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Everything posted by Paul

  1. Settings > Company > Billing/Payment (and for the client group) has an option for auto debit of same day to 60 days prior to the invoice due date. If auto debit is enabled for the invoice, it will occur based on this setting. If you bill the client on 7/10, and want them to be charged on 7/12, look at your settings above (or adjust them) to determine what the due date should be for the charge to be attempted on 7/12. Also look at your "Invoice days before renewal" setting, in the same places as above, to determine how far in advance an invoice is generated. If you want these values to be different for certain customers, you should put those customers in their own client group and adjust the settings for the group.
  2. You can use this plugin to modify, create, or delete states and provinces. https://marketplace.blesta.com/#/extensions/1-States&Countries
  3. Did you subscribe to them under My Info? Please note that you may need to edit your Staff Group to grant the ability to subscribe to BCC notices under Settings > System > Staff > Staff Groups.
  4. Try re-uploading all of the files and removing your customizations, and clear cache and re-test.
  5. Paul


    I don't see a license key in there. Did you obtain the key from Covelio? Or are you Covelio? If they provided a license key to you, the key should start with var-, monthly-, or owned-. I need that key to look it up.
  6. I assume disabling OPcache fully resolved? Are you having any other issues or do you have any questions?
  7. Paul


    I don't see any licenses issued to that domain. Did you enter the entire key they provided you? Please PM me the key and I'll take a look. We now allow 1 IPv4 and 1 IPv6 IP by default, should no longer be an issue.
  8. No I wouldn't recommend storing it anywhere in your database or anywhere besides where it's currently stored (in /config/blesta.php). Other than an offline backup someplace. What are you trying to accomplish? For what reason do you want to access the system key through mysql?
  9. The version of Blesta you are running is shown in the footer of the admin area. The only place you may see the a new release is in the Feed Reader widget on your Dashboard if you have that enabled, as part of our blog announcement. We don't show the latest version in Blesta anywhere else.
  10. No, you shouldn't save the system key from /config/blesta.php to your database. It would be a good idea to back up this file & key to your computer or to some other media. If your database were compromised but not your file system, the attacker could not decrypt the encrypted data. But if you put your key in your database, then.. no such protection. Just make sure to back up files + database.
  11. I'm not sure I understand what you're asking. If Blesta isn't installed, then there is no upgrade to run. You would just do a fresh install.
  12. You never told us about any issues you were having, and you never opened any trouble tickets. Sales email is just that, for sales. We encourage everyone to install the 30-day free trial and evaluate before you buy, but I guess you didn't take advantage of that. You reported no issues post installation. You gave us no opportunity to help you. </thread
  13. Oopsies
  14. What values are you referring to? Why are you unhappy? You never opened any tickets with us. There is a process for license transfers, please see https://docs.blesta.com/display/support/License+Transfers
  15. Was it you that I chat with earlier? If yes, then it was the cron job - it wasn't set up on the server. In case any others have this issue, make sure you set up the 5 minute cron job. Settings > System > Automation shows what the command should be, but the cron must be created on your server.
  16. I assume some may prefer this option, but others may prefer a slider. Order form option should we add this?
  17. What do you mean? We create new payment gateways all the time. If @cntshepo needs a particular SA payment gateway, we'll take a look and consider integrating.
  18. Paul

    error after migration

    Does your MySQL user have full permissions? Seems like it may not.
  19. Nice work @Blesta.Store and @timnboys. Front end is looking good. I hope testing goes smoothly.
  20. If there is no concern about the URL after the subdomain, then you could just configure both subdomains to point to the same document root and link to them accordingly. You can also update the route to the client area (see https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Configuration+Files#ConfigurationFiles-routes.php) so it wouldn't be at clients.domain.com/clients but clients.domain.com/somethingelse Client facing URLs are not license validated, only admin areas, so using multiple subdomains wouldn't present a problem to clients or potential clients. However, I would recommend using a single non-descript hostname like account.domain.com or my.domain.com and simply update routes to the client, admin, and other URLs accordingly. This is least likely to cause issues.
  21. Paul

    Renewal Price Field

    I'm not able to reproduce. There was a bug in beta 1 that would prevent you from initially saving a price (it would save as 0.00), but that was resolved in beta 2.
  22. Did you hover over the tooltips? Tooltip behavior was changed in 4.6 because of configurable option descriptions which can contain markdown links which would then be impossible to click on. As a result, tooltips stay up until you click off of them. We're considering alternative solutions, if you have any suggestions let us know.
  23. Usually when we add new tags to a template we don't modify the template to add them in unless it's necessary. Some people may not want the reason to be sent out via email, and if they modified the template it's impossible to know where it should be included.
  24. Release Notes - Blesta Core - Version 4.6.0-b2 Bug [CORE-3119] - Adding a new config option does not incur a setup fee [CORE-3157] - Markdown editor style issue [CORE-3165] - Custom client fields that are not required and not displayed to clients result in an error [CORE-3166] - Support Manager: Image attachments with caps not embedded [CORE-3170] - Service upgrades calculating incorrect pricing when price overrides are set [CORE-3175] - Services with coupon shows different total price than generated invoice due to tax [CORE-3181] - Order: Remove unnecessary white-space in maxmind tooltips [CORE-3183] - Client service info box doesn't show config option price for one time services [CORE-3184] - Applying coupon code in admin service edit readds config option setup fee [CORE-3185] - Remove unnecessary white-space in HTML tooltips [CORE-3186] - System Overview: Remove unnecessary white-space in HTML tooltips [CORE-3189] - Unable to remove checkbox as only config option in client interface Improvement [CORE-2964] - 2Checkout: Update gateway [CORE-3163] - Add renew column in Package pricing expandable area [CORE-3171] - Order: Remove Standard template arrow icons from summary [CORE-3178] - Allow gateways to be fetched by class Story [CORE-3159] - Show package renew price below/near price Task [CORE-3180] - PayPal: Subscription functionality has been removed Sub-task [CORE-3164] - Order: Show package renew price next to initial price
  25. Blesta version 4.6.0-b2 (BETA 2) is now available. You can download it from right here (Client Area Login Required). Read the blog post announcement at https://www.blesta.com/2019/05/28/blesta-4.6-beta-released/ This is a BETA release. Beta releases are not considered stable enough for production use, and are UNSUPPORTED. DO NOT INSTALL IN A PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENT. Please report any bugs you find in the v4.6 beta bug forum. Installing Blesta See Installing Blesta in the User Manual for instructions. Upgrading Blesta See Upgrading Blesta in the User Manual for instructions. Release Notes See Blesta Core - Version 4.6.0-b2. For older releases see all Change Logs.
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