with installation

    The error seems to indicate that you are running PHP 7.2 and have not applied the hotfix-php71 patch that's included in the Blesta zip file. That directory contains 3 files in various directories, and you must overwrite the original Blesta files of the same names with those to give it PHP 7.1 & PHP 7.2 support. Once you do that, I suspect it'll work.
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