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Everything posted by Paul

  1. Paul

    Multiple Account Emails

    CC who for what exactly? For most, contacts work well, especially billing contacts who will receive billing related emails.
  2. Support > Staff, click to edit the Staff member and add a signature for them under "Settings". Whatever is added to the signature will be inserted automatically into the editor when the staff member goes to respond to a ticket. The signature can optionally be removed, but it'll appear automatically.
  3. In your Department settings, is the "Override the from address set in email templates with the email address set for this department" option checked or unchecked?
  4. https://translate.blesta.com If you do a good complete translation we can make yours replace the bad translations.
  5. Not an option right now. People can download and install it.
  6. How long ago did you change all of those services to active? It can take up to 6 hours for a lock to clear on its own. I would give it some time and see if it goes away. If these services were imported as pending, it's possible there is some weirdness with the data that is contributing to the issue.
  7. Does your label have a space in it? Remove any spaces and non-alphanumeric characters. If it's still an issue, check your logs. ../logs_blesta/ defined under Settings > System > General. White pages generally mean errors.
  8. Changing a password in cPanel doesn't update the password in that other billing application. They just used SSO. Stay tuned, there's a rumor than the cPanel module may be updated in Blesta 4.6 to do this. Of course, I can't confirm nor deny this, time will tell.
  9. Paul

    minPHP Issue

    This thread is over 2 years old, why resurrect it? If you are having a similar issue, please open a new thread and provide details (you can always reference this thread).
  10. Did you run /admin/upgrade without error? White pages are generally errors, check your error logs ../logs_blesta/ typically, but defined under Settings > System > General. If you can tail all the logs via SSH (tail -f /path/to/logs_blesta/*) while you refresh those white pages, any errors will be displayed. Otherwise, you'll have to download the log files and open them up and check timestamps.
  11. Are you trying to sell subdomain hosting off of your own domain? What module are you using? See this request for cPanel https://requests.blesta.com/topic/choosing-a-subdomain-for-hosting-product To accomplish this now, you'd need to make a tweak to the module.
  12. More adoption!
  13. What Mike said. There is likely a pending service that is failing to be provisioned. Could be resulting in an error. Check your logs at ../logs_blesta/ (Defined under Settings > System > General) Pending services listed under Billing > Services: Pending
  14. Never do 2 things at once. Since 4.4.2 supports PHP 5.6, I suggest doing the upgrade of Blesta first, then upgrading PHP. Backup database + files 3.6->4.4 is a long way, I suggest upgrading to 4.0, then 4.4.2. See the upgrade docs at https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Upgrading+Blesta for an important list of files that must be deleted when upgrading from 3.x. After you are up and running on 4.4.2 on PHP 5.6, and upgrade PHP, then you will need to apply the right hotfix in the blesta-4.4.2.zip file, hotfix-php7 for PHP 7.0, and hotfix-php71 for PHP 7.1 or 7.2.
  15. Disabling open_basedir is the simplest solution, but you could alternatively include all paths that Blesta must access. Off the top of my head, the install directory, the uploads directory, the temp directory (/tmp/) to start. phpseclib also tries to access /dev/random, /dev/urandom for encryption purposes. It's easier to leave open_basedir disabled, but that's up to you. We also recommend running Blesta on its own server (A VPS will do) without any other applications, but many run in it a shared environment.
  16. Paul

    Email doing weird

    That is unusual, I wonder if there is an issue with Installatron. Anyone else with Installatron willing to give it a try and see if you can reproduce the issue with email templates? Looks like they are behind on updates also. I'd reach out to them about updating, but 4.5 will be out soon so I'll wait until then.
  17. Can you provide an example and use-case?
  18. The other guys may be able to comment regarding the code, but the universal module does not really do anything with config options. Universal Module Product "Service Fields" are requested during checkout, and useful for fields like "Domain" or "Hostname" where you must ask for the field, but do not want any impact on price. As of Blesta 4.4 you can create text/textarea/password config option fields with a price of $0.00 but it may still be preferable to use a Universal Module Product Service Field instead. I don't know if that helps, but I hope it added some clarity to the way it works, hopefully someone else can more fully answer your question.
  19. Blesta version 4.5.0-b2 (BETA 2) is now available. You can download it from right here (Client Area Login Required). Read the blog post announcement at https://www.blesta.com/2019/01/31/blesta-4.5-beta-released/ This is a BETA release. Beta releases are not considered stable enough for production use, and are UNSUPPORTED. DO NOT INSTALL IN A PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENT. Please report any bugs you find in the v4.5 beta bug forum. Installing Blesta See Installing Blesta in the User Manual for instructions. Upgrading Blesta See Upgrading Blesta in the User Manual for instructions. Release Notes See Blesta Core - Version 4.5.0-b2. For older releases see all Change Logs.
  20. Paul

    namesilo bug

    Agreed. Better we focus on things that people need that don't already exist, like improving domains.
  21. Great work! There has been quite a few people asking for this, glad to be able to send them your way!
  22. Paul

    namesilo bug

    How did you get the error? Some context would be helpful.
  23. There are no known issues with PagSeguro. Because many gateways are cross border, I'm not sure if there are any others specifically for Brazil, but we may be creating one or more new gateways for Brazil soon including Widepay. I'm not familiar with boleto bancario. You can see a list of gateways at https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Gateways If a customer does not pay, their services they have with you can be suspended, but it does not currently have any impact on whether the client can open tickets. Your support staff can check the status of their account, and ask them to bring it current in order to provide support. Or, a customization could be made to disable it if they are behind.
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