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Blesta Developers
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Everything posted by Paul

  1. Which layout? The website?
  2. This is sort of in-progress but it's unlikely to make it in the 3.0 release.
  3. Paul


    Looks good! Are those the same colors as the blesta logo?
  4. Paul

    Forum Logo

    I'm not no, back on Monday.
  5. Paul

    Forum Logo

    That's the way to do it, makes it easy if the website is pulling the pricing directly.
  6. Paul

    Forum Logo

    Hey nice! I don't think we got any of the hoodies, let me know how it turns out.
  7. Paul

    Forum Logo

    https://160693.spreadshirt.com/ The "Mens Blesta Shirt", I think the navy blue one is what Cody wore to HostingCon. Available in navy blue, green, and black.
  8. Paul

    Forum Logo

    If I have time today I'll upload it
  9. Just a note on this in terms of PCI -- Blesta logs all credit card accesses by staff under "/admin/tools/logs/accountaccess/", as well as all contact changes, and much more. You can always see when a staff member accesses a credit card, and only those staff members who have the key can view them anyway.
  10. Paul

    Forum Logo

    The new website is built on Wordpress, it makes it easy for us to keep it updated and import all blog posts from the current website which runs Wordpress also. I basically just created a whole new WP theme, and re-built all the pages and content.
  11. At HostingCon this year Cody and I went to a session by Douglas Hanna from A Small Orange titled "Making a Remote Workforce Happen". I was interested to know how you can be sure your remote staff is working (Even though we have no remote staff). His answer was that you pretty much just know. Of course, you have to be paying attention but at the end of the day, check on productivity.. did they get anything done? How much?
  12. That's the catch 22, the more licenses we sell, the more we can put into development. I try not to talk about things too much that are far down the road, and instead focus on the things we are or will shortly be working on but we have enough planned to keep us very busy for a long while. And, the more people that get behind us the quicker things will start to happen. The biggest thing now is to get 3.0 out. I expect things to pick up nicely from there. It's going to be an interesting year.
  13. Not a problem, lol. If it's one thing we do it's think, think, think, think, think, act. Congrats! I have #3 due next month, oldest is 5. Starting your own business is a challenge, that's for sure. Thanks, that's what we were aiming for! That, and a little transparency in this closed source, wacky billing market.
  14. I actually quite like this idea, though not sure how widely used it would be. It would prevent staff from viewing accounts that no user was calling about. Interesting, curious what everyone else thinks.
  15. 6 hour drive is not very close, this is true!
  16. Paul

    Forum Logo

    I'm surprised nobody noticed that I tweaked the logo ever so slightly last week. It was a little blurry and a little larger and had a different divider between the logo and the forums text.
  17. This page is more applicable - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open-source_software Blesta is not free, and cannot be redistributed. It's made available under a commercial license. To contrast, we have released minPHP (The framework for which Blesta v3 is built) as OSS (Open Source Software) under the MIT license.
  18. According to Wikipedia - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_source Blesta isn't open source at all, rather the vast majority of the code is unencoded and available to edit for your own use. While we choose to make the code available, there's a difference between that and open source software.
  19. Of course we have considered Open Source, we contribute to it -- http://github.com/phillipsdata however Blesta is a commercial product and will remain so. Yup
  20. Thanks for your confidence! We can do it with your guys help. I can definitely see the benefits for ease of entry for small hosting companies. Something to consider. We're definitely legit! Real people in a real office, writing really awesome code! If you're ever in the area, let me know, you're welcome to stop by and say hi.
  21. Good questions! We are all full time, and work in the same building in Tustin, California. A lot of other companies do really well with remote staff, but we find that being able to communicate with each other frequently, as you only can in the same location, has been a really good thing. The $99 promo right now is a great deal and it is really cheap. The price will be going up when we release v3 officially and we'll announce pricing soon. It will be similar to our largest competitor, nothing ridiculous. Having a full time staff, and office rent is not cheap, especially in California. But, if we can capture a good 30-40% of the market in the next year or two I think we'll be doing really well.
  22. Paul


    I think you've got a nice name, and the website looks to be starting to come together. Awesome!
  23. We don't need it, so if anyone else wants it, go for it!
  24. I may post the photo later. Never been to Defcon, would definitely like to go sometime.
  25. I think there's a photo of me outside a sandwhich shop in Austin, lol.. I didn't post it though.
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